Why do you think vehicle dwelling and/or the nomadic life is for you?

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2015
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It seems like I am always happier going somewhere.  Some of my best childhood memories are going memories....fishing.....on the train from Dallas TX to Enid OK...up to Ada OK to see the Great Aunts & Uncles......out to Kaufman TX to Uncle C.E.'s chicken farm....fishing......and as a young wife.....  fishing...shooting......back to OK picking peaches.....running the 1/4 mile strip in my '67 Chevelle.......just general road running...mostly good times...i'm sure there were times not so good but thankfully they have faded.

In 2012 my "get the hell outta Dodge" plan hit a bump $$$$$$$$ in the road my $"s i'd counted on in 2004 were now about in the $0.40 to $0.60 range.  So I played it safe & rented an apt. and here I am...still.  I have everything I need and many of my wants.....with one major thing unsatisfied.

WANDERLUST...AND YES I AM TOO SHOUTING!      I NEED TO ROAM!   TO BE FREE TO COME AND GO AS AND WHERE I PLEASE.    I see my close family & friends struggling with this concept....to the point neither I or they bring up the subject....it's a non-subject.

I am at the point in my life where age and health are factors in many long term decisions....so I am slowly getting rid of things..on good days I move faster...on bad days not so fast so i make up lists of what needs to be done in different areas......   :)    ......  and looking at vehicle options......$$$ wise I'm leaning towards  fixing up my 1991 ranger 4x4 adding a camper cap and maybe taking off the bed slides on my pop up trailer, as i can not pull them out by myself but can still crank up the roof.

The upside of this is they are both paid for ......not in pristine condition...and short of setting them on fire I don't think i'm gonna hurt them....much. 

Now if i was on the road I could just drive away when:
I can hear my neighbors cough...scream........cry etc. thru my bedroom walls.......In 6yrs in this complex I have  called in 4 "SHOTS FIRED"......the last one I was out side with Queenie and heard the ricochet....CLOSE....... 1 " FEMALE PLEADING " for her life...oh yeah the police knocked on my door due to a "DOMESTIC  DISTURBANCE" report on my apt. ........Well ol' Big Smo   :D    do sing a little loud when i'm jammin' doing dishes etc'' but not at this time.    They seemed surprised to learn that.....I was alone...in bed... on the phone with my family......watching a dvd........of course they declined to tell me where the call originated....s.o.p.  of which I am well aware...I gave them a little history on my interaction with a neighbor and I was told there would not be any further follow up/report concerning me or my apt. re: this call.
In all this uproar this is the kicker........ I live 3 blocks from the police station!  

I really think Ill be happier and more content with wheels under me.
I really think i'll be safer with wheels under me.....  and maybe....  just maybe part of a small group.  
I know Queenie will be happy..happy....happy....right now it's a 40 mile round trip to get to a safe & secure place for her to run free.....she  was only 3mo when we moved here and now very territorial re: myself..the truck..and near our apt' doors /windows/porches.

Even when I do not agree with what someones posts i still like to look at other folks ideas and reasonings.
I learn at least one new thing each time i'm logged on here at CRVL from you guys.

I think life would be sooooo boring if we all lived in "Stepford". 

For me it's mostly a matter of money. I can't imagine working 40hrs/week so that I can afford to pay $1000+ for rent and utilities. It just seems really pointless.

This way, I have a comfortable place to live, and it sure as hell doesn't cost me $1000/month.
I have been thinking alot about why nomadic life works so well for me, as I am going to do it again in a month after not for two years.

I can relate alot to what u are saying, I have just got myself unstuck, I pretty much had to I was getting massively depressed. Not being outside really affects me and now I know a better way to live hard to go back. Know what it is like to really be alive. 

The biggest draws for me are truly being in the moment, mindful, experiencing different cultures, being outside of myself, natural living, time to focus on whats important, simple managable routine,  and probably the biggest one that I just realized, having real problems to think about instead of ones I make up. What to wear, what to do, who to see :)

I Know what u mean about trying to explain, justify living this way. It is why I on here so much while I am preparing, can talk to me who know about andnxare about the same things. 
Just had a guy tell me today when I told him I was going to travel "you know whever u go there u are' I thought no shi... Then thought I am running to myself not away, but just smiled.

Great question! Hope u get out if thats what u want. I lived in a place like u describe, my family wanted me in one place, they did not understand I was in way more danger there than traveling! Wishing u well:)
Tjaybird said:
I am at the point in my life where age and health are factors in many long term decisions....so I am slowly getting rid of things..on good days I move faster...on bad days not so fast so i make up lists of what needs to be done in different areas......   :)     ......  and looking at vehicle options......$$$ wise I'm leaning towards  fixing up my 1991 ranger 4x4 adding a camper cap and maybe taking off the bed slides on my pop up trailer, as i can not pull them out by myself but can still crank up the roof.

The upside of this is they are both paid for ......not in pristine condition...and short of setting them on fire I don't think i'm gonna hurt them....much. 


One thing I might be able to offer here, is on the pop ups I've had, I always found it much easier to push the slide outs out from the inside rather than trying to pull them out from the outside...

Good Luck & Best Wishes!
Wherever You Go , There You Are !
Exactly !
But oh the PLACES that "there" can be !!!!!!
Because I'm free. Now that I'm full-on vandwelling, I feel more like myself than I ever have before. It's not just a money thing either (although not having a mortgage or rent is great). It's living simply that has also been freeing.
It's tough to quantify.  I always feel anxious and stressed out living a "normal" life.  I feel like I'm just going through the motions and trying to do what I'm supposed to in order to please others.

I want to be as free as possible.  When I am on the road everything clicks together and I have the ability to go anywhere, do anything, see new things, and meet new people.  Walking around and exploring something new at my own pace is the happiest I will ever be.    I don't get that trapped at home, waking up to my alarm clock, punching a time clock.
I have always wanted to be a full-time RVer, since I learned there was such a thing when we had moved to AZ for awhile. That was over 25 years ago. Now, nearing retirement, I realize that I can't afford a house I don't want anyway once retired and a larger RV and all the hassles is a real headache and costly. Having traveled a lot in younger years and lately chained to one place, I want to be "free" of it. Always a minimalist at heart, I was totally committed once I saw "Without Bound". I am currently looking at tiny trailers and teardrops. That "How much does a person really need?" just, I don't even know how to describe how that hit me and has stayed with me. Also, I love "nature", the plants, the animals, the mountains, the streams...........

Just last week, this feeling came over me that now, I had entered the "tunnel" that leads to the lifestyle and was mentally on my way to doing this. It is a feeling of excitement mixed with thrill as the "fear" is gone. Originally, I had thought I would need to take my adult son with DS along but he decided that he wants to go into a day and residential service and we found a great one, I think. That lifts a very heavy burden as mom is just not up to keeping up with him anymore and it is time that dad take his part anyway.

I will have to go through the "disapproval" phase once others know my plan. I have been there as the "black sheep" since birth. It is my life and I am taking it "back".

The lifestyle won't be for everyone. Although some will disagree, I believe you always need an "exit" plan if for no other reason than to feel more confident about giving another lifestyle a chance. "Exit" plan is the what you will do if the lifestyle isn't for you.
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see.
And all that he could see,
And all that he could see,
Was the other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see.

It was put in my head as soon as I could understand words.


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Why do I do it?

Room rent (Yes this is ONE Room) is about $650 a month, the add the utilities....Now, could I afford it? Yes, but it would limit me for ANYTHING else. That's 2 weeks work right there...(Shivers) So, I don't have that to deal with.

I found a VERY quiet area to park, due to my late shift and late arrival at the place (It's going to get even later when I change my shower arrangement) and so it's better than where I was parking.

I'm not the "Party" type (NO attending or hosting) so that's another reason....

I just like being me....Not what others want me to be.
This life IS me , I've been happy living like this for a long time and haven't seen anything else that I would give it up for.
I have seen things that make me laugh , sad or sick though. Pass on those thanks!
I've always been a traveler; camping, car-tripping while staying at motels or with family, flying to other states or countries. I generally worked 9 months per year and traveled the rest.
I hit hard times a few years ago and was homeless for a year. Inherited a few thousand and now I'm in a van, living this life, both from necessity and love for it. I work much less now but need less to live ($4-500 per month). I can work in Oregon (Alaska this summer) for the warm months and head south when it gets cold. It's a good life. Better than being truly homeless!
Off Grid 24/7 said:
One thing I might be able to offer here, is on the pop ups I've had, I always found it much easier to push the slide outs out from the inside rather than trying to pull them out from the outside...

Good Luck & Best Wishes!

Thank you so much for the "push not pull" hint,  have only set it up a few times and always had to have help...   I intend to try your hint..........it's set up at a friends now however they may be moving & the pop up will move too so i'll give it a try then.   i'm also checking to see if the rails might be bent and looking into what lubricant to use to help things along.  i have used dry bar soap to help old wood drawers slide better , i might give that a try too.     

  It's a good day here    :)   hope you have one too.       TJB
nobodyG17 said:
It's tough to quantify.  I always feel anxious and stressed out living a "normal" life.  I feel like I'm just going through the motions and trying to do what I'm supposed to in order to please others.

I want to be as free as possible.  When I am on the road everything clicks together and I have the ability to go anywhere, do anything, see new things, and meet new people.  Walking around and exploring something new at my own pace is the happiest I will ever be.    I don't get that trapped at home, waking up to my alarm clock, punching a time clock.

Hi.....The year I turned 42yrs. old I did 3 things in 3mos.   received my G.E.D. [9th grade drop out]........started college.......turned 42    :s   For most of my life iv'e not only marched  to the beat of a different drummer, sometimes I fired the rascal for not keeping up!     One of the  things I learned in class that first year that has helped me is this, or some form of it........normal is determined by the accepted acts/actions within society or a group of people.........whenever i hear the word "normal" iv'e said to myself and some times right out loud...........WHERE WAS I WHEN THE SURVEY WAS TAKEN TO DETERMINE WHAT IS NORMAL [accepted] BEHAVIOR?...........now before anyone starts poking at me with a sharp stick i'm not speaking of or condoning socially abhorrent actions by anyone......I'm saying so what if we want to live a life that causes no harm to anyone and pleases ourselves?       :D    I like this CRVL group/site because it seems to be a very diverse group and yet i have not seen anyone be called strange or abnormal :huh:               HAPPY TRAILS    TJB & Queenie
In my life and times I've lived in the same general area and I've seen most of it to where there isn't much left to see.  I'm growing weary of being in the same place all of the time and would like to just wander for a few years. 

This would free me of home ownership,  so many of the things I possess that in fact possess me. 

Then if I wish to travel on any given day, I can.  If I just wish to lay around do nothing I can. (and not be around people who try to make it their business to
legislate my conscience for it)

I'm just in the wrong place to be the old Mountain Man I'd prefer to be.  Just too many people around here. 

Like a sign I once saw in a Library said.

Intelligent people talk about "Ideas"

Common people talk about "Things"

Ignorant people talk about "Each Other"

I'd like to find more stimulating & intelligent people to be around in the near future.
I think you forgot #2, or found it at a different source...

Brilliant people talk about "Solutions"
I've always had a bad case of wanderlust. It may be genetic, since most of my family has wandered this country from coast to coast. I was a Navy brat so moving often was how I grew up. Road trips back to Southeast Missouri, where my parents were from, are my best childhood memories. I've never lived in one house for more than 2 years at a time and I'm 53 yrs old now. 

I became a truck driver partly because I could earn good money but mostly because I like going places. Not necessarily getting there but going there. I like to be alone and quiet and that's hard to find in a permanent community.

I had an uncle tell me, one time, that he and I shared the ability to settle into our own minds and get comfortable.  Most people don't have that ability so they're always hurrying around finding something or someone to keep their mind busy. I've been too long in cities and need to get back to the places that give me the quiet I need in order to decompress and find my way back into my own mind.

And, I like the thought of living off grid, not paying for fossil fuels any more than absolutely necessary.
Can't really explain it but the nomadic solo life suits me perfectly.
Well, I'm not in van yet but will be very soon. A few preparations and I will be. 

As I mentioned in my introduction, I am trying to get out of debt and I have always wondered what it was like to live full-time on the road anyway. I was an Air force brat so traveling is "in my blood so to speak." I'm also tired of shelling out rent and making others rich! I will be 59 in April so this will be interesting. LOL! I find myself excited about it all. :D

I have always been happiest when I was traveling, be it for business or pleasure. I don't have one of those "Warm Fuzzy" personalities and usually irk people by saying what I think so traveling is therapeutic for me. I have been stationary for four months now and my Xanax use (prescription) has  tripled. I know everyone has their reason for going on the road but for me it is to get away from the crowd.

I am negotiating on a 27' Class A, we've agreed on price, now it's up to him to pay for an independent inspection. 

Safe Travels and Happiness to all.