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I RANAWAY by staying put. I left the rat race by still being a rat, but a rat who refused to race. (Well not for the cheese they were offering anyways.)
I've been an adult runaway all my adult life - left home the day after my 17th birthday. Traveled the country and by 23 I was living in a tent in the Amazon with no way to get home - but I eventually did. I could fill a few books with the things that have happened since then. Two years ago I left a well paying job with extraordinary side benefits (private jets ,4 star hotels ) to open a leather shop, thinking that would bring me peace, but inside of me I still need escape. I am in the midst of selling off everything, with every penny that hits my PayPal account buying another part for my trailer build. The final act will be putting the house on the market and then I'm gone for good. Mentally I'm already there and I find myself slowly withdrawing from peripheral things. I can picture the day I pull out of this driveway for the last time with my trailer behind. Gives me goosebumps.

This has been my personal anthem since 1974 when I left home

I have done all that and pleased them. I supported them in their decisions ( even when I didn't agree).
>>>>>>Now they will support me, or my life will go on without them. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
....Even work looks the other way when I refuse the hotel.
Don't ask. Don't tell.
B-2 Stealth, Under the Work Wave
Hi Nomads, I'm a newcomer who hasn't hit the road yet. But I love reading all of your posts because it inspires me. I hope to be able to live the nomad life in a year or hopefully less I'm trying to work things out so that I no longer have to punch a time clock. I want the freedom of the open road.
The thing to remember is this:  It's not always all moonbeams, rainbows and butterflies.  Sometimes the authorities will overstep and abuse their power.
Sometimes you'll meet people who are not nice, and some are mean.  

I hate to sound like a bumper sticker, but freedom ain't free.  But I believe most of us here think it's worth the cost.  And MOST of the time, the good far outweighs the bad.  

Sustainable? Yes. 

Good question. 

The post you're responding to is over 3 years old, and the OP is no longer on the forum. I met the OP: he didn't own a van,rv, or TT. Never went "Off Road", and didn't own a tent, either.
Reno said:
The post you're responding to is over 3 years old, and the OP is no longer on the forum. I met the OP: he didn't own a van,rv, or TT. Never went "Off Road", and didn't own a tent, either.

Well now, don't I just feel like a DA?  

:D :blush: