A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

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The area that Lora is talking about is south of Flagstaff off of Interstate 17.
I am there now.
There are three of us here now and I am expecting another soon. Still I or we may come a visiting as that was the whole point.
We are planning on visiting everyone at your camp too and maybe staying a few nights there going back and forth between the camp areas. We have several musicians at our camp with some great jam sessions (ending at a reasonable hour) so we can call our camp 'band camp'. There is someone here with a recording studio set up in his RV where he records people for free and then gives them a free cd of the recording if anyone that sings or plays an instrument is interested.
Send me a private message for directions to 'band camp' if you want to stop in for a visit or to camp here. This is CB's link on facebook to his rolling recording studio: http://fb.com/RollChording 
"This one time at band camp..." (from the American Pie movie if you haven't heard that before)
Regarding band camp, is anyone there that can give me pointers for playing my native style flute? I play it all the time and do YouTube lessns but I'm not real musically gifted.
So far I haven't found anyone that can give pointers for playing a native style flute. You can learn a lot from YouTube videos though so I'm sure you sound good. I would love to hear you play. So far we have several guitar players, several singers, a couple of drum players and a ukulele player. We also have someone here that makes a living composing music for video games from his RV and of course we have the rolling recording studio. 

My original plan was to stay at this location until June 1 and then go to Jimindenver's location but there are several RVers here (one of who started our gathering) who don't want to move because there's a lot more involved in moving an RV they are towing, which is why I am just going to go back-and-forth between the two locations. I think it's a good idea to have two locations anyway just in case one of them gets to 75 people because then we can have some go to the other location. It probably won't be 75 people or more though, but you never know.
This is all starting to get really interesting.
Wish I was close enough to show up !!!
(I have a studio too , old school Tascam and some of my fave processing from pro sound days)
It ain't right I tell ya. It's just not right that you ain't here. :p
I know , right !
Did I just say right instead of not right?
That Ain't RIGHT !
Wheeeeeeeeeeewwwwww , that was close....
I made it down to visit the band camp today. It's not far from my spot, maybe 30 minutes. It was fun seeing those that had collected down there and finding out who planned on heading my way in the future. Some I know from the forum, some the RTR, some new altogether. Max was a hit, he always is. In fact I think he is more recognized than I am. lol

We found a easier way to get to where I am. Get off of I 40 at exit 190 and head in as with Bobs map. As soon as you cross the cattle guard turn left onto 518. Set you odometer there and at 0.8 mile the road splits, stay to the right. It splits again at 2 miles in, again stay to the right. You are now on 9011 which will bring you into the gathering area. At 2.5 and 2.7 miles there are a few rutted areas to pay attention to. As you get into the area at 3 miles you will see our small group off to the right. Right now there are a few forum members with me so there is lots of room in the main area. Stop on by, say hi and stay a while.
dragonflyinthesky said:
Regarding band camp, is anyone there that can give me pointers for playing my native style flute? I play it all the time and do YouTube lessns but I'm not real musically gifted.

"One time at band camp...."  help me out here, doesn't this sound a little like American Pie?????  
Or am I JUST catching on.  

I'm still stuck in Beulah.  Jim, I hope you stick around for a little bit.  My trailer ain't pretty, but it's close to being functional and ready to live on the road again.  The campground host job fell through, since I was trying to "fix" what's wrong with Taz.  Turns out it's not fixable.  I will probably only have Lacy with me from here on out.  

Sorry, didn't mean to highjack the thread and the fun!   :)

I'll be taking care of the "ranch" for the next few days, while my friend and his cousin go off on a road trip. 
Kind of like when you went to pick up Max... "the Once and Future King"
highdesertranger said:
Pat,  what happened to the campground host job?  highdesertranger

I was seeing a Vet here in Pueblo for my dog Taz.  He wanted to do some follow up blood tests in June AND July because Taz's liver function numbers looked marginal.  So, I sent the guy at CLM-SERVICES a "Sorry, can't make it" email.   Then we found that Taz has a cancerous tumor .  He operated , but didn't get it all. 
I'm giving Taz some time to enjoy life here in the countryside 20 miles SW of Pueblo.  

So, in hindsight, I could have made it.  But I've already declined.  And I tore my trailer apart and am putting it back together.  I won't be done by the 15th of June.  

Thanks for asking.  Next year?  I hope!  

Pat, I'm so sorry about Taz. Hope you're having some wonderful times with your pup now.

I am sorry to hear about Taz. Max and I are going to miss seeing our buddy.
Sorry to hear this.
Really bad having to go through that , at least you will have some time together. Hope they are good days.
Jim, I didn't mean to hijack your thread , even though it's about Taz.  He'll always be a member of the tribe. 
So, let's return to the NON-EVENT discussions...  :D
I had planned on being in Flagstaff and attending. Now I'm too far away and want to change vehicles. I'll definitely be ready for AZ in winter. All the best. Roger