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I think you have a new computer like I have. The only way to add anything is either on-line or with a USB drive. No optical drive. floppy or anything else. It does have a slot for a memory card but USB works for me better. I believe that all value priced computers are going this way. They are still better than a netbook or chrome book IMO. The worst part is the computer makers partnering with Microsoft and embedding their keys and possibly other stuff on the motherboard. You can make a bootable thumb drive to repair your computer but it would take some research for someone not familiar with the way computers work. There are a collection of programs that all put together make up what was/is called UBCD, or ultimate boot CD, that can be put on a bootable thumb drive. I would advise anyone that doesn't have the funds to have a tech look at their computer to get/create one of these and learn how to get into and change their BIOS system to change the boot sequence to make one of these useable in case something causes the OS to get corrupted. Just having this collection of programs and knowing how and when to use them doesn't necessarily mean you need to wait till your computer is un-useable for them to be of use to you. I'm not good at explaining things so try and do some research into this and you'll be better off than you were before you heard anything about it.
I just can't understand your problems with Win 8.1. I almost never have to see the tiled entertainment shit, NEVER! I just go straight to the Desktop and it is very similar to Win 7.

Pus the touchscreen adds a lot of functionality as far as I'm concerned. While 90% of my work is with the touchpad, sometimes I greatly prefer the touchscreen.

Overall, I greatly prefer my Lenova Yoga with Win 8.1 to my old Acer Win 7 laptop. I wouldn't consider switching back.

I just don't see it as any big deal at all, but I guess I'm the exception here.
My little cheapo Toshiba has the built-in CD/DVD drive - that was a deal-breaker, else I would NOT have gotten it. The same without CD/DVD was thirty bucks cheaper, but useless for me.
I do have the usual 'bandaids' like the Win7 emulation and others, but it is NOT the same. Critical functions are still missing, and they just can't be ignored. Tried to download equivalent applications, but this machine is very picky on what it will allow to be downloaded - some just aren't accepted.
Touchscreen was an absolute no-no. That would be another deal breaker. The touchpad is infuriating and nearly useless. A good wireless mouse fixed that. Without the mouse, I'd have trashed this machine long ago. Or taken it on a one-way trip to the shooting range......
It just boils down to what the user wants and needs. This laptop, for the moment, fills a need barely. Certain things I am accustomed to being able to do on a real computer are on hold til I get the new Win7 PC hooked up. Other things are taking priority right now.
One of the worst problems with this little machine, and which just blows me away - I constantly 'over-type' the keyboard buffer. I am NOT a fast typist, but very often the machine simply stops displaying what I type, and I wait several minutes for it to catch up. Often the letters are jumbled - and no, I am not mistyping. Just too little in this package. It isn't designed for the kind of use I put it too. For a stripped down travel computer it is kinda adequate for the short term. If it were my only computer, it would be useless. If you need a serious machine for anything approaching real productivity in a working environment, stay away from the Toshiba Satellite C50/55 series. And especially Win8/8.1.
If I cannot load Win7 on it, I may give the Win10 a try, and just know I do not have full functionality on this machine, period.
 Yea, I went cheapo because I really don't need the disk drive. I can use USB drives for anything I need to do. Win 10 is supposed to fix most problems and be compatible with what ever crap that Microsoft put on the motherboard  that caused me, and some Dell technicians, so much heartache. I'll wait and see. There is one safe way to try installing another OS on that computer that shouldn't mess everything up, I think. Take the original HDD out to preserve the OS, and put a blank, partitioned and formatted HDD in to try and load the new/old OS on. If the install fails, you should be able to put the original HDD back in and just go back to 8.1 without a hiccup.
 I play karaoke on my computer through a powered mixer. My karaoke program crashes in Win 8.1. That was the main reason I wanted to go back to 7. Win8.1 also doesn't have the Solitaire game I'm used to playing. Otherwise, I could live with it. My HP laptop is a 17.? inch screen and is running Win 7. Right now, it isn't working because the port where the power supply connects is on the fritz. I will fix that one and then this one will be almost exclusively for karaoke. I also have an old Toshiba that I bought used with Win 7 that is only for backup here at home. It was crippled with some security crap I can't get through but it works for a last ditch backup machine. I also have an older Dell running Vista that needs a new screen that I can use with a monitor for backup. But my HP laptop is my favorite so I must fix it. It's also the cheapest one to fix, of the ones that need fixing.
Terry said:
 Yea, I went cheapo because I really don't need the disk drive. I can use USB drives for anything I need to do. Win 10 is supposed to fix most problems and be compatible with what ever crap that Microsoft put on the motherboard  that caused me, and some Dell technicians, so much heartache. I'll wait and see. There is one safe way to try installing another OS on that computer that shouldn't mess everything up, I think. Take the original HDD out to preserve the OS, and put a blank, partitioned and formatted HDD in to try and load the new/old OS on. If the install fails, you should be able to put the original HDD back in and just go back to 8.1 without a hiccup.
 I play karaoke on my computer through a powered mixer. My karaoke program crashes in Win 8.1. That was the main reason I wanted to go back to 7. Win8.1 also doesn't have the Solitaire game I'm used to playing. Otherwise, I could live with it. My HP laptop is a 17.? inch screen and is running Win 7. Right now, it isn't working because the port where the power supply connects is on the fritz. I will fix that one and then this one will be almost exclusively for karaoke. I also have an old Toshiba that I bought used with Win 7 that is only for backup here at home. It was crippled with some security crap I can't get through but it works for a last ditch backup machine. I also have an older Dell running Vista that needs a new screen that I can use with a monitor for backup. But my HP laptop is my favorite so I must fix it. It's also the cheapest one to fix, of the ones that need fixing.

HA!  I'm not the only one with 6 diff computers, 3 diff screens, 5 diff hard drives;; keeping this thing because of that;; keeping that thing because of this;; wires;; cables;; hubs, splitters, control box;;etc etc.  Clutter junk & trash. 

Not that I karaoke ..... You would be very displeased if I did!  

Win 7, on my newest (used) machine updated almost everyday for the first 2 weeks, and I thought something was really wrong with it.  But the previous owner shut off the auto-update, and, I guess, it simply had a year's worth of updates to deal with.   Now it is running fuzzy-free, FAST, and completely compatible.   

So far, I'm glad I didn't run out and buy that touch-screen, chick-magnet, flip-fold-into-a-tablet, whiz-bang, $$$ machine.  

I think I want my next machine to capable of gaming.  Does anyone know what OS gamers like best?   Is Win 7 ok? 
LeeRevell said:
Still having issues with this Win8.1 laptop.  Getting closer to stripping it and loading Win7 on it.  I'll do that once I get my new Win7 PC going.  No sense running 8.1 at that point.  Getting weary of the severe lacks in Win8.1.
I don't like windows 8.1 either. Got a programmer where my wife works, to make it operate like windows 7..
gojo said:
I don't like windows 8.1 either. Got a programmer where my wife works, to make it operate like windows 7..
 I had W8.1 partitioned off and Windows 7 installed.

It was either that or throw the damn thing under a bus!!
gojo said:
I don't like windows 8.1 either. Got a programmer where my wife works, to make it operate like windows 7..

Not an option.  "Operate like Win7" is just a modified frontend.  Still lacks the things Win7 has that I need.  Just no getting past that.  It's like having a car with no transmission.
Win8/8.1 is OK for checking e-mail and surfing the net.  Useless for real work.  Utterly useless for decent graphics work.
I must have Win7's machine-resident storage - NO 'cloud'!  Must have the Snippet tool.  Must have MS Paint.  Must have uninterrupted typing.  So many things lost to the spectre of Windoze8.......   :-/
I think I do actual productive work, some of you seem to like it.

I guess I must use magic-voodoo to get it done somehow.
LeeRevel said:
I must have Win7's machine-resident storage - NO 'cloud'!  Must have the Snippet tool.  Must have MS Paint.  Must have uninterrupted typing.  So many things lost to the spectre of Windoze8.......   :-/
What am I missing, maybe you have the "windows with bing" they are putting on some laptops now? The Win 8.1 partition on my desktop has and does all of that, and I don't even use a full version of 8.1, just the 90 day enterprise evaluation trial.

Personally for any productivity I hit the restart button and boot into a linux distro, because almost everything is open source there's many professional grade programs available free.
I keep forgetting that "with Bing" part. I didn't dig too deep into why and what parts caused my program to crash, I'm getting lazy in my old age, but the two versions that Dell sent me on thumb drives, while they didn't stay on my computer long enough to be any kind of a test, didn't seem to crash my karaoke as quickly or as often as the 8.1 "with Bing" did/does. I just hated it from the first computer that I bought with the first version of Win 8. I will always hate Win 8 anything. I would rather use my old Dell with Vista and add a monitor, but I'll keep using this one as is till it makes me throw it across the room. And you have me beat. I only have 5 computers now. I have a desktop with XP on it in the other room that hasn't been turned on in four or more years or so. Where's my Solitaire MS!!!?
akrvbob said:
I think I do actual productive work, some of you seem to like it.

I guess I must use magic-voodoo to get it done somehow.

Didn't mean to demean others.  I am just accustomed to a certain level of performance, given I was in IT at the state level for twentyfour years.  We have different expectations on what is 'productive'.  This machine and especially WIn8/8.1 have not met my expectations.  They can't handle what I need to be able to do.  It's especially bad when there is no current alternative from MS, only the prior OS that will in a few years be no longer backed.  So I am on a time limit.
I may end up biting the bullet and going 'off reservation' as regards MS products.  I don't really want to.  Been a loyal MS drone for years.  ;)
BUT they are going in a different direction.  Their considered type of user has obviously changed.
From years of experience dealing with applications as a superuser at home. Running weird applications like software radio, multiple point real time streaming, mp3 and mpeg4 compression of my DVDs ; have seen too much weirdness with Microsoft .

Updates daily ? No mention of FLASH-SILVERLIGHT-JAVA-ACTIVEX-HTML5 updates for compatibility of browsers and to play any and all internet video streams? These are standards yet users are subject to the crap computer experience because Microsoft does not address these technologies.

Sure at least Microsoft now has their tool to block adware-spyware- virus-bloat ware if you know how to use it. Most do not.

Bottom point is that the world of software in a computer needs competition to Microsoft. And other OPERATIING SYSTEMS are looking good.
You have a point.  I am beginning to look at other OS's.  Early on with this laptop and Win8.1, it refused to run Netflix though Hulu and Crackle ran fine.  Youtube runs fine.  Wrestling with installing Silverlight (failed the first time) I finally got it to work......   sort of.  It still hangs up often, and I have to wait several minutes for the IE to restart so the Netflix can run.  IE is constantly dropping the ball and restarting.  Added to the designed-in inadequacies inherent with Win8/8.1, it is infuriating.  We buy computers to make our lives easier, not to become impediments.  I don't want challenge, I want productivity.  I want simply what I have enjoyed the last twenty years.  I don't like 'tiles', I don't do teeny-bopper social sites, I WILL NOT do the 'cloud'.  I don't want the 'dirty screen' that comes with touch screens, and the lack of usability.  I barely tolerate a touch screen on the smart phone.  I don't think my desires are odd or unaccomplishable.  Somewhere out there is a computer system that will work without being so far behind the standard that it is unsupported.
Any idea on just when the much vaunted Win10 is coming out?  I want to at least try it before trashing this machine and stepping back to punt.
One thing I did learn about Win8.1 with Bing was that IE suks trying to do anything after just a few uses. I watch netflix just great with Firefox. Firefox just works so much better than IE when having to use a Win 8.1 computer.
Terry & Lee. --- it's the obsession about security (rightly needed) compared to the obsession about media possession-copyright.

Microsoft. Sorry. It's done. Stop trying to make a perfect OS for Hollywood. Game over.

Focus on functional OS for users.
For me the perfect MS OS is WIn7. I like it even better than XP, once I got through the learning curve. Not nearly so high as when going to Win8/8.1, as it is going from a PC to PC system, not PC to Small Device type. MS has 'redesigned' perfection and made it a kludge.
I expect I will first try Firefox. I had Thunderbird as a back-up e-mail on my old PC. 'Different', but it worked in an emergency when my main e-mail died. I now gradually beginning to use Gmail more, and slowly getting away from my primary Embarqmail (CenturyLink) e-mail. That way I can do e-mail on my smart phone easily. If I end up giving up my landline/DSL system, the Gmail will be my primary e-mail.
Actually tried Google Chrome as an alternative to the over-stuffed and clunky IE - but Chrome is the opposite - so stripped down it's simply not on. Much like Win8/8.1 is to XP/Win7.
I guess my main problem is, this 'old dog' does NOT want to have to learn new tricks!
Lee, I keep TWO browsers on my machine, IE and Chrome.

IE is used for general browsing.  Chrome is reserved for online banking, paying for something with PayPal, etc.

The theory is that the browser that is used for sensitive purposes hasn't been exposed to God alone knows what, like your regular browser was.

I like the fact that every Chrome upgrade is a complete new build, and not just a "patch" applied to the same basecode.

GrantRobertson said:
The Windows 10 that will be offered free is only a one-year subscription. You will then have to pay every year after that just to keep your computer running.

It will also be offered to people with Win7. I can't recall about any other versions.

 Nope. Won't have to keep paying and Win 7 will get a free upgrade. win 10 ..Willy.
Willy said:
 Nope. Won't have to keep paying and Win 7 will get a free upgrade. win 10 ..Willy.

Interesting. That's not what I read. But then everything is just speculation right now. I hope you are right.

I tried your link, but all I got was a weird picture instead of an article.