Vincent, my Van that Goghs... in progress

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hi everyone!&nbsp; I've been lurking here for a while now.&nbsp; The weekend I found this website I read EVERYTHING multiple times and that's when the urge to live on wheels bit me for good.&nbsp; I had just been financially flattened because when I left the big house on the golf course, the husband and my dogs... he hired a lawyer to take me down in the divorce.&nbsp; (So I have no money but I'm still better off without him!)&nbsp; <br><br>So... I worked really hard at saving some money, bought a van, had some work done to it and since then I've been buying equipment (and selling off my stuff) to make the transition to a part time stealth van dweller.&nbsp; And if I like it as much as I suspect I will... I will make the move more permanent.&nbsp; <a target="_blank" href="">This is Vincent.</a><br><br>Vincent is a 1992 3/4 ton Dodge Ram Van who runs like a dream even though he looks kinda crinkly from an encounter with a deer (that happened before I got him.)&nbsp; I got him at a great price and have replaced some stuff here and there, I have still spent less on him than blue book value, so I think I'm doing just fine.<br><br>Here are some <a target="_blank" href="">blog posts from July</a> that chronicle the beginning of the process for me.&nbsp; I was selling off my furniture on craigslist and bought my van.<br><br><a target="_blank" href="">Here are posts from August</a> where I sold off much of the bigger items from my place and then sent Vincent off to the mechanic to get a needed "tune up."&nbsp; <br><br><a target="_blank" href="">In September I</a> payed off my mechanic and started out the RV building project by buying some tools.&nbsp; (I'm starting over with my tool collection.)<br><br>I own/run a business management service that keeps me ultra busy, and I am an artist with work in local galleries, so progress is slow but I keep my eyes on the prize.&nbsp; Plus, I'll be giving my 60 day notice to my landlord November 1st along with my rent check.&nbsp; <br><br>Every step toward my dreams is a good step!&nbsp; I'll be posting more information soon.<br><br>PS... I'm attaching a "before" photo of the inside.<br><br>
When I removed the old carpet that was inside my van, I found some badly rusted spots.&nbsp; My manfriend helped me grind out the worst of it, coat it with some cool stuff and then patch the holes with metal, caulk and pop rivets.&nbsp; Very fun process, though not exactly beautiful.&nbsp; <a target="_blank" href="">Photos on my blog,</a> and I'll see if I can add some photos here also.&nbsp; Strangely, Vincent's body is amazingly free of rust otherwise.&nbsp; That's good news.&nbsp; Progress is good!<br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Carmen,</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I tried to leave a comment on your site, but Blogger won't let me.<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I read all of your blog, and you've come a long way towards your goal.<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Vincent will now be taking on a new&nbsp; role ... a rolling home. What freedom! What independence!</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Keep us up on your progress.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p>
Hi and welcome.<div>Did you have a blog a few years back as a traveling photographer?&nbsp;</div><div>I believe it was Vincint VanGoh, so I was shocked at your log in. If it was you, before, great and awesome if now, great and awesome in a different way <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></div><div>Welcome welcome</div>
Nice blog. Not sure what type of caulk you used, but most auto parts stores carry seam sealer, same as the manufacturer uses.

Look forward to watching you progress.

<span id="post_message_1270868479"><div></div>
<div>Did you have a blog a few years back as a traveling photographer?&nbsp;</div><div>I believe it was Vincint VanGoh, so I was shocked at your log in. If it was you, before, great and awesome if now, great and awesome in a different way <img src="images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0"></div>
No, sorry.&nbsp; That wasn't me.&nbsp; I learned after I got started that calling a van "Vincent Van Gogh" isn't exactly uncommon.&nbsp; Oh well.&nbsp; =)<br><div></div><div><br></div></span>
A big step for me today.&nbsp; With my rent check, I mailed in my 60 day notice.&nbsp; So my time in this apartment is limited.&nbsp; I'll be continuing the process of getting rid of my stuff and moving toward a simpler life.&nbsp; It's a tad overwhelming to be honest, because I still have SO MUCH STUFF.&nbsp; But it's another step in the right direction.<br><br>Feels good.&nbsp; (Scary also, but good.)<br>
<P>If you just want to get rid of stuff, your local St. Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army and GoodWill generally do pick ups, although some charge a little for gas now. I sold what I could (without too much effort) and then called Uncle Vinny to come and get the rest.&nbsp; I'll do the same thing this time around.</P>
Good idea Cyndi....

I'm so overwhelmed with stuff cause I never get rid of it. I have a model 100 which was the first laptop style computer: a 6 line LCD display. Acoustic cups to attach to a phone (old style) and a built-in 300 baud modem.

A museum piece from 1983.
Seph.. not right spelling;<div>look into selling those items or donating to a museum. Some will give you a Tax credit, might help you out.</div><div><br></div><div>Van Gos, keep in mind both Mens and Womens shelters as well, to get rid of stuff.</div>
Wow, you really got down to the bare metal there. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Wish I was that thorough. I just removed the seats and moved right in.<div>Van Gogh will be pretty when it's done. And I can tell you, it is worth it. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></div>
I live in Virginia and I just looked up tinting laws.&nbsp; Apparently I can tint the windows with the darkest stuff available.&nbsp; But what I really want to know is if I can block all the windows in my van.&nbsp; I want to be able to use the ones that will open for ventilation, and I would like to keep the back windows clear when I'm driving.&nbsp; Do you all know of any laws or rules against blocking off windows in a van?&nbsp; I don't want to build a bunch of stuff only to find out that it all must come back out!<br>
<P>You need to read the way the law is worded.<BR><BR>Tinting laws came about for the safety of police officers on traffic stops: Darkened windows permitted offenders to see out and acquire a target, but the officer couldn't see inside to realize their was a danger. Hence, the tinting laws came about.<BR><BR>Other laws to think about are those that block the front and rear windows which are required for normal vision while driving.<BR><BR>Overall, I think you'll find that 'eliminating' windows does not violate the tinting laws, as it provides no advantage to potential threats in the vehicle (other than those extant for the circumstances). Just don't block windows required for normal, safe operation per your state's laws - normally that's front, back and the windows on either side of the driver.<BR></P>Side thought: if your windows 'look' tinted,, you may get pulled over. I have white white plastic covers I made for my windows, and I often leave the side ones up. They're obviously not 'tint'.<br><br><BR><BR>&nbsp;<br>
I made some good progress today.&nbsp; I added one layer of insulation between Vincent's ribs, then moved in an Ikea shelf (only $69) and my Lowe's sink base (that was $69 including the sink because it's a discontinued item.)&nbsp; I started framing out the wheel wells and added a lot more insulation.&nbsp; I'm really enjoying this.&nbsp; My body... isn't.&nbsp; te he!&nbsp; I run businesses from an office, carpentry isn't quite my thing.&nbsp; Crawling in and out of a van isn't quite my thing, either.&nbsp; However, I'm having a GREAT time!&nbsp; If you want to see more photos without having to click on each one,<a target="_blank" href=""><u> check out my blog post about today's work.</u></a> <br>
Just checked your blog. I'm blown away at how much you did today. It looks absolutely fantastic!&nbsp; I tried to comment, but couldn't. I can only reply if it allows Anonymous.<br><br>Incredible job!!&nbsp;<br>
Thank you gp, I don't know what to do about the comment problem on my blog.&nbsp; I will look into that and see if I can find out why it is so picky.<br>Thanks!<br><br>
I've changed the settings on my blog.&nbsp; Anonymous comments welcome.&nbsp; Thanks!<br>
myvangoghs, I just looked at your blog.&nbsp;&nbsp; Vincent is really shaping up!&nbsp; I'm going to enjoy following your progress... and your travels!<br> <br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Thanks for enabling Anonymous ...</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I always include my screen name at the end of my comments to blogs so that you can tell it's me responding.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob (aka stude63)</p>
I have done a lot of research on how to create the electrical system and even after all that, I am baffled.&nbsp; I'm toying with the idea of getting a Honda generator just to keep things simple, but those things are expensive.&nbsp; Stacking up an inverter with some batteries isn't cheap either.&nbsp; I'm finding this aspect a little frustrating at the moment.&nbsp; I know that it would be best if I have this figured out before I go much further so that I can run wires while it's still easy... but I just don't have it sorted out yet.&nbsp; I hate microwaves and would prefer my toaster oven... and maybe a small heater for cold winter nights.&nbsp; I'm just not sure how to do it.&nbsp; Eventually, it will come together without breaking the bank.<br>

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