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It's odd how things affect certain people differently. I got one single COVID vaccination, and never caught it at all. A good friend got four vaccinations, and got COVID four times.
It's odd how things affect certain people differently. I got one single COVID vaccination, and never caught it at all. A good friend got four vaccinations, and got COVID four times.
I generally go with the science and percentages. There is always “outside factors” but the new testing data is really generally amazing in its ability to define the situation of the general population. Lol!!! I’m going against my better judgment tomorrow to visit with an old friend for breakfast at an old restaurant hopefully my supplemental immune system pills are up to the task as my last shot was over 6 months ago.
I never got vaxed & didn't even know anyone that got covid. The airlines all made their pilots get vaxed as did the military so now non vaxed pilots are in super high demand as corporate pilots who don't want vaxed pilots dropping dead at the controls. I have enough hours but my broken back & ALS just screws it all up damn it!
now non vaxed pilots are in super high demand as corporate pilots who don't want vaxed pilots dropping dead at the controls.
Evidence that non vaxed piliots are in super high demand?
Evidence that vaccination causes sudden death?
Evidence that anyone who hires pilots believes that vaccination causes sudden death?
Until you provide evidence, that's just so much hot air.
I never got vaxed & didn't even know anyone that got covid. The airlines all made their pilots get vaxed as did the military so now non vaxed pilots are in super high demand as corporate pilots who don't want vaxed pilots dropping dead at the controls. I have enough hours but my broken back & ALS just screws it all up damn it!
As there is a shortage shouldn’t be hard to get a job if qualified. A vaxed employee isn’t as much an issue unless Covid numbers go back up and countries start requiring them again. Seems to me corporations would be pleased to get anyone qualified in the present market even if they were stupid enough to have previously given up a good paying job because they didn’t want to get a vaccine that millions have taken with few bad results in my opinion but pilots should have a right to determine their fate just like women right? As you inferred once no response means I am right! Lol!!! That’s one of the hazards of blocking people. lol!!
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Pro tip: When a voter questions or objects to a "rule," refrain from acting as an authority or over-explaining. Smile, nod, and say "Because it's a polling place. Yeah." Just keep nodding and smiling like a goof.
Yes on the "nodding and smiling"! On the one hand, you hear some pretty crazy xit. On the other hand, where else are you going to meet such a wide variety of people, most or all of them in a friendly mood?
Yes on the "nodding and smiling"! On the one hand, you hear some pretty crazy xit. On the other hand, where else are you going to meet such a wide variety of people, most or all of them in a friendly mood?
Personally, I found the work very gratifying. My polling locations were very busy--"voting" around 1,500 citizens daily. We sometimes worked as much as 12 hours and there was occasionally some high drama (law enforcement required), but overall, the people were awesome! I had the pleasure of telling one 104-year-old that "next time, you can take advantage of the curbside option, if you like." Priceless.
As noted above, this experience has been quite different from that. I'm glad you had a good time.
I doubt it will ever be combined into a single shot with the flu. There are way too many people who want nothing to do with getting vaccinations for Covid 19 for themselves or their children. So combining it could mean people not getting the flu vaccines. That would be rather tragic as the flu also has a high death rate in senior populations.

I guess I am not an anti-vac we. I have never had a bad reaction to a vaccination, just the typical tender spot now and again.

I have an early 1955 memory of standing in line at my local elementary school with the whole neighborhood, adults and children, lining up to get vaccinated in the first major polio vaccination program. San Antonio had a lot of polio cases. People were relieved that there was a vaccine available. That standing in line with the rest of the community was replayed for Covid 19 shots in the spring of 2021 at the community recreation center in Quartzsite. The worst of it was having to hang around in the heat in April in Quartzsite waiting to get the second shot 🥵

Not too hot today at my campsite, it is clouding up a bit early, a few raindrops are already falling and there is already cool, refreshing, damp breeze blowing.
Not so great for extra solar power but I have solar input to enough to keep my small fridge going until tomorrow morning. That is my main criteria!
You remember getting the polio shot. I remember in my early school years of some of the kids that did NOT get vac. shots. One girl had smallpox scars, one family both daughters had polio leg braces and another with hearing aids from the measles. My mom talks about an ubber religious family that had dad get polio and ended in an iron lung until he passed a few years later. Just before the chicken pox shot was available, I had a child in my class that had serious complications from chicken pox's, his inner ear was scared and now his balance is never going to be quite right. All of these now can be prevented. But I still have a neighbor who refuses to let her kids get any shots.... Seems a bit well stupid to me, but she never saw any of that, all she knows is that "God will protect her children". So far, he has but I think once her kids become adults they will get the shots.

Me, I work with lovely, wonderful little germ spreaders. I always get the flu shot and keep my whopping cough shot up to date.. Now I add Covid and whatever else I'm due for I am a wimp I hate being sick...
Pinch me, I must still be asleep and dreaming! The weather report is showing 10 days of decent summer weather ahead. No significant chance of rain. Not too windy. No afternoon high above 85. Of course a 10 day forecast really can’t be trusted …. But I hope it is accurate

Just normal chores that need doing stuff in my life in the 10 day forecast. But hopefully I will get in the mood to get behind the wheel and do one afternoon or two of local exploring of alternative campsite areas I have seen mentioned in the past.
Sounds like time to get out your solar panels start some fun projects and sing good/badly loudly and enjoy the days. I hope you find a new good spot to hang out.

We are in a mild cool down and the kidos at work get to play in the water (hose and mud) and the dog gets to sleep outside chasin' the squirrels and bunnies. Time to BBQ something and eat ice cream. Life is good!
^^^ my solar panel is always out, it is bolted to the roof. have never had a desire to sing much to the disappointment of my very musical mother who tried her best to get me interested. She directed the children’s choir but not one of her 5 children cared about signing and only one of us learned to play a musical instrument with any competence.

Fun projects are already part of my daily life and happen rain or shine, heat or cold.

My current campmate is a chipmunk, I enjoy watching it foraging and finding lots of tasty snacks to munch on. There is one patch of plants it visits frequently. I think I will use my camera app to identify exactly what plant it is that it enjoys so much. My curiosity about that needs to be satisfied… but not immediately.
One of my sisters is a court-certified interpreter for deaf folk.
I think that is about as caring as somebody could be.
Just a typo, two letters transposed in position. I meant to key in the word singing. Read back
And you will see the context of the conversation was about music, it was not about deaf folk. No need get disturbed, no one was intentionally being offensive.
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I remember getting my polio vaccination in a sugar cube. I had no idea what was going on. We drove to my elementary school, got in a line with a bunch of people, I was given a paper cup that had a red/pink sugar cube. I ate it, drank any liquid in the cup, and went home. I was so confused why we drove there to get a single sugar cube when we had some in the cabinet.