What happened,Where did they go?

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Great Falls, MT
I sometimes wonder about the newcomers who post with so much enthusiasm and trepidation on the forum.Seems most of them only post a couple of times and then disappear.Did their dreams end in disappointment?Did they decide it wasn't for them?Were they successful in this lifestyle or did tragedy strike? Did reality set in?Just musing today.
Reality man ... that's what kept me quiet for a little while, then someone PM'd me to inquire about me. Sorta brought me back out to the forum ...
The internet has a way of eating people.

Life happens.
Most likely they start discussing such a lifestyle with their friends and family, who persuade them to abandon the idea. After all, starting out is the hardest part.
Bob Dickerson said:
 Did reality set in?Just musing today.

How real are they? Some of them sound like they may not be. But then, some people here have talked about actually meeting one poster I was sure was a sock account.
I think some disappear from sticker shock after hearing what it will take to fulfill their " wants " list to full-time. The reality of that cost causes a rethink of priorities and off they go. Those that have been lurking for awhile and have narrowed down what the "do-without" list looks like will be much more comfortable (successful) in whatever version of CRVL they choose for themselves.

Just my ol 2¢ worth
Earlier I posted it was reality that had me disappear for a week or two and of course that was MY reality. Then fear of failure for a short time. But I find I keep coming back because CRVL is really helping me fine tune, even in my fear and my reality at the time which changes every second.
I'm still here, eBaying, selling, sorting, everything I own, trying to judge what is worth sending on to my son in CO to pick up when I get to the mainland. I have paid for my flight, for shipping my truck, booked my animals on air cargo, sold my car and trying to finish off this damned last year at work. I have sent in my separation papers and made appointments for retirement, been trying to sort out the healthcare situation which has to change because Kaiser is not a portable plan and will drop me as soon as I'm out of region, (will have BCBS) and jsut basically feeling inundated with all that needs to be done to get out of here and on the road. Now I think I better get an iphone or something set up, (I know I know, I'm a hold out) and get my mail forwarding and a new bank account set up before the pension starts. NOt to mention trying to get the house ready to sell. I leave on June 9. Not much time.

I laugh at peeps who say take this in baby steps. Doesn't work with 2000 miles of ocean between where you are and where you want to be.
Many of the "missing" are likely simply enjoying the van life and have simply gotten what they needed from the forum and moved on.
Myself I am to the point that I read one of every ten or twelve new threads or posts.  Most simply are of no interest to me. Some other forums I simply didn't gel with.  After a time I left.  Their field of interest is still good but I found other forums were better for my needs.  Such is the way of forums.  We come and go.
I'm still here but I don't have any real updates since I bought my mini bus so I haven't been posting. Working and saving money to make it happen. Also working on a business to do on the road.
Party Bus lives again!  

I don't have good internet access when out in the van, so when I am not here, I am probably out there.
I am slowly making progress toward van life. I don't post much because the progress is so slow. But it is moving.
Hey Brad, I sent you a PM so I don't hijack the thread. No, it's not about stripper poles lol
I am still here. Perhaps my circumstances are not same as most people in this forum.
Been converting the van for year and a half, i think my perfectionism is to blame for that delay. That and the idea that insulation is among the most important things (I'm in Ohio). I am 75% done with insulation. hopefully this year I finish the conversion. And I'll update my conversion thread. Taking too much time wears me of. but I know, eventually, I'll be glad about putting so much effort,

I'm new and now living in my van. I still work at a homeless shelter in SD, and I work overnights. It can be pretty hard for me to sleep during the day but I have been staying at a co-worker's (and his girlfriend's) place. I'm just living in my van in their driveway. I have had no problems so far but I know that after a while, their neighbors will probably get wise so I am scouting out potential sleep spots. I do have an annual SD park pass, so that will help. Also, I'm doing some work on my van that is much needed but I will get it done.  :)

OP will surely deliver let's just wait.JPG

They will be back, it is just a matter of time  :D


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