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Cammalu, so sorry I didn't see them at first so I went back & followed the chain & seen where it went.
Oh it's ok!!

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Okay, a week of being in the big city with a hurty foot made me sit in the hotel room and do very little... time to get back to it! Heading to the pool tomorrow for a nice long swim, maybe a couple of sets of weights.

Then back to jigsaw puzzle packing the back of the truck for the trip to FL next week!
So, back from the trip and trying to get back into it. It was so easy down in Florida, we kayaked, rode bikes, went to the beach and played in the ocean for hours... effortless fun exercise. Glad we're heading back permanently in October.
I can almost smell the ocean breeze. I'm jealous.
It was pretty wonderful. When we were down there for that year and a half starting in 2015, I couldn't do much of anything since I was recovering from my knee replacement... this time was very different, and a LOT more fun!
How long did it take you to recover from the knee? I'm sorta looking forward to my replacement in October but dreading at the same time.

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I'd already had five surgeries on that knee so it was a mess, to be decently mobile (moving around my place, grocery shopping using the electric cart) took about eight weeks, to be more functionally mobile (able to walk through a store) took me almost six months. It wasn't until almost the two year mark that mine felt like my leg again.
Oh hells bells. I'll keep my fingers crossed. I've been down so long and I'm so looking forward to finally coming around.
Most people have a better result than I did, so fingers crossed you'll be one of those people who are out running around like a teenager at the eight week mark.   :D
Spent two hours in the pool yesterday, half an hour swimming laps and and an hour and a half playing in the deep in with friends like we were kids again! So fun.
I always wanted a pool!!!!!!!

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Feeling a little under the weather today, so no laps. Anyone else doing something to get fit?
Has anyone tried the INTERMITTENT FASTING eating plan?
I have watched a few YouTube videos.....seems to make sense. I am starting the 16:8 today. After I get used to the fasting part, I will move on to focusing on eating more protein and fats and less carbs. I am not going to go crazy about no carbs, just less. I need to get the fasting part down first.
I would be very happy if I could drop 20 pounds over the next year [emoji177].
I've done it several times, 24 hour fasts once a week. Made me feel much better overall, but didn't do much for weight loss.
Queen said:
I've done it several times, 24 hour fasts once a week. Made me feel much better overall, but didn't do much for weight loss.

In what way did you feel better?
Less hunger, a bit more energy, and less GI discomfort (an ongoing issue for me).
I have always been a big girl and for me losing weight is easy when I feel like doing it. I don't have any health problems nor do I take medication so I am just lucky. I'm not rubbing it in I am just giving you a back story to work with.
The quickest way to lose weight for me was go to Goodwill and buy a jack lalane juicer. It's nothing fancy but it only cost $10.
I used a basic green juice recipe using kale,celery,apples,lemon and carrots. Using empty Walmart bottled water bottles I made enough juice to give me 6 bottles of juice a day for for days.My refrigerator door was full all of the time with juice and bottled water.I bought a rotisserie chicken each week and cleaned all of the meat off and divided it for enough evening meals for the week. I then cooked a bag of rice and roasted a whole tray of root veggies. Divide everything to make yourself using those cheap divided trays from Walmart.
I then filled my Crock-Pot with water, dropped in the chicken bones added carrots,cabbage,tomatoes,onions,garlic and salt. Cooked that overnight and then strained it all and used that everyday if I had cravings. I also bought a tea ball and bought some lemon,tumeric and ginger tea to drink in the mornings.
I drop about 5 lbs per week for as long as I can stand to do it.
I lived close to a whole foods so if I had a craving for something sweet I would go buy one goody.
You also need to drink nothing but water and stay really close to the potty.It makes leaving impossible because your body is flushing absolutely everything nasty you've eaten or even considered eating. It's not a pleasant process but it works every time. You also don't have much strength to exercise in the beginning. But soon you can do anything you want.

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