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I do not know how many in the caravan as I have not done a count. Plus people come and go, some were people who are motbfull time and jst came out for a few days of social time. Some stopped by on their way to other destinations. There are some women who were in the women only caravan but that location was too cold and windy so apparently some of them haved moved to this mixed gender group. But Ibthink they have decided to move that group over close by to this group so that is in flux right now. That was precipitated by a major wind storm which will generate around 53 mph gust this Monday, (Columbus Day) afternoon. So between 25 to 30 or so vehicles at a guess? It is earlly in the season so that seems about the right kind of numbers. I do not know whatbthe count is for the mens caravan or the womens. But I suspect it is more of a merging into one location happening as there locations were rather still too cold as well as much windier.
I was not out and about a lot today, just going out for a few breaks from work now and then. A nice mix of work plus some play breaks. That feels like a very good balance for my head right now. Not too much of one thing or the other. Better than too much reading or internet time.

As to how many new to the life versus people who have been on the road for a while. I suspect it is a pretty even spllit. I know Imhave been able to help out some new to the road persons with this, that and.the other issues.

I think the main thing to realize about this caravan is you are the person on cvontrol of how you spend your time. You can spend most of the day socializing or none of the day doing that. No one is pushing on anyone but you will be made to feel that you are welcome. Some people are parked way out in the distance, others are parked close by. I am parked very close to someone else by invitation. But as I am in a lower clearance rig I do not have a lot of choice as this area was the only entrance off the main road into the camping section where in not going to bottom out. But I do not mind being that close at the moment. Sometimes for sure that close of neighbors might well bug me. Maybe this fall I am just more of a Chameleon and finding it easy to adapt my to my surroundings.

Of course being shallow about such things it really does not matter to me if you would love it or hate it or fall somewhere in between. I am just being open to new experiences and not prejudging things without checking them out. After just a few days I can't even begin to fully understand the "culture" of the tribe or if there even is such a thing as a tribe with a culture of iits own.
Sounds like fun, Maki. I might join a caravan one of these days, if I ever get out of this valley I'm in. When I talked to RV Guy a few days ago he seemed positive about having time to start work on my van soon. He still hadn't ordered the solar panels, due to changes he wanted to discuss with me first. The other job he and the carpenter had been working on for a disabled man is nearly done. They renovated a 5th wheel for him and have found a place to permanently park it in Yreka. They just have a few things more to do there and need to help the man move from the motel to the RV park. Then they'll be free to work on my van project. So.. progress is being made. Still, I don't anticipate getting on the road before the snow comes. I'll probably be here all winter again. (sigh)
Glad you got back safely, ta. How was the drive?

maki, I hope you are enjoying being with others, seems like you spent the summer mostly to yourself if I remember right. If things were
a little different, I'd be heading down that way myself but it's not going to happen this year. :(

Still wading through Medicare. Seeing my broker lady on the 19th and I have literally 40 questions written down so far. At first I couldn't get into researching at all. It didn't interest me. It was too confusing, too much to learn. I finally got bit by the interest bug and hit my stride.
Congrats on trying to understand Medicare and making progress on that, Wandering One... I hope you can explain it to us when you've finished your study of this confusing topic!

You asked, how was the drive. The daytime drives were marvelous. The nighttime drives were stressful. The California freeways were stressful and I'd be happy never driving on another ever. I don't mind two-lanes and four-lane divided highways are my favorites. Anything more than that freaks me out. By God's grace I got through it all unscathed.

I managed to stop at some small town libraries and points of interest. Even on the last day... I stopped at Subway Cave in Lassen National Forest. Good for a hike on a long driving day.



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I’m battling stuff that keeps my energy down Gypsy 108... but it’s the lure of getting outta here that keeps me motivated. Come mid November if I’m not outta here already, I’ll leave no matter what! Plan is by the 11th! A month away... (I usually spend early November in the woods here).
TA, I may beat you yet on the solar? Haha! Glad you made it home... I hope you can break away too at some point.
Maki2, sounds like a great group forming... laughter is great medicine.
Wandering Soul... good luck on the Medicare thing. The actual Medicare isn’t the issue as much as who a person chooses to either supplement or administer it.
With the temps getting back down more normal, I’m getting motivated to get packed and go...
Tomorrow night I’m thinking of resigning my job.
Like retiring... (hanging on to some summer income of course.)
My trailer is rocking like crazy this afternoon, strong constant winds and even stronger gust. But just about at the peak of the storm now. I took my screen room down this morning as the gust warning was up to 67 mph and this is a valley parralel to the wind direction during the stongest phase of this storm. Being the desert that also means lots of dust in the air. But the good part is that the strongest winds will only be about av4 hour period. Bit of rain has also arrived with the peak of the storm.

It will be windy most of the night and some tomorrow but after that it looks to be nice weather ahead. Which means plenty of solar power and I plan to take advantage of that!

I do want to work on my generator though, I need to switch a carb jet over to the one for use at lower altitude. That is so I can use my jigsaw and trim router should I decide to do some more work on finishing up my cabinets.
Travelaround..positive thinking, you still might make it to Quartzsite for some winter fun in the sun if your van gets much of the work done on it in the next couple of months..
Maki- don’t blame me you opened the door. You said it was a windstorm that was rocking your Trailer Well you know the old saying “if the Trailer is rocking don’t bother knocking”. I’m sorry you know how juvenile I am and I can’t help it.
Nature Lover .. be careful when posting jokes...you just might fall down laughing and hurt yourself. Be sure you fasten your seat belt just in case
Just was informed that there's covid in the trailer park I live in and my grandson was exposed to some other child who was exposed to it. And now the elementary school is shut down again (third time recently) . . . good thing I've had no close exposure to my grandson since I got back, but I worry more about his parents getting sick. That whole family has been resisting vaccinations.

I've been continuing to isolate myself most of the time since coming home. It is hard to get enough exercise in a travel trailer! Since I've have a hard time getting up I have a new exercise - rising from a sitting position without using hands, ten times in a row. I'm doing that twice a day. I think it is better than nothing.
You can walk, bicycle, and get exercise outdoors, just stay away from people.

I see people outdoors, with no people in sight, and they're still wearing masks! Viruses don't hang around in open air. Less than 7 minutes of direct summer sunlight is said to kill viruses in summer, and about 30 minutes in winter sunlight.
I might walk but my bicycles burned in the fire last year. I never wear a mask outdoors... only in the post office and store here.

Honestly - lately I've been feeling weak and frail and I get tired easily. I think the answer is to get more exercise. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think traveling is more healthy for me as I get out and take a hike most days, exploring some place or another.

Being here in my hometown I just want to hide in the travel trailer and stay away from people. Part of what I like about traveling is knowing I'll probably never see any of those people again. I like being unknown.
Okay, I went outside today - to the Post Office and store... and to visit my cargo trailer over on my property where we moved it right before my trip to San Diego.

I need to start buying propane again soon. I've not needed it during the warm months but will need it this winter. It is already getting cold here and heating with electricity is too expensive.
I don't have to do it where I am now but I remember preparing for winter when I live in North Idaho. Making sure there's enough firewood and propane. Bucket of wood ash to sprinkle on the trails when it gets icy. But there was nothing cozier than being in that cabin on a winter night with the woodstove going.
I just recovered from my second bout with Covid.
Apparetly, the protection of the initial one lasted 17-18 months. This time was not too bad. Loss of taste, smell, low grade fever, and some weird pain in my back. General weakness. It lasted 3 days this time, and then I was ok. I tested negative about 10 days ago.
The first time it went straight to my lungs and it was scary. But that lasted 3 days too. No lung infection this time.
Weird disease.
At least we get paid for Covid off-days at work. That's where I got it anyway, both times.
I'm glad you came through okay, Sofi,  and I hope you have no lasting ill effects.  I had covid in January and it was quite mild except for one day and then for lingering fatigue for about a week after. It didn't seem to affect my lungs at all.

I can hardly wait to get my booster. Covid scares me. It's such a strange disease how differently it can affect people.
Keep an eye on it Sofi, had it for the second confirmed time in April... now how many months later I have the long hauler stuff and it’s worse then the covid. I guess my doctor is sending me to the Mayo. I should just have him send it right down to the Phoenix Mayo... haha!
Sure feels good by the wood stove today. Rainy and cool... 47 degrees at 11:30. Hmmm. Might have to turn on the heat.
I liked Maki’s response to nature Lover... well not the coffee in my nose. Haha.
Stay safe all... and healthy!
TravelAround, years ago (maybe 30), I met an older lady who said she had been sitting in her van so much that she was getting weak and wobbly. She decided to exercise by walking around her van, with one hand lightly sliding on the van for balance, increasing the number of circles every day.

The next time I saw her, she said she was feeling better, and her balance and stability had improved.
She’s have to change her name to walking around.
I think the people that do best are those that live more outside. I imagine TA is a good be outside person. But traveling to So Cal is quite a haul. After my jaunts west I’m usually pretty wiped when I get home.
I may have to push my way to Arizona in November. But once there I’m planning on way less miles per day.
Too much time indoors will certainly make you tired and weak. Cause and effect. It also can cause depression.

Heading out to the evening gathering in a while. I will put on a bunch of layers of clothing as it gets chilly afrer dark. But at least the wind is dropping off now that the sun has set.

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