27 y/o college grad, want to quit job and travel

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I am here. I did not expect this thread to explode like this. I have read through the posts.&nbsp;<br><br>The van idea was spawned from a co worker about 7 months ago, whom as of right now is traveling the country in a small 2 door car, and is sleeping in a tent. Originally he was going to cycle across the country on a bike, but his partner developed medical complications and they had to come back home and have since decided to finish with a vehicle. But seeing that really inspired me.<br><br>I don't know, I just sit and think about this whole idea of what 'life' in America is supposed to be. Goto work, pay taxes, pay mortgage, and if you're lucky retire at 60. The economy has destroyed my parents marriage and left them both bankrupt. They divorced 2 years ago.&nbsp;Seeing that unfold throughout my 20's has impacted my outlook on everything. I just want to lead a simple life.&nbsp;
Hey Shrimpstew!<br><br>Well, I believe you've received some good responses to your thread, and every bit of it is information that you should really consider! <br><br>The ball is now in your court!<br><br>
If you're not going to get an advanced degree (eg: Master's Degree, etc), then the next best thing to do that is cost effective is getting one or two licenses or credentials under your belt to supplement your existing degree. So for example, if you have a computer degree already, then go get a MicroSoft and Cisco Systems credentials so you can do work on these systems which will make you employable with higher pay. Moving out West to the land of Silicon Valley doesn't hurt either! I'm sure you realize that the pay scale is better in places like Silicon Valley (where Google, Cisco, Sun Micro are located) versus someplace in the middle of nowhere? :)<br><br><br>
I feel fortunate to have a degree at all, given the cost of institutional learning these days.&nbsp;<br><br><br><br>
Hi Shrimpstew:

I haven't got one word of advice for you.
I just know that life is wonderful and life goes by very fast...from my end. It might look like a millenium from your end.
Do what makes you happy.

I wish you the best of luck and happiness


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