“Nightlife” at RTR 2018

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Jan 11, 2018
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Are there any nighttime gatherings/activities going on to meet people?  I checked the info board and didn’t see anything.  I heard there was karaoke, bon fires, and music at various camps last night.  Anything going on tonight (Monday)?  I’ll be the youngish tall guido looking guy drinking Rolling Rock (don’t judge me) lol


It's difficult to have any sort of night time social event because there are a lot of complainers even in the Music camp. It is typically really dull here. Honestly, most evenings I may as well have remain camped out by myself.
Yeah, karaoke was shut down a couple nights ago. We were told in no uncertain terms, "this is not a place to have fun." One can see how the music RTR sign might be misleading. But, people complained. Admittedly, it was after 11 at that point.

Not sure whether or not karaoke will resume (more quietly, or ending at 10?).

There are still plenty of individual fire social circles at night. Walk around to the ones you see, and say hi.
Yeah I got here yesterday and it was so packed I camped in the outskirts by myself as to not disturb everyone’s setup assuming I could ride my bike into the fun. Sucks karaoke got shut down. Maybe I misunderstood but I thought the music section was where people could play music and make noise?? I’m not looking to rage or anything, just more of a night owl and figured there might be others to share a beer with. Maybe I’ll just go for a strole as was suggested. Thanks!
I think that all that was trying to be pointed out is to follow normal campground etiquette and observe quiet time from 10PM to 7AM.  Not everyone is there to "party" until the wee hours of the morning.  Looking at it the other way, you wouldn't want your neighbors clanging pots and pans at the crack of dawn after you partied really late.  Just common sense in a large diverse group.  It doesn't keep you from gathering around a campfire to chew the fat and have some adult beverages.

Just my observation from afar.  Have a good time.  Wish I could be there, I have been to three.
How much sense does it require to go to the music RTR area and want it to be quiet? The yuppies that have rolled in have left a bitter taste in my mouth and I'm ready to go elsewhere, anywhere that they are not.
B and C said:
I think that all that was trying to be pointed out is to follow normal campground etiquette and observe quiet time from 10PM to 7AM.  Not everyone is there to "party" until the wee hours of the morning.  Looking at it the other way, you wouldn't want your neighbors clanging pots and pans at the crack of dawn after you partied really late.  Just common sense in a large diverse group.  It doesn't keep you from gathering around a campfire to chew the fat and have some adult beverages.

Just my observation from afar.  Have a good time.  Wish I could be there, I have been to three.

Even that doesn’t seem to be okay considering just now people down the way from me were bitched out for music. At 6:45!!!  The areas are clearly marked, Just an observation from a confused resident of the “music” section.
The music camp IS where it is okay to have amplified music but BLM regulations are in place that call for quiet hours from 10 PM to 7 AM.

This is not a rule that Bob or anyone else here makes, it's BLM.

The night of the really, really loud Karaoke music, it could be heard so plainly that even I, in  a closed van, knew exactly what song was being played - I am all the way over at the main seminar area.. I pity those closer to it!...amplified music is one thing, trying to be heard somewhere near Yuma is totally unnecessary...that's why it was shut down.

Y'all can have all the fun one wants, just not at the expense of the others nor in defiance of BLM rules.

NothinBurFive0 - there is a main campfire every night right where the daily seminars are held. Head count the first couple of nights was well over a 100. In addition, as several others have suggested, just wander around, if you see a campfire, join it. You just might meet some really interesting people.
i was catching up on the YT videos of the RTR and saw the "karaoke" video mentioning the shut down.

I'm glad i happened upon the video, my wife and i plan to be there in a couple years after we unplug from responsibilities here in Oregon. Also "glad" because i will scout out the camp and we will park our van as far away as possible from the "Music" area. We go out to the wilds for peace (and mingling with peeps in conversation(s)).

My observation was;
1) Bob was a gentleman in that he waited until the end of song to take the mike so-to-speak
2) Bob was totally in line with BLM regs and desires.
3) Really?? I find it hard to believe some peeps think that type of stuff is needed at a gathering unless THAT is the gathering...but this is an RV related event... not Burning Man (oh, and i'm a total Trance/Rave/BM sort of guy so i'm all over THOSE types of events). But if you ever visit our camp you will never hear any sounds other than voices or some happy humming. That is what headphones are for.
Having a music area separate from the main RTR is a wonderful idea and a great solution to the problem the RTR had with music being played around the main campfire, where almost everyone in camp could hear it whether they wanted to or not. However, it will only work if the loudness of the music is kept at a reasonable volume. If it is so loud that folks over in the main camp can still hear it, then creating a music camp achieves nothing. The music camp has to be responsible and ensure that the sound doesn't travel too far, and also that the BLM rules are followed. Showing responsibility and common courtesy to fellow campers and neighbors (and that includes folks who are camped north of the music camp, but may not be part of the RTR) is the responsible thing to do. If any of us is disrespectful of the BLM rules and do not show responsibility, the BLM could put an end to the RTR if they chose to and end if for everyone. Perhaps the Music camp could have a person who monitors the loudness of the music from afar (someone who's not drinking and is, therefore, more aware of the decibel level). Music can still be enjoyed without it being deafening. I LOVE music, I LOVE to dance, and I think the music camp is a great idea, all it takes is a little bit of responsibility to enjoy it and avoid complaints to the BLM.
Why does "fun" have to include being disrespectful to others here?

Why does music mean amplified to the point where campers a LONG way away are forced to endure the loud music?

I understand that even the BLM rangers were getting calls and complaints. Really. Why is that a necessary ingredient of "fun"?

The whole reason for having a music (noise) separate camp was so that everyone else does not have to put up with it.....not so that the amplifier should be turned up so loud that it negates the whole reason for having that separate camp to begin with.
Seeing that video made me feel really bad for Bob.  With all the help he's getting in running the RTR, he's finally able to enjoy a bit of it, and he has to deal with rules enforcement and face the possibility of being shut down.  I'm sure he never envisioned the RTR ever getting this big.  That's a great tribute, but it presents problems that he never imagined having.

I have now ordered by custom-built cargo trailer, and one of my goals is to make it to the RTR very soon;  but if it continues to grow like this, the problems will continue, and I may not want to come.  As a budding RVer, my idea of "night life" is quietly nursing a double bourbon while staring into the coals.  I hope the RTR will continue to foster that lifestyle.
I firmly believe that those of us who enjoy the nightlife and a more relaxed atmosphere should have an entirely separate event. The RTR will never accept, or even understand, our desire to occasionally create a party atmosphere. Frankly, I'm 47 and I want to have as much fun as possible before I get as old, miserable, and as un-accepting as the main camp.
Cranky Nomad said:
I firmly believe that those of us who enjoy the nightlife .... should have an entirely separate event. The RTR will never accept,...  our desire to occasionally create a party atmosphere. 

That's probably a very good idea.
 Simply because those that  come to the RTR for a party atmosphere may very well cause the end of the RTR.
If you feel so strong about a party atmosphere, why are you crashing Bob's event and breaking his (and BLM) rules?

There is nothing stopping you from putting a call out for a party event that lasts into the wee hours wherever you choose to have it.

Bob invited everyone into his camp and is trying to accommodate everyone.  Like he said, as soon as your music (noise) invades his space, you are inside with him and uninvited in there.  I am sorry the RTR rules are spoiling your "cup o tea".  Most respect Bob enough to follow his rules in his camp.  It is NOT your camp.

Is it really going to kill your soul to turn it down and observe the 10-7 quite time at his event (not yours)?
It's 9:30pm. I have to wait 1/2 hour before a group of people turn off their thumping music. It's insane. Every night of the RTR there has been extremely loud music. I parked on the music side so I could run my generator for about 45 minutes a day. I expected acoustic guitar and singing, not amplified music. I'm seriously tired and need sleep but it's just not possible with this music vibrating in my rig. Uggghhh.
Maybe if a rule is made that all music be acoustic this would solve a lot of problems

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Cranky Nomad said:
I firmly believe that those of us who enjoy the nightlife and a more relaxed atmosphere should have an entirely separate event. The RTR will never accept, or even understand, our desire to occasionally create a party atmosphere.  Frankly, I'm 47 and I want to have as much fun as possible before I get as old, miserable, and as un-accepting as the main camp.

Cranky, I don't really think it's about not accepting the "night life lovers."  I believe it's about staying true to Bob's vision for the RTR, and the desired lifestyle that he and the others from those early days share.  Remember, Bob chose, and loves,  this lifestyle because he is an introvert and craves his privacy and his personal quiet moments.  I'm sure having the RTR grow as big as it is, while causing pride at its success, is also a source of stress for him and others like him.  

I don't think Bob would ever not want you and others who enjoy the occasional loud party to feel like you can't come to the RTR, but, as he has said in the past, there are rules as set forth by the BLM and he wishes for them to be upheld, as well as for consideration for those around us.

I don't know exactly when Bob came over to shut the Karaoke down, but I am assuming it was after 10:00 pm.  Quite frankly, I don't know anywhere in America, other than a nightclub or other venue designed for it,  where that type of carrying on at those hours is tolerated.
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