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desert_sailing said:
Small world.. my sisters husband is a pit mechanic there. If you get bored and want to go have a beer...
I wasn't sure exactly where you started out..but why are you going north?..lol it is getting cold at nights. I hope you are staying snuggly in your rig...
I have plenty of earm bedding for t he cool nights. When I get around to hooking it up I also have the most deluxe item in my build to keep me warm. It is a special diesel ceramic cooktop. The lid on it lowers down and the it becomes a heater. It has an exhaust vent and no open flames as well as being very thrifty for fuel cost. But expensive to purchase it.  i bought it some years ago.  the Pacific Nw rarely has warm nights evennin the summer.

I will have to pass on going out for a beer. I am an at risk senior and we are not supposed to do things like that. Not an issue for me, I dont do much social drinking other tnan coffee now and again. Coffee makes me downright chatty due to the caffine.
"Put up my magnetic base weeboost antena on the cat today."
How did the cat react?
Kitty says "ouch" ... at least, my kitties would take offense.

Skoolie got moved into my backyard today. Nobody will ever know it is there. At least, it can't be seen from the street. My son trimmed away half the apple tree to make this happen... and I hope he'll come back in a few months to trim the other half. It desperately needs pruning big time. Maybe it will make better apples if it gets pruned like it should. I really think it hasn't been touched in five years or more. Way out of control. I have so many inedible apples to pick up!!

And then I discovered a beautiful pear tree in my son's front yard, with pears that are sweet and edible - and so we went to pick up pears... my daughter got enough to make a cobbler with. She loves to cook. While I was gone she harvested blackberries from my yard for a pie. I have LOTS of blackberries. Blackberry brambles are like alien invaders and they WILL take over if not cut back severely.

Anyhow, breathing a sigh of relief that skoolie is moved in and they can have this place to work on it as long as they need to. I'm still unloading my van. Can't do it in the heat of the day. I'm better off inside with the air conditioner on.
I got quite a few kits cut today once Ingot all the supplies I needed from the stores and got everything setup for cutting. While I was at Lowes I gought a 20" x 36" pine panel so I can put in a much needed desk top area to make packaging kits and using the computer easier.

Noise all day from the speedway track hete at the fairgrounds. No spectators allowed in but there were so many participants lined up this morning waiting to get in they still had plenty of people in attendance. The noise did not bother me too much as I was making my own noise as well.

I have realized I really need to check out more audio books from the library to listen to while I work. The radio gets pretty boring.
I spend some of the day painting the cabinet doors and the face of the drawers. One turned out ok, the other I messed up, and have to re-work it. Some days are like this. :-/
This is the ok one. The other is bad. Still...
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Lots of talent required for that! Looks lovely and it is certainly a very personalized interior.

You wil have a ready made job as an itinerant painter, an interesting and very ancient way to make money while living on the road.
Beautiful painting! I would love to be able to paint like that.

Well, good morning everyone. I have a dr. appt. at 2 and otherwise, should spend time continuing to unload my van. I haven't had the strength to do it all at one time, so a box or two or five each day... that's how it is going. Slowly getting more van space back.
Random Painted Highway said:
Love the painting!  What medium are you using, watercolor?  Anyway beautiful artwork!
Thank you RPH .
I used acrylics ( the little $1.00 bottles Plaid paint from Walmart).
I spray it with clear glaze when it dries, and it becomes very durable.

And Q; Yes, you can paint fabrics too, with fabric paint. They make paints for every surface imagined.
I see that amazon sells artsy-xartsy fabric paints, but a little expensive for painting a 5'x9' mural on the inside carpeted wall of a van. BTW, in my minimalist van, I just hung a blanket with pseudo-Navaho design on the wall, so it wouldn't look totally like a warehouse in there.

tx2sturgis said:
Wow...a doctor appointment on a Sunday...we got nutting like that around here...

I wrote that first thing in the morning when I thought it was Monday already. I realized my error in time to watch a few church services.

  • I will be visiting the doctor tommorow. UTI, it must be at least 25 years since I had one of those so I did not recognize the early signs or I would have seen my regular doctor in Seattle a few days ago. Fortunately there is a clinic just a couple of minutes away. While sorting through stuff today I did rediscover where I had stashed my little electric heater. Just in time as it began raining and the temperature dropped  right about 8 pm. Now I am warm and cozy and I can turn the heaster on when I wake up.
Qxxx said:
I see that amazon sells artsy-xartsy fabric paints, but a little expensive for painting a 5'x9' mural on the inside carpeted wall of a van. BTW, in my minimalist van, I just hung a blanket with pseudo-Navaho design on the wall, so it wouldn't look totally like a warehouse in there.


And Walmart sells fabric paint dirt cheap. There are like beer size bottles for 2 to 4 dollars.
I don't bother with art stores, unless wally's and Home Depot are out of it.

There's nothing warehousy about carpeted walls in a van. The passenger vans are mostly upholstered one way or the other. I guess I can mural-up the carpet if I spill something on it and I can't  clean it or hide it!

For now, all the artsy-ness is on the cabinet doors.
I just finished the second one.


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Sofisintown said:
There's nothing warehousy about carpeted walls in a van. 
That's true, I was referring to the bare white walls of "my" van before I hung the blankets.

Very nice drawings, all the things vacant from Wisconsin, ocean seashores and mountains. Your heart is in the west. Cool.
I thought I was drinking plenty of water but it turned out that I did not have a UTI, instead I was dehydrated. One of those things where taking the muscle relaxers causes slow bowels which means medication to balance that which in turn took water out of the rest of my body causing the dehydration.  Good news is that I do not have any infection or kidney issues. The fix is to increase my fluid intake to 2 liters a day while I still need the muscle relaxers while working on my build. Not a forever situation but one that will linger for several more months yet.

Today's priority task is to finish putting in my desk area. It has to be trimmed a hallf inch shorter in length. I will use my jigsaw guided agaist a straight edge for that task. I did a temporary install last night to make sure it works OK for size.
Sofisintown said:
...For now, all the artsy-ness is on the cabinet doors.
I just finished the second one.
It looks great! The mountains and lake remind me of a corner of Wonder Lake at Denali in Alaska.  I get tempted to paint on my interior..LOL.. I figure I better hold off til I can be in the presence of a master like yourself.
I have seen people take pictures from a magazine and adhere them and then put a finish over the top... I need something like that or stencils.images.jpg


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