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Nov 9, 2016
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So I've been living in my car for about a month and been staying in the same area I have my whole life. With winter just around the corner I am planning on heading south. I was hoping that someone could give me advice as to shopping list, gadgets I may need, ect. I unforcently i am working with an extremely small budget. Any advic3 anyone could give me would be great. My car is a 2006 chevy colbolt

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Welcome aboard W94!
Living in a small vehicle will limit the amount of everything !
Give us a list of what you have been using for the last month and maybe we can help you go from there.................
Welcome to the forum Wandering94! I'm a car dweller too. Kudos for figuring out how to live in your car for the past month. You probably know more than you realize. Also, good decision to move south to warmer weather.

Without knowing how you are set up now in your car, it's difficult to give any feedback. So, if you could provide some details that would help us to help you.

In the meantime, I have a blog with some How To articles to show how I have my car set up. They are in the right column at

Finally, if you are anywhere near SW Arizona in January, you'd probably get a lot of good information among friendly folks by attending the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) in Quartzsite. Here is a link with more information --

Safe travels!

Welcome, Wandering,

I thought of Suanne's blog when I saw the title of your discussion thread but she just replied to you. There are a few others here who car-dwell, so you'll want to read some other threads in the Car section... I bet you have begun that!

You may also want to do a forum search on the southern state you are planning to go to. There are several on this forum who live fulltime in FL, for instance. And they often post about free or very cheap places to camp/park.

Honestly I don't a specific list for you, but rather a categorize of things.

Clothe - Just enough for a week, sadly I'm not following this rule and I have a couple weeks worth of cloth.

Food - Only a few days worth of food is needed, I on the other hand have a two weeks worth of food.

Hygiene - A method to wash up, I have a Gym membership

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