Uhaul Super Stealth-Box

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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2013
Reaction score
Oregon's Beautiful Coast
A couple weeks ago I put in a real low bid (as much as I could afford, none the less) at my local Salvation Army for this 1990 Ford F350 Diesel Uhaul. I was surprised when they called to tell me they accepted my offer. At this point I hadn't heard it run for the started was busted, so I was skeptical, but after talking to the guy who's been driving it for the past 12 years I felt comfortable enough to locate a compatible starter at the junkyard and switched it out to for a test drive. Despite it's looks it runs and sounds great. Salvo's apparently only drove it about once a week for dump runs, so needless to say the box was pretty grody, but nothing bleach and a scrub brush couldn't handle.
So here she is, my new future home! It may be a too soon to say, but I think I'm in love.

I'm going for a complete stealthmobile.
Progress updates to come...
Very nice score! But complete stealth? Why even try...be honest and friendly and you rarely need stealth to travel about and have too much fun.

And if you ever want to sell it...I want dibs *smile*.
Forget stealth......
some leveling jacks, satellite dish, hydraulic deck off the back, swimming pool, pool table some neon lights.....man ive been in town too long.

all kiding aside....great job....look forward to our crossing paths someday.
Hey Patrick, You ever wanted to do your own "state scene" on the side of a U-Haul ? Here's your chance, Wouldn't that be part of "U-Haul Super Stealth"? Just kiddin', Would be cool though. Caleb, That's a great start to a comfortable highway cruiser, keep us updated on your build, Duane
What an awesome blank canvas! I'd totally build a bunk up in "Mom's attic" with a sunroof above it for nighttime stargazing, and then you'd be left with tons of room for a couch, kitchen, shower easily. Screw stealth, build yourself an awesome house on wheels with a front door like this:
I didn't mean it so much as 'Super Stealth', more so a stealthy 'Super-Van'. I'm not exactly sure what this box van living is going to be like yet, all I know is what I've heard and read and come up with in my head. Stealth is attractive to me because I get that separation anxiety, and a rig of this size will allow me to bring my more treasured possessions. Mainly instruments, they're not worth anything really, but I don't want any potential thieves to see the things I have. And without side windows I can lock this thing tight while I'm away. Also cops, of course. I don't anticipate having the expendable cash often for an rv spot and if I decide to post up in a town for a while I just want to blend in.
I don't know, those are just fears and my imagination going, but I like to be precautions as well as daring. I'm sure it will be a while before running into those type of problems.

State Scene??

And thanks Papas. That would be pretty rad to run into so people from this forum.

And bpeck, I'm way ahead of you! Some pictures of what I've done so far are coming up...

And bpeck, I'm way ahead of ya!
This was a score my dad got extra with his boat a long time ago and he still had it.. It's an escape hatch so I have roof access.

It's above where my head will be.

I'm down for the sun roof and vents, but not doing any outside windows really.
Here's the progress I got so far...

I'm framing it out. I'm building essentially a cube from the wheel wells, back to a few feet from the roll-up door (for a back wall/door/window) and under the door slider rail. The few feet from the roll up door is to have a little mud room/bike spot. But I couldn't think of a better way to keep the air separated and insulated from there than to frame out a ceiling under the slider rail. The wheel wells were just getting in the way of plans.


Scored that pocket door on Craigslist free section.

My neighbor is scrapping an old trailer and told me I can take whatever I want from it. Good timing. Got the stove and some other things, will probably be going back for more.
State scene, The pictures that U-Haul put on the sides of their trucks, scenes from a particular state with the state name included. It would make your truck look like all the other u-haul trucks, stealth angle, just another family on their way to a new home. Duane
I would be careful using "U-Haul" as a cover. You would be setting yourself up to be sued (make an example of the poor schmuck without the money needed to fight back). On the other hand "Camadeva Moving Services" with a blue or green colour scheme and maybe some murals (think line drawing like colouring book) of mountains, beaches, etc. Be aware that theives like to use moving vans to clean out houses. That is what was used in two neigbourhoods I know of. My cousins had lots of neighbours move in/out without warning. So noone looked twice when a moving van backed up to a house and emptied it. So you may get more attention than you think. Buy a cheap tracphone and put the phone number on the side of the truck. It will give folks a number to call if they see someone messing with the truck, and "contact" for the cops to call and you may pick up some work. To validate your "moving company", go to uship.com and pick up a little job or two at which point you can legitimitely say.... I get my shipping jobs off of uship.com
CR....I wouldn't be too worried about being sued from a huge corporation over looking too much like them. It wouldn't be worth the time and energy for them to do so.

However, I could see them sending out a Cease & Desist Order on someone. I made a sign for a bar many years ago with the Grumpy charactor on it from Snow White. They got a "Take that Sign Down" letter from Disney...but that waz all.

But it would be easy enough to make up some sort of faux sign to stick on the truck for added camoflage/stealth. (...he even knows someone who owns a sign company too!!) :D
Progress looks good so far.
The chair is good...a place to contemplate that next move.
Won't be long and you'll spending the night in it, awake, thinking of cool stuff to add
It's been so cold working in that thing. I had to set up inside too because of the rain. It's hard to maneuver and keep organized. Trying to push through to the insulation progress but I learned glue adhesives don't work too well when everything's cold and damp... A hair dryers helped some. Not to sound like I'm complaining. It's been so much fun making progress. Today's just been a tough one.
For insulation I am using these foam blocks from some old boat docks. My dad built a floating fish market/restaurant here in Coos Bay (Fishermen's Seafood Market! Gotta give him a shout out) give him a shout out!.


...but he has a huge pile of those leftover foam from that project. I kinda built a hot wire foam cutter to slice them the right width. Who knows how much time they've spent under water though. They're kinda funky shaped, and can hold a little bit of moisture around the side edges, and also have a bit of sea stuff on them here and there, but are plentiful and free. I'd post some pictures of the hot wire foam cutter but it's pretty jimmy-rigged and is not too impressive, bit it works. If you haven't heard of one you can look up legit ways to make them. It's a great way to cut styrofoam easily with less mess.
You got to work with what you got. That's my motto...
Could that be the same place we ate lunch in Coos Bay?? If so, the fried fish was waaay good.We stayed at the Mill dry lot and the casino shuttle took us several places in the few days we were there last spring.
Coos bay has quite a logging and fishing history. Had a good time there.
I can already see that your rig is gonna be one to drool over! Great score on the truck :D
Oh yeah, those state scenes are awesome. I think mine had a zebra on it. I'll keep it simple for now. The business logo idea would be cool to do. It would give the van some spunk on the outside, and still be pretty inconspicuous. We'll see though. I'm trying to split town in a jiffy. Everything I do extra is inevitably more time and money.

bindi&us said:
Could that be the same place we ate lunch in Coos Bay?? If so, the fried fish was waaay good.We stayed at the Mill dry lot and the casino shuttle took us several places in the few days we were there last spring.
Coos bay has quite a logging and fishing history. Had a good time there.

If it was floating on the Downtown boardwalk you betcha. Oh yeah, I heard The Mill lets you stay there two weeks for free, and then if you leave 24 hours they let you stay for another 2 weeks. True you think?