Uhaul Super Stealth-Box

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Guess again Patrick. But you got to get over here and check this rig out in person already. Ask Kyle where I live if you don't already know. I'm pretty much always working on it.

Okie dokie. Update!
So I've been here working on this much, much longer than I originally expected. It's undoubtedly the biggest project of my life now. Not upset in the least bit though. It's been fun as well as frustrating and the results are satisfying.
The biggest project within the project so far was the insulation. I can't express what a complete challenge it was. I could go on and on about it, but I'm sure plenty of you already know what it's like having to push through a project your waste deep in... But it's done!! All the panel is up, and the real fun stuff is getting built now.
I pretty much moved in a couple weeks ago, and since then the rain's picked back up here on the oregon coast so it's slowed some things down... That and other things I get myself wrapped in... And making more cash seeing my funds are about spent.
The rain sounds soooooo nice on the metal roof. It's therapeutic even. I sleep so good in here...........

A bunch of pictures:







We'll see how long that foil holds.


Inside the roll door cubby.









Adorable! I love the slanted 'wall' -- is that to be a backrest for a day couch or something? Much more comfy than straight up and down!

Yes sassypickens. This is what I got going on for the couch as of now. Had to cut apart my old bed for it.

I tried using my styrofoam cutter for the back funky shaped piece on the actual wall,... I wanted to create a little slant on there too so it wasn't too upright. it kinda worked. That type of foam doesn't behave like styrofoam, and would kinda melt back together after being pushed through the hot wire. Some of it came off clean, but not where it looks all messy. I'll smooth it out and put some sort of padding over before sewing a cover to fit.
But the overall shape is great. It fits 3 comfortably. And the guitars don't impede your sitting much at all.


The latter just turns into a book shelf. I have a few ideas on how to secure the books but am open to suggestions too. There's probably going to be panel as a backing.


And the really slanted spot makes a wonderful lounge spot. Great for reading... In fact I'm enjoying it right now! As you can tell in my last post it is on hinges, so if I take off the cushion there's access to that back bottom area. A real good amount of storage space.

Not the prettiest thing yet. There's more decision making to do and hours to spend after that. I am trying to remain practical, cheap and cosmetically pleasing. I find myself a little more stressed on decisions at this point in the project. Everything is going to make a more substantial difference. But it's an awesome feeling seeing ideas become real. I just hope the flaws don't stare at me later on.

stan wood said:
I saw a conversion u-haul like this and the guy had 6 inch pvc pipe shaped like a horse shoe for water supply mounted to the roof. The pipe also blocked the solar panels and vent views.

That's a good idea. Was it black PVC to soak up the heat for hot water maybe??

Paint it back up to look like an in service U-Haul, and it should become darn near invisible. Park at any old U-Haul lot hehehe.

There's so many of them, even on the street if you didn't stay too long, you'd probably be okay.


The CamperVan_Man
Looking back through your pictures, I am slobbering with envy over your insulation. It must be the best score of all time and your install rivals the Great Pyramid ha ha.

Flaws, schmaws, who wants to be perfect?

More pics purty please!

Yeah Caleb...

Kyle tells me that you've gotten alot more done on this...so we need update pictures!! :D

Great so far!!
From what I can see, this is going to be a really neat build.
Nice setup!

I joined this forum for this kind of home made build.

Keep us updated!
camadeva said:
I'll throw up some more pictures soon!
Good. I have a box truck myself, and I'm always looking for ideas.
Sorry fellas. Left town for a little while... And no, not in the box. sure am glad to be back going on this thing though.
Now it's time to take some pictures.
This is what the kitchenette looks like right now.

The countertop will will also work as a cutting board. I wood glued too planks together, cut it to size and then tried too hard to make it black while being food safe. Pretty much let a bunch of food color soak in and then steamed and torched it before putting on some coats of butcher block oil. The left edge is cut fit to the lip of the stove top and the right to the door frame. A minor miscalculation in design so i just made the whole thing at an angle. I like it a lot. But now i'm looking into buying a new propane oven. Sooooo... I don't know, we'll see.

Just piped in the sink yesterday. Using an old boat motor fuel line squeeze bulb as a foot pump.
So from clean to grey water it goes:
-Top bucket (clean water)
-Skinny Hose
-Fuel line primer bulb
-skinny hose
-thick hose
-bottom bucket (grey water)

-and I stuck a hose valve/splitter that will lead two hoses through drilled holes in the floor. One release will just drain and the other will be to a slow drip system. I like to use biodegradable soaps and don't see much of a problem inconspicuously dripping it on the ground, but if i think it's a problem then I can shut the valve off and release it into something else.

Literally working out some kinks, but it works great! I need a different attachment for the faucet, so for now the hose is just tied to the side, but soon it will be going through. Will also switch to square buckets to save on room next time I come across something the right size. Like the Tidy Cats litter buckets.

It's so nice to brush my teeth in here now!
and this is the desk. It's made of some more random hardwood floor. The four squares under the window come up and under is a tracing board for crafts and such. Still need to install some lights under though

And I scored a Mr. Buddy heater from the thrift store :)
I like your idea of using a foot pump for water flow. BRILLIANT!
I also see your Mr Buddy Heater below the counter. That is what I have and intend to use for heat too. ;)
That, and I was contemplating getting a small propane 2 burner range top with oven as can be seen here.
Range top with oven