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I FINALLY just got to see a Starlink train. Well, 2 out of 27 anyway. lol

There were two bright ones, one right behind the other, and then 3 very dim ones.

There's supposed to be a longer train and a bright sighting in a few more minutes but
it will be north and I've got a hill between me and north.
Shadowmoss - I hope you have everything packed up and are on your escape route now. If there's any wind, 12 miles is too close. No reason to stay and deal with the smoke, even if you're not in immediate danger. Please let us know what happens... Let us know when you're out of danger.
Right now we are staying put, but tightening up.  Mom is moving from her senior housing apartment into a 5th wheel here in the park where I live in the summers, same town.  The new manager had too many rules.  We have her stuff spread out.  Today we need to get some organization, with the idea we need to be 'Ready', which is the official level before 'Go'.  Mom is 90 and still drives her small Kia.   I'm getting the motorhome straightened up for possible moving.  The weekenders are here, and that is when a lot of the fires start.  There are fewer this weekend as folks were told to stay home, and at least half of the options are closed to them with the road.closures.  last year the fires stayed south of us.  This year they are closer, up in the pines.

Short answer, we aren't leaving yet, but keeping an eye on things.
Okay - hope you and your mom will be okay, Shadowmoss! I know from years of living in the Klamath River Valley that smoky air days are not much fun. Seems like every year there's a fire in the valley so we can count on it happening, especially later in the summer and fall, until rains start. Of course last year was the worst when we lost 200 homes. This year when the smoky days start, I hope my new van conversion is done so I can drive... elsewhere. Seeking clean air.
We had a really bad fire here one year, I think it was 2012, and it was smoky for a couple months. We had a temperature inversion for a while holding that smoke down in the valley and it wasn't budging, only getting worse. It was awful. I used to see this woman at Fred Meyer, she'd put colored elastic on her N95 masks to match what she was wearing. lol
I am not a bbundle of energy in the morning but I will have to try to boot myself out of bed early to get the varnish work on the cabinet doors done. Today got much too windy and the UHV and other traffic on the forest service road had the dust coating eveything blowing right into my campsite.

Early mornings the wind is fairly calm and only the fishermen heading out at dawn are out on the road. Plus it is nice and cool but still in the right temperature range for putting on varnish. anyway that is the plan...if I can jump start myself to fire up my body that early.

I streamed the movie Nomadland from Amazon Prime last night. Not too expensive, $2.99. it was pretty good. Seems to be quite a typical story for quite a few people I meet on the road or in this forum which is of course the point of the story line, an easy to relate to emotional situation.

Unexpected strong wind with a shower just kicked up. Time to close the windows and lower my hatch.Those thunderstorm cells can bring a bit of havoc. But it will likely be brief. Supposed to clear up by midnight and be sunny tomorrow.
Not much happening here. I was sick last night and this morning and have spent the day regaining strength, resting, and occasionally reading. With the new private internet connection I can even use the TV that came with the trailer. I should watch Nomadland again while I have this opportunity.
A we get to try a 1 night camp out tonight. Sounds pretty small, but first night out since hubby broke his leg. We have to go . It's our friends wedding and good bye party. And since the wedding is here and we are considered 'the elders' of both sides we are supposed to be there. I don't know what the heck 'the elders' are, but anyway it gets us out for 1 night...... I think 'elders' is short for "We got you to host this silly show for free" and you get to be the workers so here ya go.
Any way we will see if Hubby can do this or not, just 1 night so if it is to hard we are home soon enough.
vanbrat said:
A we get to try a 1 night camp out tonight. Sounds pretty small, but first night out since hubby broke his leg. We have to go . It's our friends wedding and good bye party. And since the wedding is here and we are considered 'the elders' of both sides we are supposed to be there. I don't know what the heck 'the elders' are, but anyway it gets us out for 1 night...... I think 'elders' is short for "We got you to host this silly show for free" and you get to be the workers so here ya go.
Any way we will see if Hubby can do this or not, just 1 night so if it is to hard we are home soon enough.

Baby steps is the way to go! I bet you'll have fun...
We will be headed to Red Lobster today with my hubby, mom, sis, two nieces and one of the niece’s hubby to celebrate Father’s Day. I hope his daughters call him today.
Cammalu. Eat some of that great coconut shrimp for me at red lobster. I go there about once every 18 months and always order the same thing. And those rolls oh my are they good.mm

As for Father’s Day I got surprised by an email from my second to youngest son. One out of five isn’t bad . a few years ago I got an email from the oldest son that said only two words the first will begin with a F the second one began with Y. So getting a nice email from one of the boys was a pleasant event.

We’ve had a run a very nice days here in Pennsylvania but the heat and humidity are going up now again. I’ve been staying at a farm with friends, been here many times before. The five boys who live here been very helpful to me. I see the doctor again tomorrow I have another x-ray I hope to get back in the woods very very soon. God bless the nomads each and everyone of them especially those eating out at red lobster
I wish we had a Red Lobster, I haven't been to one since the early 90s I think.

We do have an Olive Garden and I keep hoping it doesn't do very well
and the company changes it to a Red Lobster. lol
I can' t tell someone not too worry or be bothered if a child does not call on fathers or Mothers day, on birthdays or holidays because everyone is entitled to decide for themselves what their expectations are. but I can tell you that not everyone pays attention to such dates and forgets to pay attention to them and some people just hate the commercialization of them so dont like the pressure of the expectations.

If you really want to talk to your family or friends then just pick up the phone or write instead of waiting on them to get in touch.  it is OK to call them and say, its father's day and I really wanted to talk to you today. Better than feeling miserable that you did not get a call from them.
Quiet day here today other than the Foest Service Fire ranger truck driving into the area I am camped on. There are several camp sites further back in than mine. He did not get out. I suspect it was drive through inspection after last night's thunderstorm and the weekend of camping to look for signs of smoldering fires. A lot of territory to be covered in one shift.
Maybe the forest ranger has to keep track of where people are currently camped in case of fire evacuation warnings, should that become an issue.

Last time I went to Red Lobster I was in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho with my daughter and her family. Someone at another table paid for our dinners! We weren't informed until after that other person left the restaurant. I thought that was an amazing thing for someone to do.

Of course, here in the boonies there are no Red Lobsters or Olive Gardens. In fact, there are no full-service sit-down type restaurants here. Right now all we've got is a deli and a pizza place. Even when I go to the county seat of Yreka, 70 miles from here, there are no Red Lobsters or Olive Gardens! .. not that I've spent one minute thinking about that ever, until now.
Happy Fathers Day to the fathers here!

I identify with the issue of not receiving greetings from children on my special days... though usually I get something and I do count how many children contact me. I love the phone calls. I usually get 4 out of 5.

I have one daughter who has been estranged from me for twenty+ years already. She was raised by her father and his girlfriend after about age 7 and has never been willing to tell me why she won't talk to me. I don't know what they said about me to make her hate me. She's never been willing to discuss anything with me. I went through all the many stages of grief over this situation and now am at acceptance and forgiveness, for all involved.

So, Nature Lover, I know your pain and am glad you know that Jesus loves you even when others can't. I figure if you get the Jesus seal of approval the rest doesn't matter, but I do pray for my estranged daughter as I hope God won't judge her harshly for the pain she's put me through.

I, too, have an estranged daughter and like you, I pray for her. My other daughter went through a phase of siding with her sister and ignoring me, but eventually her eyes were opened and we are reconciled and she is wise to her sister's ways now. I really feel for parents of an only child if estranged, though.