I don't drink a lot of coffee, but I'm picky ... it must come from being from the Seattle area <img class="bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" rel="lightbox"><br><br>If the beans/roast is good, I'll take it anyway I can get it ... cowboy style, french press, drip, espresso, instant, even perk. My favorite is espresso.<br><br>Being on the road, I try to balance my method of brew among taste, convenience and cost. Good taste is a must, but, depending on how I feel, I go back and forth on the convenience factor. <br><br>For an espresso, I've found the Aerobi AeroPress makes a great cup. With the exception of an instant, it's as fast as any other brewing method. It packs small, is lightweight, and clean up is extremely easy. Unlike other brewing methods, you don't just wait for it to be coffee, you are actually doing something to "pull" the espresso.<br><br><img class="bbc_img" src="
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31TNP0DGY4L.jpg" rel="lightbox"><br>So, this is where I come clean and tell you that I rarely use the AeroPress. Because my preferred bean/roast of choice is Starbucks (did I say I was from the Seattle area?), I drink VIA. VIA is Starbucks' instant coffee and it's really good and about as easy as you can get. I buy in bulk (50 servings at once) and have found it for as little as $.36 per serving at Amazon. <br><img class="bbc_img" src="
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/416wWialEHL._SL500_AA300_.jpg" rel="lightbox"><br>Cheers, Suanne