So I'm getting ready to move on (alas, just trading a sticks and adobe for another sticks and something). The volunteer gig I came here for fell apart long ago but I've been stuck here because of some medical/dental stuff that's finally! winding up. Still hoping to /eventually/ go somewhere Spanish-speaking with low cost-of-living to stretch my pension, but need another year here first. Trying to decide between southern Arizona and coastal Mississippi. Mississippi has rivers and beaches and kayaking. Arizona has mountains and that big sky. Per the internet (hahaha) it ought to be possible to find a relatively cheap apartment (hahaha) either place if u look hard enough and don't have too high standards. I'm getting old enough that I'm afraid if I don't get back to kayaking soon I won't be able to. OTOH that big desert sky is really hard to let go. My ankle is better but not good enough for long ambitious hikes yet. Hoping to find a small town, but of course it's harder to find an apartment in a small town.
Those of us who even get to /consider/ choices like this are really lucky.
I hope I pick someplace that Elon Musk never gets interested in as he seems to be the kiss o' death for low cost of living, but good luck psyching him out lol.