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Time to tie down my cloth bags of kitchen stuff and foods. Looking forwzrd to getting cabinet drawers made this next month so I can skip that particular get ready to move chore. Still dark out set my alarm for 5 am but woke up just bevore that after a good nights sleep. I am foftunate to sleep through noise which makes camping in casino lzrking lots or rest stops posxible. Not the best for security though. Like much in life there is an upside and a downside to such things. Not traveling with a dog also makes parking lot camping easier as that fur covered security system is not going off all night long. Of course not all dogs do the guard dog  behavior but many do. I would enjoy the companioship of a pet but it is not a realistic option for me; too complicated, too expensive, not enogh space. Too bad that a stuffed animal does not still give me the kind of enjoyment children get from them. I used to love my stuffed dogs, I had two of them when I was a young child, no teddy bear though.
Hope your son will be alright Bullfrog! ... reading is a great idea.. I could even read them the book I wrote... could get a copy for Kindle... might even already have one on one of my Kindles.
I did pickup a nail in that patking lot at the casino. Noticed a rea r tirelooked a bit low when I stopped foe a break in driving. Went to a gas station but there compressor was broken. Went to tyhe next town up the road and noticed a Homde Depot and as I went to pull in there to stop and use t he internet i glanced over and saw a free air check sign. Tiurned out to be a tire store. Getting all new tiires put on. The one tire was repairable but as the manager pointed out they really did need replacing due to age. Fortunately the did have some tires in stock that fit it. So now I am unhitched in their parking area, sitting in my trailer doorway waiting for them to change out the tires. Nice to have my own wIting room with food, beverages and potty. Delay in schedule of course but not a major one. buBut it is time to think about where I might camp for the night. I had planned on possibly a county park tonight but I wont make it to the one I was considering.
Hope you found a good place to park, Maki. Today I  noticed a lot of possibly viable trees in my neighborhood (on burned properties) have been marked for cutting. Disturbing! I notified one neighbor as nearly every tree on her property is marked. My trees which are not viable are not marked.. home owners are upset about this and questioning who is taking wood they rightfully own. And I'm wondering why they're not interested in taking down trees that are obviously burned and never going to grow again.

Rain almost all day. Heavy rain sure is loud on the roof of the van. I guess my RV still isn't emptied so don't know when I can move into it.  Oh well.. there are books to read so all is not lost.

Heavy equipment was trucked into town today to start the cleanup efforts and there's a huge tent at the river park to house the California Conservation Corp as they are helping with cleanup and erosion issues.

TRAFFIC in town has increased because of all the out of town workers coming here. Some of them seem to think it is a place to rush and cut people off, not realizing we're on a different timeline here that allows for slow and neighborly driving habits.
"" nearly every tree on her property is marked. My trees which are not viable are not marked.. ""

................Perhaps the viable trees are identified ?......Protect from further damage.....Good Luck !
Onion sandwiches help keep others a safe distance as well! Lol!!!
desert_sailing said:
... whip up some runza. I wonder how to make a variant of that in the van.
What is runza? Details please! And I agree on the tang, also makes a great hot drink. 

But sad to say no onions in there. I wonder if a garlic sandwich is the same? I have garlic. -crofter
what did I say about covid discussion on this thread. there are plenty of threads for covid discussion or start your own brand new thread. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
what did I say about covid discussion on this thread.  there are plenty of threads for covid discussion or start your own brand new thread.  highdesertranger
OK. -crofter
Reading about your food made me think about things I spent money on to store in my kitchen for future use. Strange how all that can collectively disappear so quickly. Not complaining as it appears that I'm going to be fine financially. Just have to wait and see the final outcome. Meanwhile I'm so happy I have this cozy van to sleep in tonight.
I did find a safe place to park tonight. Unfortunately not a cheap place, It is a KOA campground. But I ran out of daylight because the tire shop was late getting my new tires put on. They found 3 of them right away but tire number 4 was elsewhere and they had to do a time consuming hunt to locate it. What can I say, life happens. That is OK as I got to have a great hot shower in a heated bathroom! Plus I had a lot of orders come into today in my Etsy store and now I need to cut more inventory so I have more product available to sell. Plus it makes it easier to do the print the postage paid shipping labels out when I have shore power hooked up. I will get my money out of being here by working instead of just hanging out reading and such. Well I had better get to it. I have to drag the cutting machine out from under my bed and get it set up and then go out to the car and get out the cutting mats and cardstock. I don't want to be up all night long, I was up early this morning and am already tired. Fortunately I am in a pull through spot and did not need to unhook, that will save time tomorrow morning.
crofter said:
What is runza? Details please! And I agree on the tang, also makes a great hot drink. 
I've never tried tang hot... Sounds nice and warming on a cold day... Maybe cinnamon sticks with it?... I'm thinking like the market spice tea... Is that a northwest thing or is it common wherever?

Runza is a yeast roll that is filled with ground beef.. and cabbage or kraut and onions...a german hot pocket before microwaves...

Our school used to serve it when I was much much younger..   and I hated them at that time.

I can only imagine the amount of waste on those days. Few kids like onions or especially kraut or cabbage..... Even the name runza encouraged a lot of bathroom humour for elementary kids.

They are delicious now as an adult and I never had the runza because of them. The strong yeast flavor with the tangy kraut...mmmmm mmmm good.

Hmm.. just read about it in wiki.. according to them runza was modified and named here in the states from bierock... Which is a germany russiany item.
travelaround said:
Meanwhile I'm so happy I have this cozy van to sleep in tonight.
Is there anything better than counting blessings and being thankful.?

I'm glad you keep marching strong.
Getting closer to sunshine lands. I will be in Southern California in a few more hours. But here in Salinas the roses and geraniums at the RV park are still in bloom.

Been busy this morning, cutting kits that I was low on in the inventory,  Castles are currently in the cutting machine, A few more kits to cut and I will pack the tools away and hit the road.I will do the packaging this evening after I get to a new stopping place. Not sure how far I will get today. Might need to stay at another RV park if I only get as far as Santa Barbara area. If that is the case then I will do more cutting this evening whjch gives me better value for the money It cost than just being lazy. 

If all goes good on the road I will soon be out on BLM land. But there might be times in December and January when I will want to stay in an affordable RV park to do another inventory making blitz of activity rather than running the generator for hours on end. Got to pay for the new tires I just put onto my wheels and self employment is what I need to do for that so it takes priority over working on build stuff or traveling for fun.
So glad to hear you're already in warmer territory, Maki.. I am still sitting in a rainstorm in a pretty park here in the Klamath River Valley.  Just had a nice to-go lunch from one of the local businesses.. I like to buy from them occasionally to do my part to help keep them in business.
I'm still living in my van. My daughter hasn't cleaned out the RV but since she's more than 8+1/2 months pregnant I told her not to worry about it. I have no problem with continuing to live in my van. Honestly.. not sure I'd want to sleep elsewhere. I'd probably miss the sound of constant raindrops.
Could not find a place along the coast that was affordable to stay and it got too dark to find a decent boon docking pull in spot so....I took a short break and grabbed some snacks at a grocery store in Santa Barbara allong with a coffe and went for IT, it being taking advantage of not so heavy traffic on all those miles and miles of freeway in The Los Angeles corridor from 101 at the coast then up to the top of tne pass on I-10 .

I am posting tnis l at a rest area about 80 miles east of Blythe. Of course the coffee has not yet worn completely off but hoping to  catch a few hours. of sleep before daylight.  I am pleased I pushed on through as it was a lot less stress to transit across that area at night versus doing it in daytime traffic. The car and trailer came through the journey like champs. Just stayed. in the truck lane on the steep parts of the journey. I think they deserve a bath as a reward for good behavior.

I will have to give a shout out to see if anyone from the forum is in Ehrenberg. Of course I will stop in Blythe for a while to get myself oriented for things like shopping, post office, Amazon Hub locations etc. need those respurces for supplies for my build chores plus business stuff and of course groceries. also need to do laundry before I go find a place to set up camp.
ah rain drops on a tin roof. music to my ears. we use to call it popcorn rain quite soothing.

Maki, dang psycho drive. I don't blame you one bit.


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