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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2014
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
Last night and all day yesterday we in the PNW had torrential rain! I am stealthing in a large city where I can see many drenched homeless folks out and about. I sent a prayer of gratitude to GOMU (God Of My Understanding) for my raintight van and my loyal Dog.
I am so grateful I have the means to be covered and warm in my cozy home on wheels.

I am looking forward to the time when I can mosey on south to the desert and escape this rain but while I am here, I am so grateful for Joan! (My Gigantic Van)

Can I get an AMEN?
Amen! After years of camping as a kid and enduring wet sleeping bags and shivering while huddling under a tarp, the dry coziness of the first van that Tony and I had was a great pleasure. Being able to make something hot to drink is a close second. :)
I too am grateful. Although my van is an older 1995 model conversion van, it's warm, comfy and watertight. I once laughed at the tent campers at a paid campsite cuz they were scrambling in the morning rain trying to finish breakfast quickly to pack up and leave in a hurry. All the while, I was leisurely eating my breakfast inside my warm and dry van. That was my first experience at how much I appreciated having a van for vehicle camping.
I'll give that a shout out!

Just having a little home I love and knowing I'll never be homeless is priceless.
I agree it's awesome having a van. I see these poor bastards sleeping on the corner sidewalk in obvious suffering (this is with nice weather) and know I'm lucky to at least have what I do. I've also talked with other homeless in the area and it's no surprise when they profess how nice it would be to have a van themselves. Anytime someone feels bad about their situation of not having a brick & mortar place to live they need to understand how good they have it compared to some.

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster I have what I do. Through his divine wisdom and generosity I can stay dry. By his good graces my transmission will continue to not fail completely and let me get to the gym for regular showers.
Yup, I see and chat with a lot of homeless people in Oregon. They do get a bit jealous if they discover I'm living in a van. I've had at least 5 homeless women ask to move in with me. I've considered each time but just don't trust enough. BTW I love the sound of rain on my van.
I love rain on my roof too! I am into my second month of vandwelling now. I moved out of the country and into the city. I was quite worried about finding places to park but so far I have had great luck!
I see quite a few other vans that seem to be lived in as well. I wish "WE" had a universal type of calling card with which to introduce ourselves.
Thank you all for responding and letting me know you're out there!
I let some homeless traveling kids stay in my minivan during a rainstorm (i part timed in it at the time). I'm not sure if i could do the same now that im fulltiming in my fullsize. Everything i own is in there, and it is a pretty big risk, id have to think pretty hard on this one and the circumstances.

I like a gentle ran on my van, but a hard storm gets pretty loud and annoying.
I would give a homeless person food or money, even dry socks. I would think hard then think again before I let a stranger stay in my home. Like you, I have all my possessions in here, as well as my beloved Dog, Angus. That being said, I would open my vanhome to a teeming pack of wet stray dogs. I cannot stand to see a dog suffer!

Today I was treated to a windstorm with my rain! I am learning how to sleep better every day. I have also discovered free wifi at medical centers!
Amen! I am also grateful for my home on wheels. Although I am not fulltiming yet, I truly enjoy going on road trips and living out of a vehicle. I was homeless 25 years ago and will never forget it. Thank you, Lord, for saving me from that and for what I have today!

Love my van and my dog buddy, Bela!

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