Water damage, the good the bad and other upgrades

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Weekend Update.

I got the bedroom door project done today, and what a huge difference it made in opening up the bedroom/bathroom area.
Today I cut out the other side of the door opening. Once that`s done you are left with a hollow wall.

So what I did was take a part the wall pieces that I had cut and removed, and I removed the 1x2 framing and reused it.

In this picture I had just finished cutting the door opening.
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Here you can see the hollow wall, you can`t leave it this way because there would be no way to attach
the wall trim.
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So what I did was take the wall sections that I had cut out and took them a part. I removed the 1x2`s and
reused them to fill in the gap.
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Here I have installed the 1x2`s back in the wall to fill the gap and add support.
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Here are the door opening trim pieces reinstalled. If you look at the carpet, you can see how much I cut the wall back.
It was just a little over eight inches on each side. The door opening is now thirty six inches wide, instead of the original
eighteen inches wide.
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With the door opening now wider the trim piece at the top of the door was now to short.
So what I did was cut it in half and make a filler piece.
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This is the filler piece I made. Now I need to find some stain to match the trim.
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And today while stepping into the rv, the grab handle decided to break.
This grab handle/porch light is no longer made, so I will have to do some
searching to see what I can find to replace it.
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Stove came out great! I'm the same as you when cleaning stuff, I take stuff apart to really give it a thorough cleaning. I've always enjoyed cleaning stuff, even as a kid. My parents never complained.
I have been searching for several hours, and these grab handle lights are not available anywhere in the U.S.
I finally found a company on ebay that sells a newer version of these grab handle lights, and ships world wide.
The company is located in Australia.
I don't have the addy's off the top of my head but there are some RV salvage and NOS dealers in this country. I'll have to do a search later...or you can try.. Indiana for starters
Weekend Update #2.

I got a lot done this weekend. I got the door widening project done, I got the water system upgrades done (except for the hot water heater), and I got the bed platform done.

Here is the water pump next to the water tank, all wires and water lines connected.
bed area 010.JPG

Water tank connections and city water connection with one way check valve.
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The finished bed frame.
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The top of the bed platform is two pieces, which is nice because I can remove the small piece to gain access to the
water pump and hot water heater.
bed area 017.JPG

And now for the best part and what I have been waiting for the most
a mattress.
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Sitting on the bed looking to the front.
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This is the mattress I have for the over cab bed, its a mattress from a hide a bed
its nothing fancy but it fits and should work well up there.
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:) You are really making progress and it all looks nice!

Jewellann and Q
Very high end pro looking work !
Wanna trade rigs???? ;)
rvpopeye said:
Very high end pro looking work !
Wanna trade rigs???? ;)

Thanks for the compliment on the work I`m doing, I am trying to do the best job I can on everything that I`m rebuilding or replacing in the rv.

Do I wanna trade ???, Not right now, I have come to far with this old beast of an rv to quit now. But I will let you know if I change my mind in the future.
I was just kidding.
Mine's in far worse shape than yours was when you started.......
rvpopeye said:
I was just kidding.
Mine's in far worse shape than yours was when you started.......

I know you were kidding.

But I don`t see how yours could have been in worse shape than mine when I got it.
My rv broke down twice on the way home, it leaked from the roof and every window and vent.
Major over cab water damage, split hot water heater tank, leaking water pump, no 12 volt power
in the rv, and what ever else I can`t remember right now.

But the list is slowly getting smaller. All it takes is time and money, and I have very little of both.
OK we'll call it a draw ! ;)
But yours is way better now and mine still leaks no matter how many times I go up to seal it up and of course has wood issues too.

Winter living is not kind to it ! :p
I don`t have any updates this weekend, I over did it last weekend and have been paying for it ever since.
It really sucks to get old, because if you push it to hard everything hurts, for quite a while, and that`s were
I`m at right now.

I did get some items in the mail today, gravity fill water hatch with lock
and a new city water hook up.
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These are the original parts that will be replaced, I think they have seen
better days.
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I also checked the tracking for my new hot water heater, and it should be here either Monday or Tuesday.
So I will be busy next weekend.


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The next thing I need to save money for is new (used) rims and new tires.
My rv has 8.75 - R16.5LT stock tires on it. These tires are outdated, hard to find, and are junk.

These are car tires at best, and never should have been used on an rv.
I am going to go with 16'' rims and 10 - 12 ply tires. Not sure which brand yet,
any suggestions would help.

Stock tires.
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