Annie W
Yes , the letters can be confusing at first.....
YARC=You "Ain't Right" Club
(This is the CRVL edition and the W.A.R.P.E.D.edition is over on YARC- W.A.R.P.E.D. Edition
double the fun !
T W O h s,,,,P. O.=The Weirdo Overlord has spoken,,,Peace. Out.
ROOIRA=Royal Order Of I Read It All
cosmic vanna = another (other)forum member that just began posting too ..
(she could even be you ?)...
You have already started in on the ROOIRA !
If you "Ain't Right" I'm sure your inner weirdo will not let you leave any posts unread . Just give in. (OH , and if you pee when you laugh plan accordingly)...
AND you're correct , NO ! "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Badges" , it would be "Ain't Right" to have them so ,,, of course we must !
To get your badge we only ask you post a tale of your "Ain't Rightness" ,,
this could include testimonials from friends if they are who so designated you as
"Ain't Right" . Whatever you think might qualify..( you already have begun with this , just keep going>> The overloaded van was an example of "Ain't Right" posted for all to enjoy..)
You will then be presented with your digital "Stinkin' Badge" and a real version can be had by sending a PM (personal msg) to cammalu (She Who Must Be Obeyed aka The Nominator aka Monkeyfoot aka a few others as well !) You can also get one by tracking her down wherever she do roam............
(Official Titles and other awards are given out for various reasons.)
Just reading all of both threads can and will qualify you too. (Only a truly "Ain't Right" individual would be compelled and able to make it through from both #1 posts!!)
You will learn everything else by just reading .
T W O h s,,,,P. O.