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I’m back in Kentucky mowing myself into oblivion. I have a nice pond I guess I could swim in but the mucky bottom squish keeps me from it. Only thing it’s really good for is the entertainment I get from feeding the fish. Otherwise it’s just more work.

I keep thinking I’ll build a natural pool and have one of those pool liners down in it. Doesn’t cost much to get a bulldozer or backhoe for a day to dig me a big hole.

I’m stuck here for a couple of surgeries and sprucing up the place. I’ve had one forum member stop by for a couple of days visit and another coming today or tomorrow. It gives me a little chance to take a break from mowing and I’m glad I get to meet internet friends. Queen why don’t you stop by on your way south or have you already made the trip?

Somebody needs to stop me though from looking at more properties to buy. Saw a sweet little acre on the green river with full hookups for two RVs. Not on top of each other either... Cheap too! I keep telling myself that coveting is a sin but I still want that little acre.... wonder if I could make it pay for itself????
We're going east for the trip to FL, through the Smokies. But the trip back in mid August will be back your way, if you're still there?
Hell I hope I’m not still here!!! Didn’t plan to spend summer anywhere this hot!
Good for you! We may get to get I-10 on the way home and say the hell with it and just head West. You just never know.

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