Solar Shingles video

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
Reaction score
First I had seen of these.  Jan 2017, Solar Shingles for house.
Interesting, but consider the huge obstacles involved.
The biggest is cost, simple $$$'s.

A new roof installed is what? $7,000?
Solar panels are all but free now if you sign away your soul to some companies.

I can install that $7,000 roof for maybe $2,000 in materials.

There is no way that I'm going to cough up what will probably be $20-30,000 for roof panels and then add an almost equal amount for batteries and controls.

No, this is a great idea and in 10-15 years may be an affordable alternative, but it won't be anywhere near affordable today. For now It will simply be a novelty roof for the wealthy.

The concept of solar shingles is nice, but there's one thing that comes into play with them that most people overlook.  To put it simply:

How do you cut the power between the shingles in an emergency?

In certain areas, you are required to register your solar installation with the fire department.  That's so they are aware of any potential electrocution hazard if they come to fight a fire at your property.  We had a factory fire in a neighboring state a year or so ago.  They had to let the thing burn itself out because the roof was covered in solar panels and there was no way to cut the power so the firemen could safely do their jobs!

Now I realize that this is probably not applicable to a vandwelling scenario...but it bears mentioning.  You should always have a way to disconnect the power.
Ah...... But solar panel fires ARE a Van dwelling issue!

In the VW Vanagon forum we had a member who's solar panel controller malfunctioned, set his Van on fire and almost took his garage with it!

The smoke alarm in the garage alerted the owner of the fire and the Van was removed thus saving the structure.

Yes, the solar unit was anally installed by the owner. It was the controller itself that malfunctioned in a DARK GARAGE!!!!!
