Camping with a pressure cooker

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
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For some reason, I thought I would have to leave my pressure cooker behind when I start my odyssey next fall, mainly because it's big and heavy and I plan on using a small camp stove. But my main source of protein is beans, and the quickest way to cook them is in a pressure cooker. (I'd rather store dried beans in a 5-gal. bucket than eat canned beans--it's frugal *and* healthy.) So I googled and came across this page of <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">5 uses for a pressure cooker</a></span>&nbsp;that I'd never considered -- handy! From roasting to canning (though I won't be canning on the road!) -- it's even a great way to quickly purify water.<br><br>Has anyone tried using a pressure cooker outdoors on a small camp stove? That's my main concern. It seems a bit precarious.
Some have suggested that you can, Soak the beans well, Heat the pot to boiling and then wrap in a good blanket to trap the heat in and leave it for some hrs. reheat and leave it again. The pot should hold heat well (thick). the blanket should take high temps without melting.<br><br>I know this works well for rice.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
I have been using a small stainless pressure cooker camping for years, fast and healthy
I have the large pressure canner I used to can fruit and veggies. It's too tall and too heavy for the RV stove. I wouldn't trust a pressure canner on an outdoor fire as the heat would vary too much. I am tempted to get one of those smaller ones for cooking though. I saw some nice ones at WalMart recently. I just may buy one....&nbsp;
To: Blueberry...<br><br>You can soak dry beans overnight before cooking. That's what we do. It works on almost all beans. In the morning I rinse them off and add fresh water. Then around noon rinse again, add water and seasoning and start them simmering. Delicious. I do add some onions, salt, peppers and a pork hock for flavoring.
In the Canadian Military, we used pressure cookers all year round on Coleman White gas stoves. No issues, the ones we used had that little stick looking bit that pops up and lets excess presure off so it does not blow!&nbsp;
just be cautious with letting anyone know you have a pressure cooker.&nbsp; given the boston marathon issue, people are looking to spread false rumors too quickly.
Seriously, offroad?

Why aren't people quiet about the fact that they own guns (50 billion mass shootings) or cargo vans (bombings)? That is ridiculous to suspect your neighbor of building a bomb just because they own a pressure cooker.


To the rest: thank you for this post, I will definitely look into buying a pressure cooker because like the OP, I am a bean eater. Rice and beans, the staples of my life.
yep Squirbel - people have been reported being seen with a pressure cooker.&nbsp; Typically if they have a foriegner look to them.&nbsp;
Squirbel, I have a fairly small pressure cooker (not a canner) -- 5-quart, I think. Here's a 4-qt one:&nbsp;<br>It's half-price right now, so I'd grab it if I were you! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>Mine makes enough beans in one batch for me to eat several meals. I think the 4-qt would work even better for one person camping.
Maybe they should have pressure cooker control laws! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/sneaky.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br><br><img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> LOL .... <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Ziggy, that's being proposed in some state legislatures already.&nbsp; Welcome to the Nanny state were any problem can be solved with the help of government whether we want it or not, and no matter how ridiculous it is. Pressure cookers are evil, didn't get that memo?
I find the "foreigner look" phrase offensive. What looks foreign in America? Geez.

No one in my community is looking at owning a pressure cooker as the least bit suspicious.
think key word.&nbsp; are government seems to be going after key words on recent occasions.&nbsp; highdesertranger
This is reply to Blueberry - I plan to buy a small pressure canner to save propane when we're dry docked somewhere. I've never used one to cook with so will have to learn how to cook with them.&nbsp; I like the idea they cook food faster also. &nbsp; <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img">
Sometimes I think humor/sarcasm is misinterpreted when making comments online.<br><br>I agree with the fact that a pressure cooker is definitely&nbsp;beneficial because it is efficient, versatile and produces healthy meals.&nbsp; So in other words, if you already have one don't leave it behind when you head out on the road.&nbsp; <br><br>However, I also understand what Offroad is trying to convey...<br><br>I may want to be concerned that I <em>just might</em> be put on a "domestic terrorist" list by purchasing a pressure cooker (with or without purchasing&nbsp;ball bearings as well)&nbsp;which would justify me being shot down by a drone on U.S. soil....hint of sarcasm...I think <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif">
The foreigner phrase is sadly true. There are millions of people in this country who will get hysterical over actions of someone "foreign as opposed to the same actions performed by white people. Off-road was simply pointing that out, and I did not take it in a predjudicial way. A different skin color does not make someone "foreign" to me. Unfortunately, it does to a huge part of our population. Don't want a political discussion, but wanted to point out that off-road wasn't necessarily being offensive..

Just imagine if everyone in the world got along and we all helped each other we could travel the world with ease and respect and pressure cookers.&nbsp;
<span id="post_message_1278056748">Sometimes I think humor/sarcasm is misinterpreted when making comments online.</span>
<br><br><br><span style="color: #800000; font-size: large; font-family: arial black,avant garde;"><strong>.............. "YEP!" ...............</strong></span>
RV-Kitty, ask and ye shall receive:&nbsp;<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></span>&nbsp;has everything you ever wanted to know about pressure cooking, along with loads of recipes, beginner basics, and of course, all about how to cook all the different kinds of beans. It's an encyclopedic site. <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img">