What made you happy today?

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That's a nice neat square hole !

Even somebody that had never done any building should know that your blade would never do such a thing.Duh !

Then he showed more duh by asking you with no thought what might happen if you had,,,,OMGoshk ! You might have offered to do a little demonstration ..........on the ceiling ,of course !
It was where the original cable line came through, when my line went bad they simply drilled a hole in the bedroom and ran the line. Never sealed it or covered that hole.

Can't expect much for $1000.00 a month.

OH yeah . What made me happy today is the SUN!
It's finally not covered by rain clouds !
AND its getting warmer too !
High 80s predicted for Thursday , steady now,,,one day at a time.
After battling with the damn thing for over a year, yesterday/Monday I finally passed this 5 - 6mm kidney stone!  

"Happy" doesn't even begin to describe how that made me feel!


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Had a fantastic conversation with my wife last night. For me, there has to be another option besides sitting in FL until we rot, she finally agreed. She asked for a year down there to find out who she is after working insane high stress jobs for decades, she just wants to "be" for a while. I get that and can respect it, so a year in FL then maybe some wandering to see if there's someplace else we'd rather hang out.

I think it helped that I sent her some videos from New Mexico and a few from Bob's Youtube channel... she got to thinking about how much she loves NM and the west in general.
I understand just wanting to 'be' it reminds me of 'flat time' in my vernacular
I work high stress manual labor type jobs that leave me physically, emotionally, and mentally drained, so I have my 'flat time' when I come home from work, where I lie down and 'become flat'
If I have a mate, they can join me for a long cuddle, but JUST a cuddle
I don't think, I don't talk, I don't eat, I don't even want intimacy, just let me be 'flat' for one hour, then I'll take out the trashed, feed the animals, change the cat box, walk the dog, and cook dinner

But only after that
After my thrilling conversation with the new manager here I spoke to one of the desk clerks while she was outside taking a smoke break. She told me this new manager was on an eviction kick, he had already given several notices. Gave me pause for thought. Since I pay monthly I'm covered by the same eviction laws as a regular apartment dweller here in Texas, it takes awhile to boot someone out.

When I got back to my room I gave that some thought and came to the realization that IDGAF. Everything that's going in the trailer is neatly arranged just taking up space in my living room, it wouldn't take me an hour to get all my crap out of here if pressed.

It made me happy to finally have the impetus to get out. I'm going to take most of it up to Oklahoma where my trailer is and offload it there.

Plans for the weekend.. Makes me happy.

That is excellent, Rob! Sometimes we just need a nudge to get us moving, sounds like this new, unpleasant person is just that.
Today I was able to physically mow my lawn for the first time in 5 years.  Got a new Honda lawn mower too.  I've always been weird when it comes to household chores, I like all of them, especially mowing lawns.  Nothing like the smell of fresh cut grass and actually being able to be on my feet for a few hours pushing a lawnmower is morale boosting to an entirely new level.


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Congratulations, ERLH! Awesome progress you're making.
I can hear Willie tuning up!

I don't have a lawn but I wouldn't be surprised if others ask you for a sign up sheet now ! ;)
Matt, good to hear. My lawn was my pride and joy.

Today is a cool, rainy day. I'm inside watching videos with the oven on baking cookies and here soon a acorn squash. That's keeping it nice and toasty without running the furnace. Any day with cookies is a happy day. :)
jimindenver said:
Today is a cool, rainy day. I'm inside watching videos with the oven on baking cookies and here soon a acorn squash. That's keeping it nice and toasty without running the furnace. Any day with cookies is a happy day. :)

This is why my van will absolutely, positively have an oven!  Heat + cookies!  Let's see Mr Buddy do that :D
jimindenver said:
Matt, good to hear. My lawn was my pride and joy.

Ha,  My lawn is currently in the joy only stage,  it's going to need a little (a few cases worth) elbow grease before it can have the pride portion attached to it!
Gunny said:
When I got back to my room I gave that some thought and came to the realization that IDGAF. Everything that's going in the trailer is neatly arranged just taking up space in my living room, it wouldn't take me an hour to get all my crap out of here if pressed.

It made me happy to finally have the impetus to get out. I'm going to take most of it up to Oklahoma where my trailer is and offload it there.

Plans for the weekend.. Makes me happy.

Every time I've seen this thread today I wanted to post "Not a damn thing" as it's been on of those weeks.

What made me happy today was your post about taking your stuff to your trailer!  Good for you!   :D 

Folks near me just don't get it and it wears me out.  Have a safe trip.  Kitty going with?

No, she has a cat sitter. The cat is a hoot, she always tries to bolt out when the door opens so last night when my neighbor came over I told her to just the cat go. Cat races to the threshold of the door and stops, looks in every direction then crouches and ventures ten ft from the door, never leaving the concrete. Neighbor was holding the door open the entire time. We have no idea what the cat saw but she was truly a blur heading for the cover of my bed. There was nothing out there.

I nominate her for the mascot of 'the you ain't right club'.

Not today, but a week ago...

My family moved 1800 miles away in February.  My plans to head there in my B van fell apart and I won't be able to go for another couple of months.  So I booked a flight (ugh) for a few days visit last week.

Now I was prepared for my now 17 month old grandson to be shy of me, maybe not even remember me since its been three months and he is so young.  On my arrival, my son-in-law asked me what I wanted to do and I said "Let's go get the kids!"  We walked into the daycare where the toddlers were lined up in their high chairs having lunch.  My lil guy looked over at me with this "where Have I seen that lady before" look on his face.  I just smiled and said, "Hi, Jojo".  His little face broke into the biggest smile, he held out both his arms to me, I snatched him outta that chair, he wrapped his little arms around my neck and buried his face in my shoulder, and hugged me for several minutes!  I blubbered like a baby and danced around with him in my arms "Gramma's here and I love you soooo much!"  And his 3 year old brother went crazy running back and forth shouting "It's Gramma Day!"  He'd hug me, stand back and look me in the eyes and hug me again.  Over and over.

Worth every penny, all the  humiliation that flying now requires, the hours in the airports and again in the planes, the crowds, all of that.  I will do it again.  Whatever it takes.