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My neighbor got mild heat exhaustion about 6 weeks ago with all the normal symptoms, only he didn't get better after a week so I took him to his doctor in Price, Utah about 180 miles away. They drew blood and confirmed mild heat exhaustion, verified he had some internal organs swollen, prescribed a steroid and scheduled a follow up appointment for four weeks later. About a week later he was worse and called the doctor who contacted a PA who was at our temporary clinic and they changed the dose of his medication. A week later he was worse and had lost 30 lbs. so we returned to his doctor who took more blood for further tests and sent him to the little hospital for a MRI as well as he had a previous back injury that also had a history of causing him pain. 30 minutes after driving 180 miles home the doctor called and said to get him in the hospital as his white blood cell count was extremely high, so off we went. I called the next day and the hospital couldn't determine whether his spleen or kidneys were infected so the next day he was transferred to a larger hospital in Murry, Utah where they discovered hid heart was infected and after scoping it gave him the option of 6 weeks of monitored antibody treatment and possible heart surgery to follow. He had had some tooth pain months ago, but because of Covid 19 did not go to the dentist, he sure wishes he had now as they doctors feel that may have been the original source of the infection. Guess the moral of the story is don't let Covid 19 prevent you from maintaining and talking with medical help when you get a problem.
Yes indeed tooth infections can damage the heart, the brain and also destroy vision.
Dont forget that in the spring and summer of 2020 it was very difficullt to get an appointment to see a dentist. At least it was that way in Seattle. The dentist were pretty much closed due to the N95 face mask shortages.
All these Covid complications make me wonder if I want to travel "out there" when I feel so safe here in the remote forest sitting here alone in a travel trailer for days at a time. Of course I do have to go to San Diego in September. I wonder if my van will be ready. Also may go to Hawaii next year for a few weeks, for a family gathering.

I've been given an application to have a home built on my property by a group that donates free labor. I'd have to pay for materials, but I don't have as much as they're asking, so I'm applying but not expecting it to be approved. I'll be surprised if it is. The group's goal is to build 80 homes here for people who lost their homes in the fire. They have two floor plans - two bedroom or three bedroom. All the homes they build will be of these two floor plans. The larger home has a nice porch all along the front but I don't need a home that big. My daughter said she might build her home slowly over a period of years as they don't have any money to contribute for materials right now.




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Travelaround you can be "out there" and still have the ability to sit in your "home" by yourself for days or weeks at a time. You are the person who has decided that being out there must mean constant travel. It does not have to be that way.
From the start I knew I did not want to do constant daily travel so I don't. You imagine that you will feel so restless that you must be constantly on the move. But that is not who you really are. Your nature of loving to spend many hours a day curled up with books says exactly the opposite. The 14 day limit stays will be exactly right for you. It will push you to see new things but allow you plenty of days for reading. You won't be in constant daily exposure to a lot of people.

Find your best affordable life style that brings the least stress and the most joy to you. Stress is a killer of joy and health to seniors. But unfortunately there is some stress for every choice and that is what has you sitting on a fence wondering what the right choice for you is.

You will know within 6 months if full time van life suits you. It is your dream and has been for years. Building a house can wait that long, your land is not going anywhere. Get on the list if they say yes but offer to be further down the list.. Let the people who are offering to build it prove themselves reliable on someone elses property. Besides the cost of building materials is still coming back down. Now is not the time to order a lot of building supplies. If you truly enjoy van life after 6 months you can give your place on the list to someone else on their waiting list. Or a great deal on a used fixed modular or mobile home might come your way during those 6 months of van life.
travelaround said:
All these Covid complications make me wonder if I want to travel "out there" when I feel so safe here in the remote forest sitting here alone in a travel trailer for days at a time. 

I've been full timing for nearly two years now, and I can assure you I spend far more time camped in one spot than I do moving! And I also spend most of my time alone.

So what's the difference between me living in my apartment and me living in my van? I spend my time doing exactly the same things, whether I'm in an apartment or a van - reading, listening to music, knitting, watching movies, a little sewing, and taking walks, with an occasional trip to a point of interest - and, once in a while, I spend some time with someone. I'm a natural hermit, after all.

1) Living in a van is way cheaper.
2) Whenever the weather starts to pall, or the neighbor or the neighbor's dog/cat/music/kids start to drive me nuts, I'm not tied down.
I was in Costco this morning to pick up my glasses and they had Timber Ridge zero gravity loungers in stock for $69, $20 less than buying it online. I sat in it and it was surprisingly not all that comfortable. I'll stick with my Swankie chair (vinyl strapped like the one she gave Fern in the movie)

Also, Costco had no toilet paper and all paper products and bottled water were ONE PER CUSTOMER according to the white board at the end of the aisle. And I was there right at opening. He said the truck they were supposed to get this morning did not show.
I am lurking behind a tree in this post, peaking out once in a while to see who has something to say.
Stay away from trees nature lover, your liable to get hurt again!
I am in a fugue state this week. No longer disassociated from my happy nomadic life by the recent health issue of infection and pain but not yet back to a normal level of mental and physical energy that allows me to do the things I would rather be doing instead of mostly just watching videos and reading.

Time to make breakfast, coffee and kick myself into doing some actvities. I will have to literally work myself out of this fugue state with increasing my level of physical activity. That takes will power which is in short supply in fugue states. But camping solo means no one else is around this week to entice me into activity. This is when having a dog to walk would be very useful as they don't let you just say.. go away, I am tired. Too many unpleasant consequences if you try that excuse on them.
Wow, Maki…never heard of that before (fugue state).  Sounds like something I’m going through myself .   But i rebel at what I should do to help myself.  I listen to the devil on my shoulder instead … haha. 
I can’t believe that damn infection hasn’t cleared up yet …(?)

I’m at a all time low.   The only thing that makes me happy is to make jewelry.  But I ain’t selling anything… only 2 people  bought stuff… and I know them… I’m ready to just throw in the towel & give it all away and forget about my dreams & ever accomplishing anything… nothing is working & I don’t care to play the game… I’m so angry at everything & everyone….

I was born on the wrong planet .
My infection is cleared up but that does not mean my body in general is fully back to normal. Antibiotics zap you by killing off good bacteria as well as bad. That means weekks of time when you do not properly absorb nutrients, the antibiotics are still working for a week ot more after you stop taking them. I was on penicilian for close to a month before the surgery and the super stong antibiotic. So basically now I am in a state where I am still rebuilding my health back up to being normal. It is going to take a while longer, recovery does not fully happen immediately after an infection is gone. Think about how long it takes to regain your energy after something like a flu or cold, that too takes about a month after those infections are done before you feel fully energetic again.

My plans for a lazy morning are gone. An order for 3 more kits came in. I will be cutting and packaging for a while so I can ship tomorrow. So no going into the national park today, that will have to wait. But maybe I will go to town later in the early evening it is only a 1.5 mile drive away.

Gypsy108, building a customer base and reputation is not going to be instant. It took me years to get there and I had to use media to get there. Not just social media but also print media in magazines and newspapers and taking the effort to get my work in local galleries as well. Not every gallery was responsive to my products but a few great local ones were. I inroduced myself to the media people, sent them photos of my work, suggested articles for stories. Media is always looking for something to write about. Your work is good, give it a try in a local about your neighborhood online blog. Start local, put up your own blog so that local media blog can post links to. It. Traffic on the internet brings more traffic. If you want sales it is going to take more than just opening an Etsy store, you have to become a personality of interest, a brand name that people talk about with other people. Putting beads together is not enough, you have to create the romantic fantasy to go along with it. You have your "hook" into the fantasy, a gypsy life. Get your vehicle to looking like a gypsy wagon. Tell your boyfriend you are doing that for publicity reasons. Be interesting and fascinating, even if only in print and in other people's inner fantasy. They want more romance in their life. You have to provide it not just in products but in the marketing. It will help you build self esteem to become the person you dream of becoming.