money is so subjective in how do you want to live on retirement?
I am super frugal and could live on damn near nothing LOL while my hubby ain't having any of that, he wants to 'live in retirement' and be able to afford all kinds of fun stuff out there and nice private cgs and so......
I just know that if we have at least 3K per month to 'do our thing which is more about him than me' and some money in backup we will be ok.
at some point I just get so overloaded on thinking way too damn hard on 'do I have enough money' that I just don't give a flying shi* about it anymore, but that is just me LOL
I got bucks point blank. I can squeeze a penny so far it can make other's wallet scream too in a way but in the end, how you want your retirement to be means you have to react and make that amt of money per month happen......then of course after that, all kinds of massive crap comes into play on life in general and medical issues and more so.....for me, at some point I just let it happen.
We all will have massive financial differences and what we want out of our retirement so do for you on how you want your monthly expenses to support your desired retirement and work for just that. Hopefully you will get to live what you plan.
and from what we see on inflation slapping us down right now, a few yrs more added, your X amt of bucks per month for survival, you best plan in spending alot more than you think and add that in as a buffer. Darn crazy to plan it all out ya know to be perfect on what life is gonna slam us with but in the bitter end of it all, more money good thing to support your life and no money is a bad thing truly cause one can't function in this society in any type of ease without it so....