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maki2 said:
Sequim does not have any carnelian beaches but there are some very good sea glass beaches near Sequim.

Oohhh thanks!  I saw something recently about a glass beach near Port Townsend that I didn't know about.  That will be at the end of my trip.  I really love Port Townsend.
wanderingsoul said:
I've been looking at Ocean Shores because that's where I'm headed for first and probably the one that I'm hoping for not too much rain for.  Gonna walk out to the end of Damon Point and see if I can find a carnelian or two.  All the times I've been to Ocean Shores I've never been out on Damon Point.
When I was in High school... It was always referred to as Open Sores. The area is beautiful but I could never get the visual out of my mind.

Port Townsend on the other hand.. amazing little village.
I like Ocean Shores. Great sand for castles and driving on. Don't forget the fish and chips at that little blue shack place I'm trying to remember the name but... Dang I want to say Moby ????something or other. But not sure if that is right. Best fish and chips anywhere! Any time we go there we have to get some.

The senior center has good Sunday breakfasts and good junk to browse through. Very good biscuits and gravy.

There are always good winds for kite flying, and horses to rent to ride the beach on. scooters to rent and just a good fun spot to spend some time.

Oh ya a nice little casino too. Right on the beach.

Not the same type of little shops as Port Townsend, but still enough to keep you busy. If it is still there check out the fun little toy/puzzle shop. They have puzzles for the best of anyone who ever bragged to much.....
desert_sailing said:
When I was in High school... It was always referred to as Open Sores. The area is beautiful but I could never get the visual out of my mind.

Port Townsend on the other hand.. amazing little village.

We were thinking about moving to PT in the early 90s, looked at some amazing houses for sale for what now would be a very reasonable price.  I wish we'd done it.

Man, I had a craving so when we stopped by the store on the way home from Leavenworth I picked up the stuff to make pico de gallo.  Except for a lime.  Thank goodness for my next door neighbor who always has them.
Well, the curtains don't come as close to the ceiling as the other way I anchored the bungee cord but this is going to be a  lot easier.  Plus I can clip the sides to the seatbelts.  Tonight I'll put my lantern out there and see how well they block the light from the front windows.

Looks so cozy. Your bed and bedding sooo soft.

I used bungie quite a bit for " curtain rods"... Doesn't take much weight to get them sagging a bit.
I pulled mine as tight as possible and put a screw in em.

Maybe one in the middle and one at each end?

Great area rug you have there!
:heart: Looks very comfortable... bed is higher ?
Cool saris.. love the area rug  :heart:

Some battery powered candles will make it cozy at night.... that was my plan if I still had my van.... :(
Gypsy108 said:
:heart: Looks very comfortable... bed is higher ?
Cool saris.. love the area rug  :heart:

Some battery powered candles will make it cozy at night.... that was my plan if I still had my van.... :(

The bed looks higher because I put a second sleeping bag under the sheet for cushiness.  By the time I get the 14" cot frame in there I'm worried my face will be against the headliner. lol  I am glad I ordered it though for being able to store stuff under it, otherwise I would have no open space back there once I'm done loading it up.  

I've got a string of USB fairy lights, battery candles would be pretty. :)
WanderingSoul:  Looks good!  If the gap at the ceiling in the middle of your bungee-rod bugs you, you can fold the fabric over and create a "ruffle" above the casing the cord goes through to fill the gap.  One line of stitching is all it takes.

Question:  Lime juice in pico?  I just make mine with salt (along with tomatoes, serrano peppers, onions and cilantro, of course).  It does sound good though.  What's your recipe?  Last night, I made the mistake of adding lime juice and soy sauce to hot fajita veggies in a cast iron skillet at the end.  That is normally not an issue, but I just recently refurbished and reseasoned the skillet, and the acid in the lime juice caused a touch of flaking.  Oh well...
Yes, lime! And it doesn't have to be much. I just diced up red onion, tomatoes, minced cilantro and threw in a small can of diced jalapenos. Added some kosher salt. It tasted ok but even better with the juice of half a lime.

Surprisingly soy sauce makes good Mexican recipes even better. I live in an area with a high Latino population. A co-workers mom sent us carne asada tacos to work for dinner one night. Took a bite. "Is there soy sauce in this??" She said yeah, her mom adds just a little to quite a few of her recipes. Her family is the one that runs the best taco trucks in town. I could just barely taste it, it was so good in there!

I didn't even sew the saris yet for the curtains. They're just safety pinned, in case I decided not to continue using them. If I end up sewing them I will definitely sew a 'ruffle' for the top, they're long enough. I folded them in quarters and they're still dragging on the floor by about 8". Saris are LONG. lol

edit: Almost forgot. My son's co-worker bought an old hearse and drove it to work today so I got to see it when I dropped son off at work. Son got out and said "She's planning on doing the same thing you did with the back of your minivan!" So of course I had to get out and go look at it. Told her to look at no build videos on Youtube and Bob's channel. Some interesting possibilities there!
Here's the hearse!  When I looked in it this morning I noticed the floor seemed really high, she said there's a big empty space underneath so there will actually be a lot of room back there once they get that floor out.

GRRRR had the van packed with all but the cooler and the last load of undies in the drier and the dog bed was in and just about 8 hours till we left.
Best laid plans and all that. Hubby wanted to mow the lawn once before we headed out. Ok it will look better longer. Then he slipped on the hill in back and broke his leg. So he will need surgery and he is grumpy in pain and of course trip is now off indefinitely. Oh yea we had a few tons of bricks and cement and lumber delivered late today, it was supposed to be delivered last week, so now even that is on hold. Like I said best plans etc.
I'm glad we were home so he can be in his comfy bed and we have our support system people around us.
Sorry about the rant just frustrated.
wanderingsoul said:
Here's the hearse!  When I looked in it this morning I noticed the floor seemed really high, she said there's a big empty space underneath so there will actually be a lot of room back there once they get that floor out.
Does it have a motor under the floor for moving the heavy boxes? if so it might have some useful electric power.
Yes, there is something motorized back there. I'll ask about it tomorrow.
That so sucks vanbrat. Really, really bites. So sorry.
3 days in a row starting around 630 am I've had a damn robin attacking my bedroom window.

It is relentless and goes on for hours. I taped up some shiny plastic and paper but this critter is determined to darwin itself off the chain.

Any suggestions before I get the slingshot out?
No suggestions. We used to live in the western foothills of the Cascades. Many mornings a Steller's jay would stand on the edge of the roof over the bedroom sliding door and peck the hell out of the gutter so I would bring out treats. I was trained well, so I did. lol


My cot frame is coming a day early so I can finally start loading up the van yay!
desert_sailing said:
3 days in a row starting around 630 am I've had a damn robin attacking my bedroom window.

It is  relentless and goes on for hours. I taped up some shiny plastic and paper but this critter is determined to darwin itself off the chain.

Any suggestions before I get the slingshot out?
Tape plastic painters drop cloth over the window, and wait for breeding season to be over. The bird sees its reflection in the window and thinks it is a rival. Link to bird brain site with full explanation.

Whew.  If I cut 1-1/2 inches off the legs, I'd be able to sit up perfectly straight.  My 2 bins fit underneath plus there is a lot of extra room to stash soft things.  The big basket that holds all my gear like butane stove, lantern, etc. actually fits better now.  Once I'm done ferrying people around Friday I can put the passenger seat all the way forward and have even more room. :D 
