If it involves a Rabbi, a Priest, and a Baptist Minister go ahead and knock your running lights out and tell itjimindenver said:There's a joke in the whole walking on water thing but it just wouldn't be right. :d
rvpopeye said:Hepcat
With every post you erase more doubt !
rvpopeye said:travelinman
Good one.
Was that a Marx brothers quote?
jimindenver said:It's best if people think you are stupid, otherwise they think you can do something.
Gunny said:As the club gets larger maybe we should select officers. Let the nominations begin.
jimindenver said:It's best if people think you are stupid, otherwise they think you can do something.
Optimistic Paranoid said:I recommend the following three positions:
Grand Poobah
Not-So-Grand Poobah
Lord High Executioner
I also recommend that the Grand Poobah be authorized to appoint as many:
Deputy Poobahs
Assistant Poobahs
Vice Poobahs
Deputy Assistant Poohbahs
Assistant Deputy Poobahs
at his sole discretion, provided he share the bribes with the No-So-Grand Poobah and Lord High Executioner.
In the event that a woman becomes Grand Poobah, she is authorized to change the title to She Who Must Be Obeyed.
I hereby throw my hat into the ring for the position of Lord High Executioner. (I've got a little list, they never will be missed . . .)