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  1. D

    Dealing with stealth parking?

    Exactly. In most cases, just letting your "I'm a good person. I'm not here to cause anyone any trouble.  If I'm not supposed to be here I will happily comply with your request to leave if necessary" mojo to shine through is all it takes.
  2. D

    How often do you clean your Solar panels?

    I clean my solar panels as needed.  Basically, I keep an eye on the solar output into my controller. If it seems lower than normal in typical sunlight, then I go out and clean them. Personally, I use a push broom with a scrap undershirt fitted over it.  I spray soak the undershirt with Windex. ...
  3. D

    Reflectix Question

    You can.  Layers are layers.  The more you put between you and what you're trying to keep warm or cold, the better the insulation effect is. Personally, I've used welding blanket material (carbon fiber) to do mine.  That stuff is good for all kinds of things, including wicking for alcohol based...
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    Sorry that they tried to stick you with this: Now go out and find this: "You buy this ship, treat her proper, she'll be with you the rest of your life."
  5. D

    The One Best cooking appliance?

    A gallon would be a bit much.  But the Trangia holds enough alcohol to cook a lot of things.  With the right stand, it's surprising what it will handle on a single fill. I've made a couple quarts of soup at a time.  Have certainly cooked chili from scratch, but in amounts less than a gallon. ...
  6. D

    The One Best cooking appliance?

    Uh, not exactly.  It's a Trangia.  It holds enough alcohol to last an hour or more depending on whether you're cooking or simmering.  I've used it nearly every day for several years to cook my breakfasts and dinners. Yes, the BTU's are lower than other fuels.  But the fuel is safer in many ways...
  7. D

    The One Best cooking appliance?

    It's a Trangia.  It runs on denatured alcohol. I have used it nearly every day for several years to cook my breakfast in the morning and my dinners at night.  Just saying.
  8. D

    12v for dummies

    This one looks interesting and informative: THE 12 VOLT DOCTOR'S. PRACTICAL HANDBOOK
  9. D


    Honestly, if it were me, that thing would have been back in the dealer's hands long ago and my money (plus extra for aggravation) would be back in my wallet.  Or they would have had to deal with Vera. Even Captain Mal would have had acquiesced at this point.  True, his Serenity needed a lot of...
  10. D

    Best camper stove and why?

    True, all liquid fuels are dangerous if spilled.  Especially so if they are on fire! But, like in all things, there are levels of danger/risk.  There is no such thing as a 100% safe fuel under all conditions. Denatured alcohol avoids some risks that other fuels have.  In general, it produces...
  11. D

    Best camper stove and why?

    It's been a while, but I believe I purchased my Trangia's from Amazon and the Mojos from Ebay.  lweaver99 sells them. He only makes a few at a time and tends to sell out of them quickly when he does. As for fuel, I use Heet in the yellow bottle.  It's very good denatured alcohol (the denaturing...
  12. D

    Best camper stove and why?

    The Trangia can heat things up very quickly.  It also comes with a simmer ring for lower temperatures and slower cooking.  It roughly takes an ounce of alcohol per cup of whatever you're cooking.  Cooking times and alcohol consumption can vary widely depending on what size pots you use, how much...
  13. D

    Best camper stove and why?

    Ah, that's why I use the Mojo pot stands: (Picture is from Hiram Cook's Youtube channel: Check him out...lot's of great stove tests and stuff!) Anyway, I use standard pots and pans with my Trangia/Mojo stands.  I even use heavy cast iron pots and pans...
  14. D

    Best camper stove and why?

    These are what I use.  I use them every single day and have for over ten years now.  They work indoors and outdoors.  I currently own three.  Have owned four.  See below under "longevity" for what happened to the fourth one. What it runs on: Denatured alcohol, the same thing that they use for...
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    Solar Shingles video

    The concept of solar shingles is nice, but there's one thing that comes into play with them that most people overlook.  To put it simply: How do you cut the power between the shingles in an emergency? In certain areas, you are required to register your solar installation with the fire...
  16. D

    add electrolyte?

    I read this from here.  Quoting the applicable part: "The best replacement for spilled electrolyte is the other cells in the same battery. Get a battery tester or a clean large syringe, and equalize the level of electrolyte between the 6 cells. If this leaves all of them too low, which it will...
  17. D

    Am I going to be drinking boiling water?

    It's probably going to be pretty warm, regardless.
  18. D

    Scorpions and Spiders

    She killed and ate you? I don't seem quite spry for a dead guy. :)
  19. D

    Scorpions and Spiders

    Because, from an evolutionary prospective, fear of creepy crawly things such as spiders and snakes helped us survive to become full grown humans. Intellectually, we know that these things are helpful in many ways.  But, emotionally, we know that these things might bite/sting us, causing (at a...