Womans self defense saves her.

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Good for her, nothing more empowering than taking responsibility for your own safety.
I agree.



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I suspect you are a hell of a chick, straight or not .

Wow! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing that, Rob!

Queen, you rock any which way! <3
It's nice to see a woman who didn't just cower, cover her head with her arms, and cry.
Like I told my daughters.  Pick a part, and try to remove it.  No such thing as fighting fair when attacked.   :cool:

In Sicilly, women are more dangerous than shotguns.   :s
Good for her, the proper response to attack is brutal retaliation
ArtW said:
Good for her, the proper response to attack is brutal retaliation

The "be nice, be polite - try to reason your way out of it - why would anyone want to hurt me, I didn't do anything to them" response is what is ingrained from birth, it's hard to overcome.  Fortunately, self defense classes help overcome this.

As for brutal retaliation, I learned.