Time to tie down my cloth bags of kitchen stuff and foods. Looking forwzrd to getting cabinet drawers made this next month so I can skip that particular get ready to move chore. Still dark out set my alarm for 5 am but woke up just bevore that after a good nights sleep. I am foftunate to sleep through noise which makes camping in casino lzrking lots or rest stops posxible. Not the best for security though. Like much in life there is an upside and a downside to such things. Not traveling with a dog also makes parking lot camping easier as that fur covered security system is not going off all night long. Of course not all dogs do the guard dog behavior but many do. I would enjoy the companioship of a pet but it is not a realistic option for me; too complicated, too expensive, not enogh space. Too bad that a stuffed animal does not still give me the kind of enjoyment children get from them. I used to love my stuffed dogs, I had two of them when I was a young child, no teddy bear though.