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Back in FL a week and have been in the pool several times, feeling really good, very relaxed and peaceful, I think the vitamin c and vitamin sea help my fitness a bunch.
That's great queen. You getting things ready to sell?

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We are, everything is as set up and ready as it can be, and the place goes on the market tomorrow.  Fingers crossed it sells quickly.
Van Lady, My doctor put me on intermittent fasting to heal my tummy (gastritis) but I didn’t know what it was called until I ran across something on YouTube.  She told me to eat only two meals a day, fast two days a week and no snacks. No rice, bread or pasta (thanks a lot, doc).  Eat the same thing for two meals in a row – most people do supper and then leftovers for breakfast. The idea with these rules is to keep things simple so your body doesn’t have to figure out how to digest a whole bunch of different stuff and to give your digestive tract time to rest.  My rhythm has turned out to be meals at 10 am and 4 pm. Meals are organic meat, a vegetable, salad with one veggie and a simple dressing, berries and nuts.  Only water to drink; two quarts for my body weight.

I was perpetually hungry the first three weeks and was just about ready to commit homicide when my body finally became used to the plan.  I went from 133 to 126 in a month.  Weight loss wasn’t even the goal – it just happened.  I wish I could tell you that my energy has increased by leaps and bounds but it hasn’t. My tummy sure does feel better though and it seems like this is a plan that I can do for the long haul assuming, of course, I’ll do some cheating at Thanksgiving dinner. I’m volunteering to bring the pecan pie. :p
Did you decide on a rig yet?

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No, we have to wait for the condo to sell and see what we have to work with first.

Are you out on the road now??
I'm at my house now with Gotsmart but still staying in the RV [emoji16]. I will go to Nashville today and park at Vanderbilt in their designated lot for oversized vehicles as I'm scheduled for knee replacement in the morning. I'm not as afraid of this surgery as I normally am for some reason. Guess I trust Vanderbilt and the Doc. I'm not really looking forward to the months of recovery though but keep telling myself, "How much worse off can I possibly be? I can barely walk at all now". Unfortunately they are just doing one knee and I'll still have the other one to look forward to.

I'm planning on getting out of here as soon as I can and having PT somewhere down near the ocean in Texas. Gunny will be joining us down there where we will stay on the beach until my PT is done.
Is it the same leg as your messed up femur?

Sounds like you've got your recovery dialed in! I did the same, at the 12 week mark when my doc released me we headed to the beach. If you don't have them already, consider getting a pair of walking poles, they are SUPER helpful for stability during recovery, especially if you walk on any uneven surfaces like a beach or trail.

Good luck!!
Not the leg with broken femur although I need that knee replaced also. I have to recover on the right one before they will consider the left. I wish I could have them both done at the same time

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Queen said:
"... have been in the pool several times, feeling really good, very relaxed and peaceful, ..."

You've inspired me to start swimming again, thanks! :)
Gardenias said:
You've inspired me to start swimming again, thanks! :)

If you're a swimmer, absolute heaven, nothing compares. 

Cammalu - one at a time is better, the rehab is hard, right down to showering and pooping.  But you'll line em up and knock em down, then be so much more mobile
I just did a lap with a walker around the hall. That was further than I could walk before surgery and I just had surgery this morning. Guess I'm doing pretty good

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Checking in, how is everyone doing??

I'm back in the indoor Olympic pool in Illinois, swimming 3-4 miles a week and feeling excellent! Hope everyone else is feeling amazing too!
Howdy queen, I’m traveling from Colorado on my way to Albuquerque where I’ll be hunkered down for a few days. Then over to Arizona to meet another forum member who is buying acreage from my mother then I have to head to Kentucky for a couple operations - yuk.

Wish I was in that pool!
Hey Cammalu, love traveling but it sure crimps any pool workouts! Hope your operations turn out well.
Ah man I've been shopping for acreage! Good luck with all that!

Forgot about this thread. Met a cool ass dude at the RTR and challenged him to a health challenge. So far other than chopping off all my hair I'm still a fat ass! LOL
Headache said:
Ah man I've been shopping for acreage! Good luck with all that!

Forgot about this thread. Met a cool ass dude at the RTR and challenged him to a health challenge. So far other than chopping off all my hair I'm still a fat ass! LOL

Headache, he’s buying 75 acres in Apache County from us...... SOOOOOOO.... PARTY AT TREBOR’s place [emoji12]
Since we're back up for the moment, thought I'd update.

I'm just a swimming fool these days, knocking out laps like I'm a kid again. Not losing much weight but it feels fantastic!!

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