What happened,Where did they go?

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I'm still here too. Damaged my phone and had to get a new one and just didn't bother logging in for awhile. Been playing with my solar panel, cooler, and battery. Hoping work slows a bit so I can start taking a few weekend road trips.

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I'm still here, too. I don't have much to say, either. I was just getting ready to go on a short jaunt when I got the flue, and have been out ever since. Now, several med tests are scheduled. Can't do much, my breath is so limited. So, my "Plan B" may be what I live from now on...
I read here with some frequency, just don't have much to say.
I'm still here, too!  

Since my Newcomers post I have gotten myself completely out of debt and stayed there!  My daughter moved in with me to reduce living expenses for both of us.   And I am continuing to down size, selling all that I can to put towards a van and a trailer.  

It will be awhile before I'm able to go full time, but until then, I'm trying out living in a small space - almost everything I own that I'm going to keep is neatly arranged in my 94 sq. ft. bedroom.  Continuing to make changes in how I live and learning new skills all the time!  

Congratulations on being out of debt TT.That's a great accomplishment.Good to hear from folks still living the dream.
a lot just leave because they are tired of getting their post deleted,i'm starting to feel that way too,if its not a robot like factual post full of butterflies and rainbows,it gets deleted

check out post #10 in this thread

Playing by the rules here is one of the advantages of this forum over most of the others. If you don't do that, then don't be surprised when your posts are deleted.

If a person can't handle that, take your marbles and go play in another game.

It's like driving 10 miles over the speed limit and not liking the outcome when you get caught. Dah . . .

Just my opinion . . .
no it's like doing the speed limit but in 3rd gear not 4th and getting a ticket or
replying to "what if you have a gun and a cop stops you" with "i dont carry but have knives and i tell them so" and it gets deleted
it's the wtf deletions that get me,i didnt use language,didnt attack anyone,wasnt political ???? guess a knife comment in a gun thread was just to far off topic,you dont get an explanation why

and be careful of the "if you dont like it leave"because i have seen popular forums go down that way,you only have to tell someone to leave so many times before they leave and over the last year i have seen some very knowledgeable members leave
G said:
it's the wtf deletions that get me, 

Interpretation is subjective. We don't have facial expressions or voice intonations to help us figure out what someone means when they post. 

We do our best.
I am another who appreciates the moderation on this site and find no reason to take a post deletion personally.
I agree with kurbmaster on this one, don't take it personally. hey we are all human. move on I have had post deleted too. no biggie. highdesertranger
When I do take it personally, I sit on my pitty potty and have a pity party by myself.  Then I get over it.   :blush:

People move on, change their life, and do not need to have their dwelling related questions answered.  Some lose their passwords, net capability, or do not want to be honest about being called out on obvious embellishments.  

As for the mods.   :D  They have more understanding of the complete picture than I do.   :cool: 

More power to them!
i'm a vet of p&r forums so this here is about as easy of a moderation job as it gets,bet there are more flame wars on a play doh site

look at the title of the thread,i gave my opinion and was hit with the love it or leave,maybe a little more tribal then intended?

anyway,what would a village be without it's idiot?
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Bob Dickerson said:
I sometimes wonder about the newcomers who post with so much enthusiasm and trepidation on the forum.Seems most of them only post a couple of times and then disappear.Did their dreams end in disappointment?Did they decide it wasn't for them?Were they successful in this lifestyle or did tragedy strike? Did reality set in?Just musing today.

I'm new to the site but not traveling and living in a small, small Toyota pick up with camper shell, it did get old when it was snowing, and I wasn't able to leave to warmer parts due to being on assignment.. I love this life. I feel free, happy, and @ peace and I must have that again! The past 3 years I've work so hard to get this brick and mortar business successful and as of last year It has. so, now I'm like a squire, stocking up the funds for the future rig setup and live the rest of my young life as nomad. :D :heart:

Bodie Mountains , CA
It has only been 6mo. since I joined CRVL.  I often see names of posters' who are unfamiliar to me.  I always look at their "joined" date and wonder where they have been.  I too have at times have realized that someone hasn't been heard from for a while.  Then I wonder where they went :-/ ....and hope they are well  :)

 Yep I wonder and I am a worrier too.   Right now I wonder where Yogidog went.  

If I ever do get back to the point where I can travel any distance other than just getting from point A to point B I will be like Yogi......a solo female.........traveling in a small older truck that's not in the best condition....... in the company of my dog.  So I worry.  That said unless it's health related I do not intend to let my "worries" keep me housebound...the road calls...might be only a local call... Or it could be long distance.   :)    I'll just have to wait and see.
                                               Texas Jbird  and  Queenie
I don't post as much as I did a couple years ago. Partly from not having much to contribute and partly because of just living life. I belong to a half dozen forums but Facebook is my primary social outlet, then CRVL.
I do check on here most every day, skimreading if I'm short on time. Right now I'm working construction in Alaska full-time and my relatives up here are always wanting my time and company after work hours. I do love hanging out with my little nephews and nieces.
So, still here and plan to go to my third RTR this winter.

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I've been lurking in the shadows, mostly since joining. We did acquire a conversion van, but it's standard, and unmodified. We're going into an RV since we're travelling vendors and need space. He wants a Class A, I'd prefer a Class C. We'll probably get the Class A  :s. We'll use the RV mostly as a "mother ship", and then vend with the van. We've been in Yuma, AZ, Mesa AZ, Parker AZ, Lake Havasu City AZ and today on Hualapai Mountain outside Kingman, AZ. 

I had two yard sales in the last few days, still whitttling down the contents of our desert house. It's listed in the MLS, so the minute someone buys it, we're gone, baby, GONE  :D. If it doesn't sell, I guess we'll be forced to rent it out. I don't like that scenario one bit. Just can't seem to sell it in such a rotten economy. 

We really want to dock it in Quartzsite for a few months next selling season, but it's a catch 22. Can't acquire the RV we need until we sell the house. Truly frustrating, but I've never had a problem I didn't solve.

Meantime, we may run up to Michigan for two months and do some vending there. 

A guy was supposed to do a barter with us for the shuttle bus we have for sale, but he's flaked off twice so far. Hmmm. Says he'll be here next Sunday. I'll be waiting with bated breath. (not!)

All I can say that if there's a will, there's always a way, the waiting is the hardest part, thus I lurk on the forum and on the YouTube channels to gain all the great information from all these nice people who take their time to teach it all to "the rest of us"  :)

"What Matters Most Is How Well You Walk Through The Fire"  ~Charles Bukowski
I joined a month or so ago. The first few days I checked the site several times a day. Now it's maybe once a day, if that.

I tend to be that way with all the forums I join. At first I'm there all the time, then I back off. A couple of forums I belong to I haven't been on their site in months.

The reason?

I think it is because I want information and when I get it, I'm done. I know that's not right and it sounds like I am using others and maybe I am. I joined this site because I would love to live a full time life. Will I? Maybe for a year or so, but my wife, although happy to travel wants to be near the grandkids as much as possible. When will I. We are probably a year away or so.

This site has given me a lot of information and I am working on much of it. The fact that I have no experiences to share keeps me from saying too much. I tend to lurk and absorb.

I'm sure there are many reasons why folks disappear. Mine is greed of wanting information and then laziness.   :(
When my best friend of 40 years decided to live in France, he gave me his van. That was 2012 and I found this site. I really enjoyed discussions about 'builds', mechanical issues, and finding ideas to make this life easier. I started living in my van with Mr. Pico in November of 2012. I live in a corridor between Yuma, Arizona and Durango, Colorado for the past four years.
I went to my first RTR three years ago and see and camp with a bunch of friends, including Bob through out the year.
As far as people leaving this forum...I understand why. Most of what I see on the forum is old ideas and very little innovation. I often wonder how many regular posters these days actually live this life. Many thread subjects descend into 'off-subject', uninteresting chatter by a few regulars.
I too have many posts deleted but for good reason...that doesn't bother me...! I read the forums every day with coffee in the morning always looking for new ideas.