Why microwaves?

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2016
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Why is it that so many RV manufacturers insist on sticking a microwave into sometimes even the smallest travel trailer or pop up camper? They take up valuable storage space and use valuable electricity! Those of us who grew up and learned to cook prior to when microwaves were invented know we can do perfectly well without them! For that matter why built in propane systems for cooking when there are so many portable, non-permanent and easily managed alternatives?  I think I'd rather have the storage and counter space and choose my own cooking system.
It's all about making RVs one-size-fits all. Of course they don't, but there are some of us who like having a microwave, and actually use them for their convenience. I use mine on the road all the time with my genset. Sometimes while on the road, it's a lot more convenient to heat something quickly and forego having to wash cooking pans. You can always take it out if you don't use it... but hang on to it so you can replace it when you go to sell... it may not add value, per se, but it'll add sale-ability and increase the size of your target audience.
Haha, they make really good storage spots for bread and buns etc. don't they!

The RV manufacturers put them in there because the buying public demands them...seriously!

RVs built today are generally meant to be used on a short term (think weekends and 2 weeks holidays) in a campground or RV park where the RV is hooked up to shore power.

Very few were ever designed for boondocking and living off-grid and particularly not for long term living.
Because deleting them would lower the cost of the RV...to the consumer
I think lower end Casitas are the only Travel Trailers I've seen without them
ArtW said:
Because deleting them would lower the cost of the RV...to the consumer
I think lower end Casitas are the only Travel Trailers I've seen without them

Microwaves are $49 now.  I don't think they'd affect the cost enough to make or break a sale.  They include them because consumers expect them just like power windows are now standard equipment on every Jeep package (except for the very base model that you can still have window winders on.)  Who needs power windows on a Jeep?
"I think I'd rather have the storage and counter space and choose my own cooking system"

You have that choice. Just order what you want or if short on funds for a new model modify a use one.

I and many like their  microwaves, gas appliances and all the other conveniences that come with an RV. I do live in mine not camp in it.
Also at 76 I to know how to do without a microwave and no indoor plumbing, but why would I?
as far as the propane stoves. the reason they put them in and don't use the portables is because the portables are not rated for indoor use. I know a lot of us use them indoors but from a liability stand point the RV manufacturers can't. in many areas to be classified as an RV it must have indoor cooking. so you can see the catch 22. that's why the stoves are installed. highdesertranger
I understand the convenience of microwaves and have debated whether one could get by with ONLY a microwave. But that would require being hooked up or carrying a generator all the time. I'll probably never be a full-timer so I was thinking in minimalist terms. What could I get by without? Right at the top of the list is the microwave.  For a few weeks or months at least.
Most RV/TT buyers are looking for a full "house on wheels", with all the same things they have at home in the S&B. Queen bed, easy chairs, full size fridge, big microwave, big TV (and one in the bedroom and one outside), fireplace, washer&drier, etc.......
Watching that TV program on folks buying RVs is a hoot.
No microwave in my rig. Love it at home, but not when traveling.
I prefer to keep my microwave. It runs just fine on my house battery system. With all the "Steam in Bag" products available, my microwave is a small footprint form of cooking healthy meals.
TxLady: "Why is it that so many RV manufacturers insist on sticking a microwave into sometimes even the smallest travel trailer or pop up camper?  Those of us who grew up and learned to cook prior to when microwaves were invented know we can do perfectly well without them!"

LeeRevell is right -- did you know that some RVs have dishwashers???  Most of those people are tied to parks that have hookups.  HOW BORING.  I'll bet you would never see a pair of coyotes trotting through those places!

You are OBVIOUSLY not the usual citizen who follows the mind-control advertisers! And you probably have never owned a McMansion (now worth half the price you paid for it), and don't buy a new car or truck every few years just because you 'should'.  You probably don't give a fig about what the Joneses or most anyone else thinks. *sigh, shaking head in despair*  It would probably be a good idea for you to contact your local water district and advise them to add more fluoride to the drinking water.

I hope we can meet someday.  We seem to have a few things in common. :D
Why do RV manufactures put them in, because they have become part of our everyday lives for many and a expected sight in a kitchen. Maybe not our generation but many younger than we have never known life without one. It is part of how they cook if not day by day, at least sometimes. I was excited when we got one in the trailer along with the stove and the oven. It meant we had a complete kitchen even if we didn't use it for much at home. It was the first thing I wanted to be able to run without a generator and the reason I expanded our solar and bank in the first place. Now that I am out here I should use it more as the power is renewable and free unlike propane. It is also a lot faster and more convenient than the solar ovens.
TrainChaser said:
LeeRevell is right -- did you know that some RVs have dishwashers???  Most of those people are tied to parks that have hookups.  HOW BORING.  I'll bet you would never see a pair of coyotes trotting through those places!

A mere dishwasher?  Oh how pedestrian... 

I've got an older microwave. No digital clock that has to be set, and no mini computer that has to be set up before you can use it. Just two simple dials. The first has four settings, defrost through high. The second is a simple timer that goes up to 35 minutes in 1/2 minute increments. Once you start spinning it, it's on. It's great for heating soup and other quick meals, and I'll bet it will be still working long after those other whiz bang microwaves are in the land fill because their computer quit.
Weight said:
I prefer to keep my microwave. It runs just fine on my house battery system. With all the "Steam in Bag" products available, my microwave is a small footprint form of cooking healthy meals.

One does wonder.... or at least I do....... about "steam in plastic bag" foods, plastic microwave containers, Silicone cooking utensils, bottled water........ we all know that plastic leaches compounds into that which it contains, often more so when hot.......

Is this cooking healthy food in plastic really all that healthy? Given the choice.....Ceramic, glass and metal for me! But maybe not aluminum......... even teflon has known issues .......

I ain't putting my cheese doodles in no plastic bowl!  :D

djkeev said:
I ain't putting my cheese doodles in no plastic bowl!  :D
Agreed, no plastic ware in the microwave for me either. Glass or nothing.
TxLady: "Why is it that so many RV manufacturers insist on sticking a microwave into sometimes even the smallest travel trailer or pop up camper?  Those of us who grew up and learned to cook prior to when microwaves were invented know we can do perfectly well without them!"

LeeRevell is right -- did you know that some RVs have dishwashers???  Most of those people are tied to parks that have hookups.  HOW BORING.  I'll bet you would never see a pair of coyotes trotting through those places!

You are OBVIOUSLY not the usual citizen who follows the mind-control advertisers! And you probably have never owned a McMansion (now worth half the price you paid for it), and don't buy a new car or truck every few years just because you 'should'.  You probably
don't give a fig about what the Joneses or most anyone else thinks. *sigh, shaking head in despair*  It would probably be a good idea for you to contact your local water district and advise them to add more fluoride to the drinking water.

I hope we can meet someday.  We seem to have a few things in common. :D

Ha ha! Bingo! What's the point of "camping" if you're gonna drag the whole house along? Full-timers notwithstanding of course. I have family members who are full timers and in that case I'd want more than the basics. My must haves are a comfortable bed, room to stand up (I'm 5'11") and a toilet. Everything else is up for evaluation. And my average time to keep a car is 8-10 years.
Ballenxj, that old 'wave will for sure outlast a modern one, the magnetrons last ages, it's the control panels that go out
You know...I have a nice microwave. Was free from a family friend. But...I rarely use it. I warm up pizza mostly. I dont do much frozen meals in them. I have a brand new nuwave, which is collecting dust. We mainly stovetop cook.