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Aug 29, 2014
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Hi everyone,

I am guilty! I am a long time lurker too! I have read most of what is here and some, more than once. I don't think I am going to be a full timer, but I will sure be out there a while, because I love to travel a lot and I have a lot I want to see.

A little about me. I just turned 50 and because of a not so nice situation, I am in the process of selling my house. Now it has been heavily abused buy the above mentioned situation, so I will be getting very little from it. Not enough to turn around and buy something else and not enough to live carefully for even 6 months in a rental. With that said, I decided if I have to live somewhere, I might as well travel for a while anyway. At least I won't get bored, because I can change my scenery as often as I like.

I have to start out with my car though and it has quite a bit of miles on it. I am thinking if I do a bit of preventive work on it, that it should last. I currently drive a 2006 Kia Sportage. it has 142,000 miles on it, but should still have life in it. Opinions would be welcome, but again I really don't want to go much bigger and have to worry about gas prices eating me up, since I am more traveling and moving quite a bit.

I have traveled before and slept in truck stops in the back of this car and it is fine. I have thought about it and will probably do truck stops, campgrounds, and a hotel here and there if needed. I really wish I could grasp the idea of self contained because I would certainly join you guys at the RTR, but I just can't get the port a potty thing in a smaller SUV.

Anyway, my thoughts are leaving East Coast after Christmas with the grands and heading West through Tx as it's the West I haven't seen yet. I just need to know, like what areas do I need to avoid because of Winter weather? I am having trouble figuring out where that snow line is.

Well that's about it. Any and all comments and suggestions are welcome.

Thanks so much to everyone for posting here.

Loving it here, Caryn
Welcome to the CRVL forums, Caryn! I'm sorry about your troubles. I hope you will find your new lifestyle to be a blessing in disguise.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.

I sold my moho about a yearago. Since then, I've been living in and out of my car. The potty thing can be tricky. Suanne wrote a blog post about living in her prius

And for more details check out her blog

The sidebar on the right hand side of the blog offers how-to specifics.

Sorry for the situation you are in, but it might turn out being a blessing if the mobile life agrees with you. Glad to have you out of lurker mode! :)
TY for the response. Cyndi, Do you find that you can stay most of the same places in a car that you can in a Moho? Do most campgrounds allow you to camp(sleep) in your car. I have read all threw Suanne's blog. She certainly does have it down. I just don't know if personally I can do it.

Hi Theadyn, Thank you for responding as well. Yes, I have always wanted to travel and now I chose to do it. I agree, I may have stumbled onto something here.
Welcome Caryn. Cyndi is right about Suanne and her Prius. I remember reading it when she wrote and posted it and thinking how smart she was about everything. After seeing Cyndi reference I had to read it again.

"I really wish I could grasp the idea of self contained because I would certainly join you guys at the RTR, but I just can't get the port a potty thing in a smaller SUV."

This is usually where I like to suggest a small utility trailer, although I have lived in a RV, tent and van, I have never lived in one but I think they would really work out well for many situations. But not so much for you and what you describe. Have you considered a pop-up privacy room? I've attached a photo, they can be use for, dressing room, potty and solar shower.



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Hello Light Trip,

Ty for the welcome. I actually have a privacy room, but find it so hard to put up by myself. I tried it out a couple weekends ago. I got it just for this reason, but it's not going to work if I can't put it up. lol This was my original idea for when camping on public land and such. I am wondering maybe if there is an easier form?

tothemoonandback said:
... Do most campgrounds allow you to camp(sleep) in your car. I have read all threw Suanne's blog ... I just don't know if personally I can do it.

Welcome Caryn!

When I go to campgrounds in the Prius, I consider myself a tent camper. That is, if there's a section just for tenters (not moho's), that's the section I'll choose. It's typically quieter. I usually don't even tell the host/attendant that I don't have a conventional tent. I use to carry a small popup tent with me just in case, but just never used it. So, now I don't even pack it with me any longer.

The only way I figured out if and how I could live out of my car was to try it. I first did several week-end trips, then a 1-month trip at the end of 2009 before I took off for 6 months in 2010. I just figured if a backpacker could live for months at a time on the trail, I could certainly do it in a car ... which is spacious in comparison.

I agree with the suggestion about coming to the RTR this winter. You'll see lots of ideas in action. And, meet lots of people who are living out of their vehicles ... from bicycles to large motor homes. You'd be very welcomed there. (Note: tents can be a challenge in the desert winds ... ask for recommendations if you plan to use one at the RTR.)

Suanne ... looking forward to another RTR!
Hi Suanne,

Thank you for the welcome as well. I have read your blog and it is very impressive. The question for me is not really if I can do this as much as it is just putting pieces together. I have wanted to take off and travel for a very long time, so it is going to happen. I am just trying to figure everything out. I was out West briefly in 2010. I was traveling through Utah going to some National Parks. I ran out of time and swore I would always go back. That is what has inspired me to do this. I would either stop at truck stops or campgrounds then. I still will, but I would also like to find a way to use some free land and attend the RTR. I have no doubt, if I attend that I will walk away wiser on how to do this. It's just the bathroom thing that I am trying to figure out. I will sleep in the back of the car, because I am working on making that comfortable now. I really don't feel like I need many trials, since I have sort of done this before, but I am heading to the mountains in October and I think that will be my trial. Have you ever parked at some of these other places like Walmart, or Sam's? Just wondering how cars do there, if that is our only option?

If at all possible, you really should make it out to the RTR. The friendhsips and acceptance you find will become the most valuable thing in your life! And you will gain so much confidence, that alone is worth every cost.

Right now you are being paralyzed by fear of the unknown, and that is perfectly normal and healthy!! We were all there once if we are honest!! I cried myself to sleep my first night in a van, I understand how you feel! The best solution is to take each of your fears and post them here. Believe me, we all understand and we will offer you nothing but hope and help!! As you find solutions to every problem, your fears should ease.

If we can do this thing, you can too!!

I will make you this promise, if you come to the RTR I will guarantee you a community potty tent with 5 gallon bucket, kitty litter, toilet paper, and plastic bag for you and everyone else to use. I've had one out at every RTR and there will be one this time also.

I hope to see you there!

My first choice while living out of my car is to stay on BLM or NFS land, a close second are National Park Service or cheap BLM/NFS campgrounds. I also like many inexpensive state, county or city campgrounds. Sometimes, tho', I'm not able to get to my destination within a day's drive. At those times I overnight at Walmarts, rest areas, truck stops or in a parking lot (24 hour stores, some hotels, hospitals, etc.). My go-to place are 24-hour Walmarts that allow overnight parking. There are several smart phone or web-based apps to help find those Walmarts. I've never had a problem in my car.

The Prius is very stealthy with the tinted windows and black fleece curtains across the back windows and behind the front seats. I keep the back windows cracked (under window awnings) which usually prevents condensation unless especially cold outside.

As for using the bathroom, I almost always use public restrooms while on the road ... except at zero-dark-thirty when a large-mouth bottle seems the better option. When in the forest, I'll often use the cover of the brush for a bucket or bottle. In the open desert, I put a bucket on the back passenger seat and shut the curtains. It's not the most comfortable, but it works.

(Warning, this paragraph may be TMI for some.) One of the lessons I've learned is to keep poo and pee in separate containers. To accomplish this, I need to empty my bladder as soon as the need arises. For me it's impossible to hold a full bladder when going #2. I pee in a laundry detergent bottle that I'll dump out in the woods/desert or into a public toilet. I poo in a 3-gal bucket (w/Luggable Loo Lid) lined with a plastic grocery bag that's subsequently sealed in a ziplock sandwich bag, and then stored in a smell-proof plastic container until its disposal. Some use cat litter, but I see little benefit and too much hassle. In case of runny poo, or pee/poo combination, I first line the bucket with a Double Doodie Bag (found at Walmart) that gels liquid in a heavy-duty doubly sealed bag. It would also be stored in the smell-proof plastic container until disposal. Note, I always use a Double Doodie Bag as a base liner, and then put the plastic grocery bag over that, just in case. (Note: I keep hand sanitizer and a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol available for bad bacteria control.)

I hope that gives you some ideas and options to consider for both sleeping and toileting. I look forward to meeting you at the RTR next year!

Suanne ... whose changed enough diapers to now put up with her own personal needs without too much squeamishness
Hi tothemoonandback!

Welcome! I'm not a full timer, not really even a part timer, but next week I'll be starting to transform my Kia Soul, which I believe is a bit smaller than the Sportage, into a road trip vehicle. The two vehicles are similar enough in design and layout that there may be some ideas from my conversion that will apply to yours. I'll post pictures on my build thread as I'm able.

I am sure I do have some fears. The only ones that I can really think of right now besides what I already mentioned, are fear of something going wrong with the car, getting sick on the road, and safety is also a concern. Of course you stated the fear of the unknown and that says it all right there. I will be sure to post as I think of things. I am so glad to hear there will be a community potty tent. I will def. plan on being there, in case of course something comes up. I am sure I will learn so much to help me.


I like staying in campgrounds in National Parks and Forests too. I have the disability card, so I can get half price camping which helps a lot. I was unsure if I could be stealthy because I have the dreaded problem of snoring and snoring loud, so even though as I get more comfortable with things, I may try Walmart or places along those lines, I think I will just go where I know it is ok. I did ask at a campground in Pisgah national Forest about sleeping in the car and they said it was fine. So that is where I am heading in October for a few days. Also, I know RV's can park at Casino's , but what about cars, do they allow us to stay overnight?

Thanks for the potty break down lol I am larger and not sure that I am going to be able to go in the car if needed. I guess I will take it one day at a time and go from there.

Sephson, Thank you for the welcome. I will be very interested in reading your plans as they post them. I am certainly open to all ideas. GL with your plans.

Thanks Suanne. Are we able to park with the RV's at the casinos?
Caryn, When I find a parking lot where I want to sleep (casinos, Walmarts, anywhere), I try to get there at dusk to scope it out first. I look for a place that is well lit and would make sense for a car to be parked all night. If possible, I try to select a quiet location (away from the big rigs). Sometimes that's around the RVs, and sometimes it isn't. After I find my spot, I don't return to it until I'm ready to go to sleep. Then, I leave early in the morning, usually at first light in the winter. Hope that helps, Suanne