I'm still here, eBaying, selling, sorting, everything I own, trying to judge what is worth sending on to my son in CO to pick up when I get to the mainland. I have paid for my flight, for shipping my truck, booked my animals on air cargo, sold my car and trying to finish off this damned last year at work. I have sent in my separation papers and made appointments for retirement, been trying to sort out the healthcare situation which has to change because Kaiser is not a portable plan and will drop me as soon as I'm out of region, (will have BCBS) and jsut basically feeling inundated with all that needs to be done to get out of here and on the road. Now I think I better get an iphone or something set up, (I know I know, I'm a hold out) and get my mail forwarding and a new bank account set up before the pension starts. NOt to mention trying to get the house ready to sell. I leave on June 9. Not much time.
I laugh at peeps who say take this in baby steps. Doesn't work with 2000 miles of ocean between where you are and where you want to be.