Boy Gypsy108... sounds like you made the right next move. Like Maki said, life in the confines of a vehicle isn’t for everyone. A good view always helps... best wishes on your new ventures.
Maki2... I like that you can pick and choose your projects. All while living a life of luxury... haha. Well, comfortable to me is luxury. Back at the sticks and bricks I made an attempt at maybe building out my latest acquisition of a cargo trailer. I did a no build build and used it for a little cross country run to my celebrate my oldest turning forty. Upon arriving home I was ready to chuck my truck camper and truck and just build this thing out and get a SUV... something gas anyways. But I’m thinking about slowing down and making a more careful approach. Oh, I’ll work towards building the trailer out... but just the thought of finding an adequate vehicle... makes my mind spin. So I’m going to take the summer and do what I can. I’ll insulate. Add heat... power... the whole shabang! Once I take off this fall, I’m not sure my plans on returning. At $6 a gallon, diesel is not something I can afford a lot of at one shot home. I’m just going to have to figure out what all I can afford. I did learn living in the desert was a viable way to spend my winters. Also, having grandkids all west of Rockies makes my driving to northern Minnesota more of a burden then a necessity. So, I’m rethinking a lot... but I will continue building what I have to keep options open. I just may not come back this way... now that the weather is like perfect, it’s hard to think otherwise. But seeing everyone able to chill without long drives is very appealing. I could maybe afford what I have then... hmmm. conundrums!