rrruuff, Thanks for consigning me to a nursing home because I am considering an eventual end to my wandering ways.

And BTW, we will ALL need to stop wandering eventually. I'm just trying to plan ahead a little bit and consider possible options. .
Just an FYI, there are many possible steps before nursing homes. Without going into detail, my health is very good - for my age. Not without a few hiccups, mainly my eyesight and reaction time moving at highway speeds. But I'm not ready for a nursing home quite yet. And, on that subject, I might consider other more permanent options before I choose that one. Although I do worry about someday being consigned to some such facility against my wishes. Just saying...
As far as settling down where there is "easy walk and decent public transit" - that pretty much would lead one toward an urban environment where the cost of living is often sky high. In my experience, a lower cost of living is usually rural, if not really really rural, AKA off grid rural. but I'm not ruling that entirely out. No, my question was in the realm of "is there anything or any place I have not thought of yet?"