A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

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Words to not plan by !
Keep it casual folks...
I saw the liability provision on the application for the permit and was willing to take a chance, but now I'm kindof glad I'm not gonna do it. I like the idea of everyone showing up on different dates and spreading out more.
[aluminum foil hat mode ON]

A couple of points to ponder:

Last year, Bob did not have a permit

Yet when the Feds showed up, they didn't ask "Who's in Charge Here?"

They walked right up to Bob and they knew his name.

This led me to speculate that SOMEBODY in the Forest Service is keeping an eye on this forum, at least the GATHERINGS sub-forum.

Bob had reported being hassled by Forest Service LE even before that. 

It is illegal to LIVE in a National Forest, and the Forest people seem to interpret that as meaning you come for two weeks vacation and then return to your sticks and bricks, NOT move to another Forest location some miles away.

Anyway, it is possible this whole thread is being monitored

[aluminum foil hat mode OFF]
The best history of government tracking is the interaction between the FBI, Berkeley radicals, and Ca Gov R Reagan   It is documented in a book based on 30 years of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits called 'Subversives...' by Seth Rosenfeld. Rosenfeld is a SF Chronicle reporter who was with the campus paper in the day.  Buy it on Amazon via  Bob's link and introduce yourself to the Flaggstaff media. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2012/10/07/books/review/subversives-by-seth-rosenfeld.html
I plan on making it to the Flagstaff area by June 1st. Maybe camp near Williams first. I will be coming from Southern Nevada. I attended a few days of summer RTR last year but had to leave early because I wasn't full timing at that time. That is when I first meet Bob. I spent the full two weeks at the the Winter RTR and had a great time. Leaving in a few days. Hope to meet up with everyone. I spent over 2 months in Ehrenberg also.
Reread Post #43 by Optimistic Paranoid above.  Note his error in the last sentence that it is "possible" this thread is being monitored.  Delete the word "possible" and substitute the word "probable".

They don't need manpower to drive through the forests looking for groups or whatever.  An image from a satellite seen by a desk bound person, a drone flyover, just to start.

I recently flew commercial air to visit family.  As always, I set my phone on "airplane mode".  Once we landed and I turned it back on, I received several texts asking if I had landed yet.  I was shocked to see one that said, "She's landed.  I see it on my phone."  He has an app that can track any phone without having installed anything on the trackee's phone!  Never occurred to me and gave me the creeps.  I turned off Location Services.  *shiver*

Take a fatal lesson learned by Mr. Pablo Escobar: If you don't want your cell phone tracked, you must remove the battery and SIM, otherwise consider it broadcasting to the "public" your location. How do you think SAR folks track lost outdoorsmen? Yep, "ping" their cell or check the call history/locations and triangulate from the tower signals. FYI
There are apps and websites that track the planes too.
It's only a conspiracy theory until you BUST the buggers :D BUSTED!
I sure do wish one of these gatherings would happen closer to Tennessee...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tennessee and Texas ain't too far apart, maybe we could do our own Tenn / Tex GTG, if enough folks are interested
Gary68 said:
when the ranger ask who is in charge 150 people are going to point to Jim :D

if this is the informal gathering,whats the formal? must of showered within the week and have underwear on?

LOLOL, Gary 68, I just had a visual of 100 RVers pointing to Jim and coming up with different stuff "well, he said....",   "no, he said this...", ..."well, no matter what he meant, he said RTR"
jimindenver, I understand your concept and think it's a great idea, but people tend to congregate around their leader.
Standard "I Ain't Right" answer #17.

Well , we all heard this voice in our heads telling us to come here.......I think it was aliens.
Yeah , it was the aliens.
It's all Max's fault. He is calling the shots anymore. I am just a puppet on the wrong end of the leash. ;)
HE might be the alien , got you under mind control ???
Not sure but I know he has had me wrapped around his little paw from the get go.