In addition to CRVL I'm also riding herd on a troop of YARCs , the CRVL renegades over on the vandwellerforum , some retired truckers over at IRv2 , one starting up ? in Russia , three different musician sites , AND my personal close friends too (no surprise there...). Skuh kuh kuh kuh
So appreciate your help here.!! A LOT.
I don't have enough time to go around most days.
(BTW in case the news never made it here) Gunny has passed , in his RV ,in a campground , so he did get to live the dream for a time !
YARC visitors :
Welcome to the thread.
I look forward to your stories...
Go back to post #1 FMI
I was going to say PM me if you have questions , but not here enough to respond timely. Eeeeee Male me (forum name attttt y a hoo )and I'll pop back in ta do me duty ASAP.
Is in with that post of "Ain't Rightness " sorry the concept is difficult to get at first but hang in there .

here's your badge .
travelaround (T. A.)
(You're in good company many of our members are dogs and bring their humans to do the driving) complaint noted but I need to do more investigation of that thread before I give them any awards.
I do still need your story of "Ain't Rightness" for the "Stinkin' Badge" , but you're in .
Looks like I need a sub chapter to "go to the dogs", under advisement.
Provisional membership for agreeing with T. A. post up your "Ain't Right" moment ..
Qin Reno
Seems like I should know you .. Are you already in under an old forum name ?
John 61
The quote is familiar but it's not your story !
I'm giving you a Flying Manure Spreader Award though.
(It somehow seems appropriate)
T W O h s,,,,P. O.