Van Security?

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highdesertranger said:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it is illegal to sell used cats in kalifornia unless you can prove you are a licensed muffler shop. you just can't take them to the recycle yard. these people who are stealing them are selling to unscrupulous shops who turn around and sell them as new. highdesertranger
Read the last few lines of my post above you. [emoji106]

But yeah, tweekers suck! [emoji48]
I must apologize mike I read your post but the last line went right though. didn't stop and register. highdesertranger
Instead of bear spray, you can buy a cheap can of Hornet spray. That has a highly directional spray, up to 15-20 feet.

Van Williams
I am sure everybody knows it's illegal to use any of these sprays against people. if you are going to use a spray for your self defense, get the stuff made for use on peope like pepper spray, etc. highdesertranger
(HDR beat me to it) And is a felony to use on a human even in self defense. And is nowhere near as effective as an OC spray...
Has anyone here used pepper/OC/bear spray inside their vehicular domicile? I know even outdoors it can disable the user I would think in a van that has just one door open or a window broken out it might do more harm than good?
There are three types of pepper spray delivery systems used on the ones designed for people - fog, foam, and stream.

Take a quick look at this thread for some pretty good information on this:

I think it is a mistake to rely on the pepper spray designed for bears instead of one designed for people.  It only comes in fog.

Scroll down to the picture at the bottom of it and ask yourself if you really want to try to deploy THAT cloud inside a van?

akrvbob said:
The way I figure it is bear spray for outside the van, .357 for inside.

I hope one never has occasion to discharge a firearm, any firearm but particularly a large caliber one, in a closed space such as a van without ear protection of some kind.

I see so much braggadocio, particularly online,  about self-defense and home protection with seeming little consideration for the consequences, the thought of mortally injuring someone, the consequent legal ramifications or the possibility of seriously injuring oneself.

It has been over 20 years now, younger and more stupid then, I had a kid from the wrong side of the tracks enter my garage in the night and I surprised him. He was looking for whatever of value and panicked he made a faint with a long handle, spade point shovel. I discharged one round from a 9mm, a warning shot, and he fled out the window he came in. Good thing. I was debilitated, head shock, being close to the wall on the ejector side, immediate 100% hearing loss in my left ear. After a day it was 80% loss. After 20 years it's still 50% loss and I now wear a hearing aid.

Given the chance to do it again (noise cancelling ear muffs at the ready aside) I would choose another plan of action.
Silencers are nice. Pay a $200.00 federal tax and they're legal to own and use in Oregon.
66788 said:
Silencers are nice.  Pay a $200.00 federal tax and they're legal to own and use in Oregon.

And have it installed on the inexpensive Russian Nagant revolver, and you have a truly suppressed legal firearm.  My 7.62X38R handloads are right at 1,000FPS, subsonic but with some authority.  Enough for basic self-defense.  And won't blow your hearing.
A specialized system though.  Keeping some earplugs or "mouse ears" handy in your van is far simpler and cheaper.
While suppressors are legal (If properly Federally Licensed) in about 40 states, there are 10 states where simple possession of them will get you jail time. 

You can legally transport a handgun through a state that doesn't recognize your CCW by just unloading it and locking it up while transiting that state, the same is NOT true of a suppressor.

Just something for a travelin' man to keep in mind.

There are several handguns that are legal in Oregon that are felonies in California. One must know the law to avoid problems associated with exercising one's second amendment rights.
66788 said:
There are several handguns that are legal in Oregon that are felonies in California.   One must know the law to avoid problems associated with exercising one's second amendment rights.

Yes, but in theory you could legally drive through CA with one of them (unloaded and locked up) if you were going from OR to AZ, provided the handgun was legal in AZ too.  There is a Federal law that guarantees that.  My point was that there is no such protection for a suppressor that is legal in OR and AZ.

We're back on guns and I think it's my fault--sorry about that. We have other threads going about guns so let's stick to other methods of van security.

What other methods do you use? I know a woman who carries men size 13 work boots and leaves them outside the van.

Anyone have a recording of a dog barking?
When I had the Class A parked in a W/M parking lot I used to make sure that all the drapes were closed and the tv on before I left to do errands. When I returned I'd open the door and holler quite loudly something like 'Hi honey, I'm home, come help with the groceries'.  I'd do the same thing but different message when parked in a rest area for the night.

It was my attempt to make anyone nearby think that I wasn't alone.

I read one blog (CRS kicking in here) where when boondocking,  a note was left on the door for supposedly expected visitors that said 'Hi XXXX, I've gone for a walk, John should be back shortly, we're excited to have you visit' - it made it look like several people were expected momentarily from several directions.

Because I avoid big city areas like the plague I don't worry excessively about security. I just make sure that nothing of value is left in plain sight and that I pay attention to my surroundings.
I was sleeping in my old van behind a buissness in a Industrial area , about 3 in the morning
I was sound asleep when all of the sudden i heard something extremely loud slam into my
van and shake it violently , at the time i had no clue what just happend so i got in the drivers seat and started to drive somewhere else and then i seen a guy walking away and i remembered that i was parked next to a humongous dumpster that was about 2.5 times taller then my van , the guy must have been going thru the dumpter and when he got done jumped off the dumpster and landed on my vans metal roof , BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for security i dont worry about it when I'm sleeping because if the doors are locked there
aint no way there getting in without making noise (waking me up).
When i wake up i just make some VERY LOUD noise to let them know theres 
somebody inside to scare them away , my thinking is the majority are going to 
run off and not come back , if they aint leaving i would already have in hand a can of wasp spray , If for example they already broke out a window and they know someones in there and there not leaving I take it as there willing to cross that line to get up in my face  , pSSSSSSSS ,,,He should've run.
Just recently someone broke into a couple of elderly peoples house , a 71 year old women 
was extremely violently attacked and murdered down stairs while her sister upstairs listened to it all , the craziest thing about it all is that this is more common then you would think that older people are the targets .
I was looking at the cold cases in my area and i could'nt beleive how many elders were attacked in there homes , Its like criminals see you as a easy target.
If older people are aware of this they could easily protect themselves with 
such things as bear spray , wasp spray etc 
I think most elders would be hopeless in such a situation and have no idea that its possible to 
protect themselves.
But still relevant. Kelly Doyle posted recently about being asleep in her RV in a friend’s driveway in Marin County , CA (wealthy, beautiful, quiet place) only to wake up (topless) with some guy sitting in her driver’s seat. She keeps the doors locked so she didn’t know how he got in. She’s a good sized woman and without thinking she started punching him. She was very lucky he panicked and fled. Where I live cars are broken into on a daily basis according to my Ring Video alerts.
So it’s one of those topics like poop that I think will be endlessly discussed.....