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So excited, FINALLY saw javelinas on my morning walk! There were two of them, walking down "my" sidewalk, I crossed the street to give them some space. My landlord hates 'em b/c they get into his trash but I had not seen a single one since I moved here. The neighbor two houses down leaves out food for critters, which not all his neighbors appreciate. I'm kind of surprised not to have seen any nice scenic rats, actually. One of the javes went over and nosed the food bucket but it was empty. Other than that I have seen a million bunnies and quail and almost stepped on a rattlesnake once. I heard there are wild burros around here too ... the weather here in southern AZ has cooled to mere double digits; it's heavenly.
I do have a very recently acquired late evening viewing habit on YouTube. I started watching the highlights of that evenings “late shows” the beginning of the program where the host features that days news events and helps to interpret what was being said by whom about goings on things in the news. Laughter is indeed great medicine🤣

Of course there is always a lot of bad stuff going on in the world so I need to counter that with some happy to be alive and camping out in so many lovely places. Trees, mountains, birds, squirrels, butterflies, good books and movies have all been great companions this summmer. I have had a shortage of streams and ocean time though. Maybe next summer I will shift to a different area to get more of that.
Down she goes! The early morning temperature that is. It has now gone into the 30s hear at Tusayan,AZ. But as there is a 40 degree swing between high temp and low the daytime high is in that much desired 70 degree range. Some of the deciduous bushes and trees are just now starting to show some change in color to yellow on part of the leaves. But it is not yet the fall color viewing season. That takes a hard freeze to happen. There have been no 32 degree nights so far. Maybe in another week or two but I will be heading to lower elevation by then.
Mother Nature just turned back the clock! A week of mostly sunny, low 80s for a high is ahead! I do not have to come down out of the forest to the desert for a while longer 🥳

I finally did make it into the National Park today. No long lines at the entry and plenty of empty showers. I filled up my water jugs with the great natural spring water, got rid of my trash and headed back to camp. I just did not feel like doing any sightseeing today. But hopefully one day this week I will head out for a bit of viewing of that very deep canyon. It really is an awesome sight.
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Roll call of regulars for the Chat about anything. How is it going in your life and what are your general plans for this coming winter season? Speak up!

I will start it off. I am feeling content and happy with my nomadic lifestyle. My overall health is not too bad for my mid 70s. Just the usual lifetime of “I could use more exercise” and fewer treats going into my tummy syndrome. I know the cure, it is owning an energetic dog that requires lots of walking. But I am resisting that cure for the dog’s own sanity🤣

I will likely see some of you in Quartzsite this winter at the LTVA for a last farewell winter season at La Posa South before those rates go up to $600😢

I always have a list of projects and work to do if I ever begin to think I might indulge myself in that luxury feeling of being bored. Speaking of which I need to drive into the nearby town and drop an Etsy order in the blue mail box. Then to relieve my boredom I could put an ice cream treat into my tummy remembering to savor every bite of it! It is the little rewards in life that can literally make it sweeter 🥳
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Roll call of regulars for the Chat about anything. How is it going in your life and what are your general plans for this coming winter season? Speak up!
Life is ok. Had a run of interesting luck that is forcing me to fix things I didn't want to fix.

My extra phone screen has been cracked but worked fine. I use it for online and local sales, as well as entertainment. The digitizer finally gave up the ghost. Had to buy a good used phone of the same model and transplant some things. Misplaced my heat gun, so my daughter has a new blow dryer lol. Got that sorted a couple days ago.

Today I realized I broke my cheap, but very needed, glasses. Can't get a new pair immediately because my optometrist is on vacation until next week. Everywhere else will take at least a 7-14 days, as my prescription needs to be updated.

So I'll have to find some plastic framed glasses and cannibalize the hinge using a soldering iron. Just hope I can find a hinge that matches. Otherwise it's tape for a week lol.

Weather peaked at 95 yesterday. It looks to be cooler the rest of the week so I'm happy with that. I really need to get a better routine down now that it's cooler and I can be busier.

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