I've had a few scares. Once while I was getting dressed in the morning I had a couple big thumps. And heard someone walking. I pulled on my pants and jumped out with a hunting knife and
it was just some guy parking his BMW that gave my van the Brooklyn kiss with his bumper.
(in NYC almost all the cars have 'bumper buddies')
Another time I had a mentally ill person follow me and call me 'Richard'. I think he saw me get in my van because he was outside yelling at my van a couple days later.
I was not in a mood for it that day and contemplated yelling at him or kicking his behind.
But I talked myself down. After all, he is a mentally ill guy. He is literally not in control.
As far as deterrents. I guess I grew up in violent places, so I always make sure I have a very bright flashlight and a knife or large blunt object nearby.
I know some folks mentioned guns. I'm not antigun. I own a nice Mauser actually.
I don't think it's good to rely on them for self defense.
First, law on self defense vary. And if you shoot the wrong person you could do real time.
Second, I know several people who had weapons for self defense that were stolen. That alone made me really re-consider how I thought about guns.
You will have to go to a police station and report that the weapon which was regitered to you is no longer in your possession. You certainly wouldn't want to be filing that report
AFTER it's been used in a liquor store robbery!
I've also had guns pointed at me several times.
When you are in the heat of the moment, people often get that shaky adrenaline thing happening.
It is terrifying to be on the other end of that when someone isn't observing proper trigger discipline!
And having been in a few dust ups and what not I know sometimes I get those shakeys, sometimes I remain cool.
So i opt to go with hunting knives, blunt objects and just being a big guy.
At least with a knife I have to really try to kill someone. With a gun you have to really try not to!
Plus a knife has a 1001 uses besides scaring away intruders!
ps. the other thing I do is keep my key fob next to me so I can trigger the alarm if anyone even gets close to the vehicle.
Dont even think it!