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crofter said:
I think we are having a disconnect today Qxxx. 
>>>Correct, the only new S&B checkpoint is on 95.

I guess you were referring to the Border Patrol checkpoint that is about 1/2 way between Yuma and Quartzsite. Been there a while, made of metal and concrete. Or is there a new one since last winter?
travelaround said:
My county recently had its first covid death and the number of active cases rose from 4 to 74 in only a few weeks.
Sorry to hear. Unfortunately, this thing has been seeping into every corner of the country, and they are saying the major spreading is now taking place between people who know each other. Eg, my niece in Newport Beach got it somewheres and brought it home to the twin 2-YO daughters and the father. 1 quickly becomes 4 due to living arrangements. Luckily they were all mild cases. They are also warning people off of gatherings for Thanksgiving for the same reason. One case can easily become many.
Usually we have community Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners here but probably not this year. Even the Bigfoot Jamboree got cancelled this year.
I had a white knuckle drive in the wind driven rain just after dark on highway 101. The kind of driving day when 20 miles feels like three times as far. Now I am stopped for the night at the tribal casino in Lincoln City Oregon. The security guard here escorted me to where hec wanted me to park. Said it was Ok for me to stay one night without going inside to register. But also gave me the phone number for a shuttle bus to come and pick me up right at my trailer and when I was ready to go back would take me back to it. I will just get a burger and go bacjk to my nest for some rest.

Of couse now that I have stopped for the night the wind and rain have also quit. I know tommorow is also supposed to be windy but at least I will be able to see the road ahead in the daytime. If the driving goes OK I will be somewhere in Northern California tomorrow afternoon. I am going to try to be on the road just after daybreak. And find a place to stay before dark if thevweather wears me out I will stay at a casnocasno Florence Oregon instead of doing a long day of driving. Oregon .

The last times I was in Lincoln City was when I came here to buy my travel trailer. But weatherw ise that was a much easier journey to make and I got to enjoy some beach time and camping time too. but not inside the trailer, it was a total mess of moldy carpet covered walls and  broken up cabinetry. Its come a longs ways from being in tthat condition.
My eyes are terrible during rainy nights. All of the traffic light reflecting off the wet surfaces really messes with me.  I had to resign myself to the fact that it is not safe for me to do..and so I don't.
Glad you made it safely.

You are switching up your climate pretty darn fast. Yesterday around 5pm the windstorm finally made it across the cascades and reached us here on the Idaho border for most of the evening. I wish I too was headed out of the cold and grey.
I just turned on my diesel cooktop heater....because now I can actually use it. :heart: 

 But now I jhave to crawl out of bed and shut it off because I am feeling  nicely sleepy and want to get an early start in the morning.

Pllan on taking 101 down to where I can cut over to 10 then across and perhaps check out the camping situation in Ehrenberg for a wweek or so as  it is close to stores with supplies for my build and places where I can pick up things I order from Amazon. I have driven across 10 a couple of times but not since Christmas time 2001.
Qxxx said:
>>>Correct, the only new S&B checkpoint is on 95.

I guess you were referring to the Border Patrol checkpoint that is about 1/2 way between Yuma and Quartzsite. Been there a while, made of metal and concrete. Or is there a new one since last winter?
Here is some interesting reading for you on the checkpoints, Qxxx. Way more of them that I thought.   

Description: link to wiki article and links

ACLU article
It really amazes me how the American people like my grandfathers did having been born in 1896 and 1898 did surviving Tuberculosis, WWI, the flu, the depression, WWII, Korea, and all the disabling diseases they couldn’t cure that we have vaccines and treatment for today. Covid 19 is a big challenge but really the only major one for almost a generation. It sure seems we have not been able to use the strength of a United States of America to help each other overcome and conquer it. It seems the internet has been more of a impediment than a help with all the misleading, incorrect and just plain lies it has allowed to be spread. What ever happened to being held liable for your statements? Do people not get sued for spreading false information? I can understand ignorance especially with our education system but stupidity should have consequences.
bullfrog said:
Covid 19 is a big challenge but really the only major one for almost a generation. 
I am wondering what you see as crises in our lifetime, which affected essentially 100% of the population.

The crash of 2008 was mostly serious for a limited number people, namely banks, people with all their funds in the stock market, and those with subprime loans. Bad, but not like the Depression of the 30s. 2008 had a straightforward route for extrication. Bernanke bought up the subprime mortgages, and the gobmint added $10-trillion to the natl debt via economic stimulation. So things steadily improved for 10 years after the "Crash".

Also, 9-11 really had only short-term impact on most Americans, and was otherwise very localized. In the 80s and 90s, things were fairly good. Aids only affected 1%. In the 70s, inflation was high, but a lot of people made money off the high interest rates, oil was extremely cheap so the embargo didn't really have a huge impact, and the Vietnam war mainly affected only young men. Then in 1979 Volcker brought inflation under control via monetary policy, still used today. The 50s were pretty mundane and the 60s were mainly some demonstrations by limited interest groups.

So I don't see anything really akin to the serious impact covid is having on "everyone" in America. Besides health matters, which are only now beginning to get really bad, it's greatly slowed the overall economy. This will never recover until covid is controlled.
My grandfathers were not really to concerned with anything but their gardens and their health after 1970 and I agree with you nothing has affected Americans like Covid 19 and the problems it created for us in trying to deal with it since then. There have been events that could have equaled it but because of intervention and prevention were stopped from creating problems (costing thousands of lives) for a majority of people in this country. WW II brought about education of many and we profited from that advantage for several years until veterans lost most educational benefits or they were no longer automatic in my opinion. I used to believe people with lots of money were smart as they enabled others working to make this country better for all, not so much anymore as it seems many are just better at manipulating the uneducated masses into a work force to increase their own wealth and power.
bullfrog said:
I used to believe people with lots of money were smart as they enabled others working to make this country better for all, not so much anymore as it seems many are just better at manipulating the uneducated masses into a work force to increase their own wealth and power.
A recent discussion on NPR mentioned how the biggest problem with corporations today is they are too concerned with short-term profits for their stock holders, and golden parachutes for their CEOs, than with how they can be of better use to the general welfare of the nation as a whole. Of course, that's been obvious for several decades now.
more deleted posts.

boy I sure don't want to close this thread.

so instead of closing it I am putting restrictions on it no more "chat about anything." from now on no more covid or how this person or that person or group of people mishandled it or if this or that is worse. you guys are just bickering. drop it now. next covid post on this thread will get warning points.

Qxxx said:
... corporations today is they are too concerned with short-term profits for their stock holders, and golden parachutes for their CEOs, than with how they can be of better use to the general welfare of the nation as a whole. Of course, that's been obvious for several decades now.
I been outsourced, downsized, overqualified and underpaid, obsolete, disabled, and replaced by a machine. To survive economically  in this country you need many talents, an able body, and the willingness to change, as you will need to reinvent yourself every five years or so, in my experience.  -crofter
Ok, no bickering, no politics.  I'm glad I caught all these posts and read them before they were deleted though, they were  interesting...

On other unrelated news, I finished my auxiliary electrical system, and proudly present it to you for inspection, in case I messed up something and you will catch the mistake before I set anything on fire.
Currently it works fine. I only need to add one 100 Watt panel.
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crofter said:
I been outsourced, downsized, overqualified and underpaid, obsolete, disabled, and replaced by a machine. To survive economically  in this country you need many talents, an able body, and the willingness to change, as you will need to reinvent yourself every five years or so, in my experience.  -crofter
I think you got that right Crofter. Sadly.
crofter said:
 you will need to reinvent yourself every five years or so, in my experience.  -crofter
Been there, done that, all my life. All in all, I had more "professions" than I had "jobs". Every 5 years or so, I'd get bored or totally fail at something, then start all over again. Such is life.
Sofisintown said:
 proudly present it to you for inspection, in case I messed up something and you will catch the mistake before I set anything on fire.
Smoke tests are a standard part of building something like that. If it smokes, then you learn something. That's why they have fuses. Nice heavy wires, how did you crimp them? Where does the Bluetti fit in? (yer lamp is creepy, ya gonna sleep in the same room with that, lol).
00 I want to talk I want to say something I want to respond to some things and I know that I will get edited and cut out so just imagine what an old conservative Pennsylvania Dutchman would respond to things about NPR etc. then get mad at me and I won’t get edited because I didn’t say it you just imagined it. Smile everybody

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