What made you happy today?

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djkeev said:
I've been talking to them now that the days are longer about doing four 10 hours days and taking a three day weekend every week.....
Those were my absolute favorite kind of work weeks. Although it "did" allow more time to get into trouble. :p
M-Th alternating with Tu-Fr was my favorite.

Topped only by the same idea in a place that worked Saturdays, but top management just couldn't handle even their best staffers getting five-day "weekends" every other week.
The sagebrush is in bloom. Deep purple flowers.
MrNoodly said:
The sagebrush is in bloom. Deep purple flowers.

Have a tree outside my window that just seemed to pop overnight, it's entirely covered in brilliant white flowers.  Nature really does a fine job.
Today was about 55 degrees and after a long cold winter in Maine, that felt better than words can describe. This and fall are my favorite time of the year, the outside temp is just right to ride around with the windows open but with the heat blasting. I don't know what it is, but the mix of cool air from outside mixing with the warm air inside, always felt great to me.
Took the dogs for a slow ride down a country lane.  Two little dogs with ears flapping in the breeze makes all of us happy.
Got my scheduled switched from 930pm to 5pm, 2 days off instead of 1. And will be 70 monday here in NY. Zoo needs a visiting.
Every Road Leads Home said:
Today was about 55 degrees and after a long cold winter in Maine, that felt better than words can describe.  This and fall are my favorite time of the year, the outside temp is just right to ride around with the windows open but with the heat blasting.  I don't know what it is, but the mix of cool air from outside mixing with the warm air inside, always felt great to me.

I used to love the flip side of that, riding around in a convertible in FL on a super hot day with the AC blasting.  Soaking up all that sunshine while feeling cool air swirl around me, just felt so good!
Bright unrelenting Sunshine on a super hot humid day?!?

Oh please just kill me know and make it end!

Warm Spring and Fall Sun is great!
Summer Sun? NOT so great......

When I had my Miata, we would put the top down on a cool or even cold evening, blast the heat, put on our Winter jackets and go cruising through the country side! Great fun! My Wife always worried about Bats though........

Soon I'll have my Karmann Ghia Convertible on the road and we will once again be cruising the backroads with the top down! (And yes, AirCooled VW's have amazing heat when they are working properly, they are so hot that they will melt plastic items close to the vents)

Got to double dip on this topic.  Last evening I took a drive around the long and winding country roads.  This part of Texas almost reminds me of Ohio - so green compared to West Texas. AC/DC - 'Thunder' came on - I cranked it up and Todd barked like a fool.  It was almost as though he was barking along with the "thunda" chorus.  Sometimes there are moments that re-telling doesn't do justice to, but singing along to AC/DC as we cruised the back roads seemed just about perfect.  I couldn't do this journey without my rowdy sidekick - what a guy!


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Ian, that is awesome!! And multiple dip anytime you want, it's nice to have a happy thread!
NOt a recent photo, nor me paddling as I took the photo, but I got to ride fun waves every day this last week with light or no crowds

SternWake, that picture fills me with longing. Beautiful.
Pacific groundswells make me happy, as they give me the sensation of flying.

Queen said:
An old forum I was on had threads like this, it was nice to take a second and focus on what made everyone happy or made them smile.

For me it's the ongoing email conversation with my wife about what we'll do when we're retired.  So far today we've come up with:
- sleep in as long as we want
- throw out our old bedside clocks
- stay up late and watch dumb movies
- float in the pool for hours
- make awesome breakfast whenever we want

And we've been staring at the webcam that's set up down the street from our FL condo.  ahhhhhhhhh!

I went into a local store in Montrose CO and found the best bargain on an old Cane Wicker chair for my cabin this summer.  It was only $30 and very sturdy.  It will be a great napping chair and one must always have those.  Life is grand  :p :)
When my Granddaughter leaves is always tough, but her hug and " I love you" bring me to tears....after she leaves and can't see me.

Her waking me up at exactly 0800 telling me she is getting breakfast ready. Microwave frozen pancakes and Little Smokies, a meal fit for a king.

I suppose everyone has an idea of 'Happy', mine is to co-exist with my daughter-in-law so my visits continue and as god as my witness it ain't easy.

Here's what made me happy today, was on my doorstep when I went out around 5pm. Tomorrow i'll unpack it and test her out!


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WOO HOO!!! Just got done with a 20 minute swim and I feel like a million bucks! I'm not a crippled up mess when I swim, I am powerful and strong and still pretty badass!
Insomnia last night, finally went to bed about 0600, neighbors came by to check on me at 1300 because I was not in my usual behind the computer position. I'm not sure happy describes it but having neighbors who are basically strangers check on me was nice.
