Txjbird & Queenie on a Safari in a Safari

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:D  Hey youse guys...I just posted a thread on the ELEC/BATTERY/SOLAR/etc thread.  I may have found out how to get the wiring schematic for the Safari.  Was also told the conversion did not alter orig.  GMC wiring systems.  Bunches more info re; conversions/parts....2 sources.

Gotta go eat I'm crashing....looooong day.

rvpopeye said:
Sounds discouraging , keep your eye on the prize though.
I wish I was able to look at it , wires are my life.
Queenie told me not to speak to you anymore   :p   You ignored her post about the Captain/Pirate sign.

However I explained to her you just overlooked it and that you're good with electric stuff and "WIRES ARE YOUR LIFE".  She wants me to ask you "just exactly how far are you from Ft Rucker Al anyways"  I gotta keep a closer eye on her.   :rolleyes: :D 

jimindenver said:
If it's the club I am thinking of...NOT A CHANCE LADY! Keep dreaming. :p

Listen you two, I've been thinking  {stop groaning and laughing would ya}  I think besides just a "Thank You" for posts we might need to add some more like "Good One"  or " No Way Jose" or "Don't let that door hit ya}  Maybe we could do a poll?  Whoops...I almost spelled it pole, BradK would start talkin' 'bout dancing again..he's been awful quite?      Jewellann

Cammalu said:
Forget it Jewellann.  With that post, you've just firmly planted yourself in the club so deep you couldn't shovel yourself out with a bulldozer.


Queen said:
Dang, Jewellann, that has got to be about as annoying a thing I can think of. It makes cars seem more like magic to me that ever before, if a trained mechanic can't find stuff and fix it, what the hell!

Funny you said magic.....that's exactly what I tell my Grandkids when I can't come up with a explanation for whatever they've asked me no matter the subject........" It must be magic"  I got busted one time.  I was told   "Granma you're just crazy"  I wear that crown proudly.  Their other G-ma is "soooo Boring' so I've been told.  I'll do crazy over boring any day of the week and twice on Sunday.     Jewellann
Tell Q I did miss that sign ,but saw it this time .
I always act like a pirate ,partying or otherwise.
It's way more fun that way.

Not sure how far that is but I'm 1300 miles from Nashville. Then hang a left , right? Wait , whaaaat?

Just tell 'em you're not crazy or boring .
Cuz You Ain't Right
I think that's a good idea Jewellann

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Cammalu said:
I think that's a good idea Jewellann

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

:huh: I'm almost afraid to ask..........which/what idea  :-/

Txjaybird said:
Listen you two, I've been thinking  {stop groaning and laughing would ya}  I think besides just a "Thank You" for posts we might need to add some more like "Good One"  or " No Way Jose" or "Don't let that door hit ya}  Maybe we could do

This one Jewellann
Lon now has a printed schematic of the Safari's original electrical system.  It's back to the shop next week.  Hopefully I start moving forward to actually going somewhere.  I know I'm not the only one {please tell me I'm not} that has so much to do and other people needing my time and energy that I just want to slip away down the road in the middle of the night.  I know I can't.......really wouldn't,  however it's a thought ain't it?

Jewellann and Q
:) Sunday I went to Sadie's Flea Mkt in Dothan AL.  Picked up home grown tomatos and some 2in and 4in spring clips @ Jims Place a inside store like a big $1 and up store.  My main reason for going was to speak to some vendors about all the things I need to sell.  A older gentleman and his wife do mainly glassware, both vintage and every day items.  I will take somethings to show them, maybe sell or trade.   I talked to a lady out in the open field area as she was putting things away.  A recent big storm had taken out her shelter and about 50% of her stuff.  I have her info and will call her soon so she can meet me at my storage units.  She has a barn and just lives over the line in FL.  We talked as she was packing up and I was pokin' around in things.  She and I have a lot in common...it was really funny almost like we were finishing a old conversation.

I pulled my stuff from the indoor flea mkt.  I may have already posted about this.  To be honest I'm just to tired to go back and look.  Anyhoo I didn't make the $100 I spent to rent the space and due to rain and other things going on, or not going on.....like repairs and tires etc. I was not able to clear even one storage unit...close but no cigar.  Maybe by next week????  As soon as I empty one the remaining part of the months unused rent will credit on another unit next month.

Then there is the "pending July apt. inspection.  So I have to make sure I'm compliant on HUD standards. 

 I just can't stretch myself thin enough to cover emptying storage units, downsizing and keeping the apt.neat at the same time, sitting with out transportation or going to the shop, family obligations,  DRs appts. and Q needs a "beach cut" she's shedding like she's tied inside a wind machine.

I did pick up the inverter generator from Home Depot.  Now on really warm days I can run a fan in the storage unit.  Also Q can be in a little fence at the Aliner in the shade and go in and out with her own little fan.  She Likes IT.  When we walk to the TT from the units I tell her "Let's go home.  Find the house".  I want her to know that Home and House = Aliner and Safety.  I've driven so many pick ups that I call everything a truck.  She pretty much knows the Safari and has a set of steps she can use to go in and out of the side doors.  She's also protective of the TT or van if strangers get to close.

Does a Wild Van Dweller Poo in the Woods  :D


Besides writing "Just Ain't Right" I'm thinking of adding "We Ain't Here and You Didn't See Us"...Stealth Schemelth  :dodgy:
Great post TJB !
I know you're getting to the frazzle point . Hold on and remember lots of folks are in a worse situation , right?

The new contacts at the flea mkt. sound promising though!
Hoping for that to work out for you.
Same for the Safari. Soon on both fer sure...
(Everything I own becomes a "truck" too !)

The apt. inspection is getting to be a recurring nightmare huh? So , what is the situation if you don't pass?

Yes a wild vandweller would doo that.

Besides writing "Just Ain't Right" I'm thinking of adding "We Ain't Here and You Didn't See Us"...Stealth Schemelth Dodgy

I love that ! The ol' Jedi mind trick sticker....
Would probably have to be 2 bumper stickers though.
rvpopeye said:
Great post TJB 

The apt. inspection is getting to be a recurring nightmare huh?      So , what is the situation if you don't pass?
 IF IT doesn't pass I'm given an unknown # of days to try again.  I suppose eventually an eviction order would be served if I don't get it up to par.   I have a new family situation that is encroaching on my time and energy.  I'm already to the breaking point as it is.


Besides writing "Just Ain't Right" I'm thinking of adding "We Ain't Here and You Didn't See Us"...Stealth Schemelth  Dodgy

I love that ! The ol' Jedi mind trick sticker....
Would probably have to be 2 bumper stickers though.

I'm thinking of paint around the bottom edge of the hightop :D
:huh:  Off to the war           Jewellann
Thurs. 8am Safari has a date with Lon......who was out sick today.

Friday 7am Aliner to tire store.  No Lights hooked up yet.  1 mile to tire store and only 1 red light.  I'll chance it.   :( I AM TIRED OF WAITING for SO MANY THINGS TO START FALLING IN PLACE.

I am plum' worn out. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry apartment inspector , I am dealing with a family issue right now . Can we do this in August instead? :p

Hope all goes well with the appointments for the rig(s).
:blush:  Ya'll ain't gonna believe this  S............!

TJB    gotta eat..... i'll be bach
:) On Thurs.......The van got to Lon a little late as I had to scare up a ride home.
I now have a right turn signal and emerg. flashers with night running headlights on....barely.  More parts ordered and it goes back Tues.  I don't want to put the wrong thing here for the problem in the wiring.  If I heard correctly over 5pm traffic on Main street and a big  AC compressor kicking in stuck between 2 buildings  [one of them metal}.........It's a short in a wiring cluster?.... and a "clutch"?..... also needs another new "wiring module"?

Anyways Lon will give me  a copy of the schematic and the website info when I take it back next week.  I'll be sure and find out EXACTLY what he had to replace.  Things have seemed tense there for the last 2 times the van went in.  It's a busy small shop, Lon is the shop manager, there is another mechanic, and the guy who I think is the shop owner.  I don't think any of us thought this would be a months long situation.....I didn't for sure.  I haven't expected them to spend a whole day at a time working on my van and turning other cash customers away.  It's just been time consuming, with the wiring especially.  Lon and I are good....I asked him something about the situation and he said "I gotcha covered".  My Sis sez "yeah but what if it's you or his job?"   Well I've been a good cash paying customer there for over 3 years and I hope it wouldn't come to that. 

Txjaybird said:
:blush:  Ya'll ain't gonna believe this   :-/ :huh: :s :mad:

I have had several T.T.s   I know how to hook one up to tow.  I am a little rusty  :rolleyes:  There have been new folks in the past who have mentioned here that they have never towed any type of trailer.  I thought maybe this would help

1   Get your hitch on your tow vehicle lined up straight with the trailer tongue.  This can be hard to do. Sometimes when you get tired of getting in and out and driving backwards and forwards and you are pretty close just go back really  ez and when the trailer tongue hits the back of your tow vehicle  STOP!

2   If you forgot to put your new draw bar and ball in your receiver pull forward { Hey the damn thang ain't lined up anyways}  Now put your bits and pieces together and stick them in the receiver.  Don't fergit the hitch pin and cotter key.

3a    If you don't have tools to tighten the ball shaft's locking washer and nut that's O.K.
        After #3B  go to #4
3b     If you lost the key to your trailer tongue lock get the nice guy at the storage office to cut it off.

4     Go ahead and use the same bar and ball you used when your tow vehicle was a 4x4 truck raised in      the back.  Even if you call your new rig SQUATTY and think you might need a rear end steel skid plate to keep from knocking the ass end of it off even when you're not towing anything

5    If you're only going about a mile or so it's O.K. to not have any lights hooked up on the trailer.

When you get to the tire shop you can smile like this  :D while you watch the first 2 bozos who can't drop the trailer call another guy over while you stand there like this  :D  thinkin' Ha! HA! I hooked that damn thing up all by myself  :D

If there are any questions about this procedure...Just Ask....Someone sooner or later will answer...her name is Queenie

Looks like you might see some daylight out of that long dark tunnel.  Good for you. ;) 


:) On the bright side 3 x 6 ply tires on Aliner =$177.  out the dor.  Bearings in great shape!

Shop doors closed when  I got there.  Office open to take my $$$ & give receiet.

I swapped out old/Ranger drop bar/ball for new high ride bar/ball, hooked up and backed out of open bay, turned around and AWAY I WENT...Yippeeeee.  For 1 mile.......backed into my storage space and that only took circling the big building twice and about 20min. :D


Queenie has a new haircut and now WE take a flea bath....the battle lines have been drawn :D

