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I've got it in my head tonight I want to rent a class c and go see the Badlands. Id just do it in my minivan but I'm not sure if I trust taking her more than a few hundred miles from base.

Maybe I wouldn't want to come home.
Once you see the cost of renting a Class C you will be willing to completely rebuild your minivan! Lol!!!
^^ Yeah, I looked, it is pretty painful! So is buying a used one.

I watched a few minutes of a Youtube last night, one of the 'famous' vehicle dwellers. She was parked in her Class C in the grasslands at the edge of Badlands park, comes out of her rig in the early morning with her cup of coffee and it just looked so beautiful and peaceful. I wanted to be that person right now. lol

Plus, I've never been there, never been further east than Montana/Colorado/Texas.
Woke up, had a beverrage and went outside and set up my s
Popup screen room putting the wind/rain shields on all sides of it. i was in avrace to get it done ASAP in the brief amount of time bbetween rain clouds passing overhead. Just as I got done and came back into the trailer a sprinkling of rain showed up. I still need to move my generator into there and run the cable to the trailer. That shelter is quite handy for a generator garage.

No I do not run the generator inside the shelter while I am in there too, I know about the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Quiet day at home so far - hopefully will do some reading. Spent the last hour or more looking online for Transit van accessories, especially a spare tire carrier and a ladder. Did not find what I want at a price I want to pay. The search continues.
Travel, the telescoping ladder are the way to go compared to a fixed ladder. You need to be able to get access on all sides of the vehicle. A fixed ladder will not provide that essential versatility.

Doug ie Abnorm, is a good person to talk to with about these types of decisions for setting up a taller van. It will be a money saver to start out with what actually works well versus doing van specific catalog shopping. I dont travel in a tall van so I defer to the experienced member who does. Not all the collapsing ladders are created equally, some are harder to use than others so do ask people for which are the esdiest to extend and collapse. It makes a huge difference in ease of use especially for older persons who are not as strong as we used to be. I know that Doug has a good brand of easy to use ladder as I used it when working on the roof of B&C 's camper van.
Weather forecast for this coming winter has been officially anmounced by NOAA.  it will be anmother La Nina winter, sames as last year. For the southwest that means drier and warmer than normal. Ok by me :D
I just ordered a pair of those mesh window 'socks' for the front windows. They have good reviews. I'm excited to see how they work.
maki2 said:
Weather forecast for this coming winter has been officially anmounced by NOAA.  it will be anmother La Nina winter, sames as last year. For the southwest that means drier and warmer than normal. Ok by me :D

So we should have a cold, wet winter here.  There was lots of mountain snow but we didn't get so much snow here in the valley.  I don't remember if it was the year before or the one before that but boy, did we ever get dumped on.  The landlord was in Mexico like he is every winter and that year his son didn't go so he was home to do the plowing.  He kept pushing the snow to cut off my access up to road grade level, I kept having to dig us out.  I finally got a long stick, stapled a bright piece of batik fabric to us for a flag and put it where our path was shoveled out.  He knocked the flag over and piled another 2-3' of snow over my shoveled path.  We finally had a discussion about it. lol
i wrote in my calendar /diary book to LEAVE on August 2.............................................................i wonder if i will do it...
my heart says yes............
And your friends say yes.............
Would be cool.
But... totally your decision.

Anyhow, thanks for telling me about the telescoping ladder. I want to be able to get to the roof to clean off the solar panels and remove snow in case that happens again. It probably will.
Nice to wake up to sunshine. The weather radar map shows no clouds anywhere in Northern Arizona but they still have a flash flood warning posted for the area so maybe there will be some late this afternoon? Anyway it looks to be a pretty decent next few days of weather, not too wet and not too hot. I am going to take advantage of solar input later this morning to cut a few cardstock kits with my machine. Also do some more build work on my trailer interior. Howver I absolutely do plan to have a balance of work and play this 14 day stay by a beautiful National Park to which I have a pass to enter as often as I wish.  I plan on going there this afternoon for an inexpensive shower and a walk along the paved rim path.

ne morning when I am up early and in the mood I will take a free park shuttle bus out to the east. it stops at the various vista points. The shuttles run frequently so you can get off and stay a while at any point or do the trail walking path hikes between the stops. I can't do long hikes where you need to carry a day pack but I can do shorter length walks where just a water bottle clipped to my belt is enough of supply. So the shuttle thing is great for me.
Been a fan of free camping near National Parks for a long time. It makes things easy. It is even easier if you can work or volunteer and get a full hookup site inside the park!
My body & mind is CRAVING negative ions !
Must be a sign…………………
I was handed a lifetime America the Beautiful Pass when I went to the Hoh Rainforest trails in May and asked the lady at the booth if there was a discount to get in for disabled. I was so happy!

I really need to get out an use it. I've only seen the Grand Canyon once and it was a quick in and out. Kids dad was amenable to going to a lot of 'touristy' places as long as we drove through as quickly as possible. maybe stop once or twice to look at something like over the edge of the wall into the Canyon or look at Yosemite Falls.

A couple life situations need to change first though.
Cut a lot of inventory, 22 kits, for my Etsy store today. I eventualy ran out of solar input between it being late afternoon as well as cloud cover moving in. So I got out my little Honda generator and kept on cutting for a couple of more hours. No rain today but I did have the generator under cover in my screen room just in case the northern AZ monsoon season decided to do its normal late afternoon thunderstorm thing. Tonight I will package up a couple of kits that need to ship tomorrow. The rest of the kits will get packaged in tbe evenings later this week while I listen to audio books.

I don' t really feel like working on my build or my business stuff. One of those blah moods when absolutely nothing feels all that appealing to me including sleeping. That is OK, there are truly far worse moods I could be in than just feeling blah so I will count it as a not that bad of a mood. On a scale of 1 to 10 it might be a 5, right in the middle in the neutral zone.

In a forum you either hear how happy and excited people are or how stressed out, sad or angry they are. But not too often do people talk about the middle ground, that is because it is boring to be there.. lol.
^^^I get that way when I have to wait on things I used to be able to go ahead and do myself to get done by someone else now a days.
@Maki - where do you put your generator when you move to a different campsite? Where does it ride? Do you have gasoline still in it when you drive? What brand it is?