“Nightlife” at RTR 2018

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Just like most things in life . . .

“You get the masses and you get the *****.”

Time to cut bait.

Just my opinion . . .
an observation brought on by an old memory related to common sense & manners (that some lack)

Imagine, you and your significant other are looking at this (Silver Falls near Salem Oregon) on a beautiful summer day...


In the distance there is a group of four hikers in their late 70's, until this the only sound has been the falls, birdsong and peeps quietly sharing their AHHHHH moments looking at the falls... (Note there is NO wildlife in the area to be conerned with such as bear or cougar to "make noise" as one hikes to ward off the critters).

It is now apparent that an elderly lady in the group has her cell phone playing opra music so loud her friends have to raise their voices over the music on her hip to hold a conversion.

My point? Dumb has no age barrier. I've seen high school peeps and twenty somethings with more common courtesy.

The idea of Acoustic would be great in the MO RTR area...if they want to "party like a rock star" they can take it to the next level elsewhere (this is coming from a guy who ran 8 record shops in the 1970/1980's and has had brunch with the Stones, Dave Mason, Dolly Parton and beyond...i like music, create Trance on my iPad weekly for several years...but never impose it on anyone else)

A big factor is the acoustics of the desert and the wind.

On the specific karaoke night in question, I am 150ft north from them and could barely hear it. The wind most likely was amplifying the music in a way nobody intended.
Actually, the truth, straight from a BLM official to myself, (so it's not heresay), said that there were numerous calls into law enforcement from NON RTR people. Other groups camping in this same area called 911!
Hmmm my post above posted while I was writing (my phone refreshed mid stride) then wouldn't let me edit so here was my final post that didn't post.

Actually, the truth, straight from a BLM official to myself, (so it's not heresay), asked me if I was camped in the music section. I said, "nope." Then they said to me that there were numerous calls, over 50, into law enforcement from other NON RTR groups and individuals camping in this same area.  My understanding was that calls came in from even the east side of Quartzsite, but not sure if they meant calls came FROM Quartzsite or went INTO Quartzsite 911. That part I didn't quite understand. But...what I did understand was that the complaints were NOT from RTR people but from OTHER CAMPERS! 

Come on people, the music camp was to be a place where people could listen to music outside their vans, have a radio going while chatting, and where standard music was acceptable while going about your modifications, etc. Bob didn't like hearing your music and said that your music should not be heard in others domains so he separated the camps. That way, y ou could listen to your tunes while going about your day and the people who wanted to "listen to the wind," could do so in peace. It was NEVER meant to be, nor set up to be, the "rave" section. There are other campers on this desert other than us.
The main issue here is respect. I had a pair of fifth-wheel trailers camp on top of me. I camped away from everyone so I didn't bother anyone. If you like it quiet don't camp on top of or around someone who may not be in line with your idea of camping. To be honest the MusicRTR is on a hill and this is a bad location, it should be down as low as possible with dirt banks on every side if possible (Yes, I do have a suggestion for a good area). This is a similar issue to the dust bunnies. If your good time interferes with someone else's good time, you should examine what you are doing wrong.
I cant tell where the music area is....I wish they had it turned up loud enuff for me to hear it over here or send up a flare or something.....on the other hand, some nearby campers have some classic golden oldies playing so it's not all bad...
Maybe someone could ring BLM and ask them if they could allocate a section for music and karaoke for the next meetup for 2019. somewhere far enough away from the sleeping quarters.
Next time the camp will be flat. Much closer to town, and real close to the rangers station.

Uncle Donald is officially aware of the RTR.
I'm aware of the area for the next RTR and I know a very good spot. I'll go GPS it tomorrow, maybe.
I know I’ve heard bob say numerous times, don’t come if you’re coming to party, because that’s not why he created the rtr... so why are there so many suggestions about how to make the music camp better, we are lucky that he even designated an area at all, which I’m sure was mostly set up for those who like to gather around campfires with an acoustic.

This rtr has been just great. But without bob none of us would be at the rtr, so maybe just respect his vision and be grateful.
Exactly, there were a few pre-RTR videos posted, one on camp ettiquette and one saying if you’re coming to a party, that’s not the purpose of the RTR. It’s not meant to be Woodstock in the desert or a massive rave session, we’re sharing camping spots with many many people, and have to respect people who are camping, not there to party.

I read comments on YouTube criticizing Bob for saying “rangers with their guns” will be out. But there are LEO rangers who have the power to arrest and they carry guns. Bob said the rules were going to be followed strictly, and I totally agree. With that many people, you have to keep a tight lid on things.
Look it's simple, people don't like to be forced to hear others music but in the same respect you should not force silence upon another either. There is a middle ground and music camp was created. It's not party camp or a bar it should be a place where all are welcomed to come and enjoy music and conversation. Yes, while I loathe karaoke I would never make a policy against it (not that I have that power nor would want it).
It wouldn't be a problems if folks FIRST read the rules and then if they decided to attend follow them. Of course there are always those few that believe that rules were meant for other folks and not them.
No luck finding the music tonite....maybe they moved it? 

I kept walking towards the loud sounds and it was dark of course, no way to navigate...I ended up near a guy projecting movies on the side of his van....I kid you not. Could not find the music section...off in the distance I hear many things, singing, clapping, people laughing, all coming from 10 different directions. 

I wish they had a dang beacon light or something. The music group apparently is so quiet now the cops will never find them...

Oh well, now back at camp. My dog misses me when I'm gone anyway.
I can hear a man singing opera off in the distance and lots of clapping...its maybe 1000 feet NW of where I am....and in multiple directions I can hear various sound systems playing a variety of music....lots of radios and such...I guess when they shut down the main attraction, the people responded with other forms of music.
Are people camping / parking in the dry washes out there? I'm having a hard time picking out the washes in the drone photos.
With so many RV's and vans crammed together in those areal photos, it's hard to imagine some of them aren't.

I haven't actually seen a dry wash in person in almost 30 years, but when I did they were pretty easy to spot. They looked like dry creek beds with steep sides, but in all the photos, YouTube videos and drone shots, I just cant' see 'em.

Maybe they're easier to see if you're there, on the ground right next to them.
Big T, the washes here are really shallow, like less than a couple of feet. There's only a couple of them that are deep enough to cause even the mobility impaired to be unable to navigate them...well you won't get a wheelchair through but other than that.

If you're looking at drone video, look for the lines of small mesquite bushes and any other vegetation...thems the washes... :D
On Wednesday night the music was so loud until a little after 11:30pm. People were walking back and forth by my rig and talked loudly until sometime after midnight. I packed up Thursday morning and left. Found a solo spot near Box Canyon and was the only one around. It was amazingly quiet. I parked in the music section because I need to run my generator for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the early evening for medical equipment purposes. I did not want to bother the people in the quiet section with my generator. For my trying to be thoughtful, I got very little sleep and ended up leaving the RTR earlier than I had anticipated. I expect to hear noise in a camp as large as ours was, but this was unquestionably ridiculous. I'd like to attend next year, but I'm seriously considering not coming.
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