WIFI/Smart Meter - anyone van dwelling to avoid these?

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Active member
Apr 4, 2016
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Has anyone chosen the van dwelling life because of hypersensitivity to wifi or smart meter energies inside a home or apartment?
Is that a thing?

Is it just the wifi frequencies or does it cover the entire RF spectrum?
These are not the only ones to worry about, cell phones, tablets, computers, the wiring in your home and a van all produce energy that affects people. I have found I get the best sleep when I sleep in a tent, maybe this is why I do because I'm away from all that unwanted energy invading my body.
I have been able to cope with cell phones, tablets, computers, etc. as they are only temporary. I have a cell phone only for emergency communication or if I'm away from home, otherwise I use a land line. But I just moved into an apartment that is wall-to-wall with negative wireless energy from a smart meter, wifi, house wiring and the security system. I can't sleep and my ears feel like I have cell phones strapped to them. Last night I left the apartment and slept in my van. I may have to bail out and become a van dweller by default.
The sun and earth produce more radiation across the entire spectrum than any wifi or cellular devices we invent. If you are reiliably able to detect a manmade RF signal through all that naturally occurring background noise, science would very much like to meet you.
Ever been driving along listening to AM radio and drive under some electric wires?......Nothing but static, right?

There is energy floating around everywhere........and you cant avoid it. Dwelling on it is just going to give you a heart attack. Thats the way I look at it anyway
It is called "Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity",  and a few people that suffer from it are moving to Green Bank, W.Va, {link to a story about U.S. National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000–square-mile area where most types of electromagnetic radiation on the radio spectrum (which includes radio and TV broadcasts, Wi-Fi networks, cell signals, Bluetooth, and the signals used by virtually every other wireless device) are banned to minimize disturbance around the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, home to the world’s largest steerable radio telescope.}
I have a friend who is extremely sensitive to the energy/noise from Florissant light bulbs. Including the CFL curly bulbs. When he heard they were going to quit making most incandescent bulbs he stocked up on them. Incandescents definitely use more energy, but if you can't live in a house that has all Florissant bulbs, which most do now days, what are you going to do? I wonder if that isn't part of the OPs issue. It is a real thing, I'm just glad I don't suffer from it as it makes everyday things like shopping in a grocery store literally painful for some.
I need to make a correction. The energy/noise comes from the electronic, IE ballasts, that make the bulbs work.
Well , I am aware that some people have issues or whatever with this .

They do have that " Free Zone " but outside of that ... You can live in a " Faraday Cage " .

I have no affiliation with the links i'm sharing except for being a happy long time customer...

I'm a tech-junkie! I spend ~4 to 6 hours a day reading alternative health ideas/research.
Several years back ? seven to eight ? I picked up an item called an "Earth Pulse" (info link)

The idea is that you have a hockey puck sized device you place under your bed with a small control box the size of a large smartphone near your nightstand. You set the device for the amount of time you wish to rest. Depending on the program it sends out an EMP that gets your body/mind back in sync with the natural rhythm of healthy sleep patterns and/or the Schumann frequency (wiki info link).

The other device we've had operating in the "house" (remember we full time in an rv) for several years is an item called "Earth Calm" (info link) that is a USB device connected to the laptop.

Anyhoooooo.... It may all be Snake Oil... BUT...
what I can say is that we sleep really well and don't have any apparent negative issues with the wifi in the house.
